The Crane Bag Book of Studies, 2 vols. (1982-85)
The Crane Bag Book of Studies [Vol. I, 1977-81] (Dublin: Blackwater Press 1982) |
No. 1 |
No. 2 |
No. 3 |
No. 4 |
No. 5 |
No. 6 |
No. 7 |
No. 8 |
No. 9 |
1, 1 (1977) |
1, 2 (1977) |
2, 1 & 2 (1978) |
3, 1 (1979) |
3, 2 (1979) |
4, 1, (1980) |
4, 2 (1980) |
5, 1 (1981) |
5, 2 (1981) |
Art & Politics |
A Sense of Nation |
Mythology |
Idea of Tradition |
Anglo-Irish Perspectives |
Images of the Irish Woman |
Northern Issue |
Minorities in Ireland/Church & State Debate |
Language & Culture
| The Crane Bag Book of Studies [Vol. 2, 1982-85] (Dublin: Blackwater Press 1985) |
No. 9 |
No. 10 |
No. 11 |
No. 12 |
No. 13 |
No. 14 |
No. 15 |
No. 16 |
| | James Joyce & the Arts in Ireland |
Latin-American Issue |
Socialism & Culture |
Forum Issue: Education, Religion, Arts, Psychology |
Ireland: Dependance & Independance |
Media & Popular Culture |
Contemporary Cultural Debate |
Final Issue: Irish Ideologies |
ART AND POLITICS, VOL. 1 No. 1 (1977) CONTENTS: Richard Kearney [Beyond Art and Politics, 13]; Robin Walker [A Sense of Place, 22]; Cyril Farrell [A Sense of Image, 34]; Bruce Merry [A Sense of Humour, 42]; Peter Mew [A Marxist View of Art and Politics, 50]; Mark Patrick Hederman [The Playboy versus the Western World, 59]; Seamus Deane [Interview with Seamus Heaney, 66]; Peter Sheridan [The Theatre and Politics, 73]; Francis Stuart [Literature and Politics, 77]; Richard Kearney [Interview with Herbert Marcuse, 81]; Benedict Tutty [Endpiece, 90].
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A SENSE OF NATION, VOL. I No. 2 (1977) CONTENTS: Editorial [91]; Conor Cruise OBrien [Nationalism and the Reconquest of Ireland, 95]; Deirdre Bair ["No-mans-land, Hellespont or Vacuum": Samuel Becketts Irishness, 101]; Mark Patrick Hederman [Interview with Seamus Twomey, 107]; Monk Gibbon [Am I Irish?, 113]; Mark Patrick Hederman [Far-off, most secret and inviolate Rose., 115]; Liam de Paor [Colour Schemes, 120]; John MacNamara [The Irish Language and Nationalism, 124]; Garrett Barden [Centre, 129]; Dorothy Walker [Indigenous Culture and Irish Art, 131]; John Hill [An Archtype of the Irish Soul, I, 136]; Seamus Deane [Yeatss Ireland and Revolution, 139]; Sean Lucy [A Stronger, Sadder Voice, 148]; Louis le Brocquy [A Painters Notes on Ambivalence, 151].
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MYTHOLOGY, VOL. 2, Nos. 1 & 2 (1978) CONTENTS: Louis le Brocquy [Study Towards an Image of James Joyce, 154]; Editorial [155]; Study Louis le Brocquy [Towards an Image of James Joyce, 158]; John Montague [Jawseyes, 159]; Vivian Mercier [James Joyce as Medieval Artist, 161]; Joseph S. OLeary [Joyce and the Myth of the Fall, 168]; Bernard Benstock [A Setdown Secular Phoenish: The Finn of Finnegans Wake, 172]; Mark Patrick Hederman [The Dead Revisited, 178]; John Jordan [Amor Fati Sive Contemptus Mundi?, 187]; Bruce Stewart [Adamology, 193]; Proinsias MacCana [Notes on the Early Irish Concept of Unity, 205]; Tomas OCathasaigh [Between God and Man: The Hero of Irish Tradition, 220]; Clemence Ramnoux [The Finn Cycle: The Symbols of a Celtic Legend, 228]; Brendan Purcell [Newgrange: Between Sun and Stone, 237]; Dermot Moran [Wandering from the Path: Navigatio in the Philosophy of John Scottus Eriugena, 244]; Archbishop Simms [Between the Lines in the Book of Kells, 251]; John Hill [Archtype of the Irish Soul II, 253]; Richard Kearney [Interview with Paul Ricoeur, 260]; Barré Fitzpatrick [Interview with Noam Chomsky, 267]; Richard Kearney [Myth and Terror, 273]; Garrett Barden [Image, 288]; Peter Crisp [The Existentialist and the Tramp, 290]; Ronan Sheehan [Interview with Sean McBride, 296]; John A. Murphy [Further Reflections on Irish Nationalism, 304]; Augustine Martin [What Stalked through the Post Office?, 312]; Mairtín Ó Murchu [Whorf and Irish Language Politics, 326]; Language and Nationalism, David Greene [331]; Louis le Brocquy [Study Towards an Image of James Joyce, 336].
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IDEA OF TRADITION, VOL. 3 No. 1 (1979) [Special Editor: Seamus Deane] CONTENTS: Charles Harper [Excitizens I, 338]; Seamus Deane [Editorial, 339]; Declan Kiberd [Writers in Quarantine? The Case of Irish Studies, 341]; Liam de Paor [Irelands Identities, 354]; W. J. McCormack [Yeats and a New Tradition, 362]; Seamus Deane [An Example of Tradition, 373]; Carl Aidan Matthews [Modern Irish Poetry: A Question of Covenants, 380]; Richard Kearney [A Crisis of Imagination, 390]; Mark Patrick Hederman [A Hidden Tradition, 403]; Ronan Sheehan [Novelists on the Novel: Interview with John Banville & Francis Stuart, 408]; Joseph Stephen OLeary [The Riddle of Sacrifice, 417]; Denis ODriscoll [Remembering the Past, 420]; Charles Harper [Excitizens II, 424].
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ANGLO-IRISH LITERATURE: PERSPECTIVES, VOL. 3 No. 2 (1979) [Special Editor: Seamus Deane] CONTENTS: Robert Ballagh [Room, 426]; Sean Golden [Post-Traditional English Literature, 427]; Thomas Kilroy [Anglo-Irish Playwrights and Comic Tradition, 439]; John Dillon [Reflections on the Irish Classical Tradition, 448]; W. J. McCormack [Yeats Purgatory: A Play and a Tradition, 453]; Timothy Kearney [The Poetry of the North: A Post-Modernist Perspective, 465]; Edna Longley [Stars and Horses, Pigs and Trees, 474]; Mark Patrick Hederman [Seamus Heaney: The Reluctant Poet, 481]; Richard Kearney [Those Masterful Images, 491]; Robert Tracy [An Ireland the Poets have Imagined, 502]; Gerald Dawe [A Question of Covenants: Modern Irish Poetry, 508]; Seamus Deane [Postcript, 512].
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IMAGES OF THE IRISH WOMAN, VOL. 4 No. 1 (1980) [Special Editor: Christine Nulty] CONTENTS: Christine Nulty [Editorial, 517]; Anne Madden [Sheela-na-gig, 519]; Proinsias Mac Cana [Women in Irish Mythology, 520]; Muireann Nf Bhrolcháin [Women in Early Irish Myths and Sagas, 525]; Noreen OConnor [Beyond the Philosophy of Male & Female, 533]; Margaret MacCurtain [The Religious Image of Women, 539]; Anne Bernard [Creativity and Procreativity, 544]; Dorothy Cross [Lines of Ladies, 555]; Betty Purcell [10 Years of Progress? Some Statistics, 556]; Eileen Breathnach [Women & Higher Education in Ireland, 560]; Mary Hederman [Irish Women and Irish Law, 568]; Betty Purcell [Interview with Mary Robinson and Mary McAleese, 573]; Marie-Thérese McGivern [Images of Women in Northern Ireland, 579]; Roisín Conroy [Bibliography, 586]; Tom Stokes [Roisin Dubh, 594]; Maria Jolas [The Joyce I knew & the Women around him, 595]; Mark Mortimer [The World of Jennifer Johnston, 601]; Patricia Bourden [An Aspect of Female Portraiture, 608]; Eilean Ní Chuilleanain [Woman as Writer: The Social Matrix, 614]; Dorothy Walker [Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman, 619]; Richard Kearney [Interview with Anne Madden, 625]; Mary Farl Powers [Torso 1, 516, Torso II, 631].
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NORTHERN ISSUE, VOL. 4 No. 2 (1980) [Special Editor: Barre Fitzpatrick] CONTENTS: Henry Morgan [Frontispiece, 632]; Barré Fitzpatrick [Editorial, 634]; John Behan [Victims, 637]; Michael McKeown [A Register of Northern Irelands Casualties, 638]; Percy Allum [The Irish Question, 643]; Barré Fitzpatrick [Interview with Andy Tyrie, 652]; Ed Moloney [Paisley, 660]; David McKittrick [The Class Structure of Unionism, 665]; Michael McDowell [Removing the British Guarantee, 671]; Seamus Deane [Interview with John Hume, 676]; Peter Taylor [Britains Irish Problem, 681]; John Bowman [Sinn Feins Perception of the Ulster Question, 687]; Roger Faligot [Special War in Ireland, 694]; Richard Kearney [The IRAs Strategy of Failure, 699]; Eamonn Deane [Community work in Northern Ireland, 708]; Barré Fitzpatrick [Interview with Brian Smeaton & Des Wilson, 716]; Timothy Kearney [Interview with John Hewitt & John Montague, 722]; Deborah Brown [Glass Fibre Form, 730]; Mark Patrick Hederman [The Crane Bag and Northern Ireland, 731].
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MINORITIES IN IRELAND (AND THE CHURCH—STATE DEBATE) VOL.5 No. 1, 1981) [Special Editor: Timothy Kearney] CONTENTS: Patrick Scott [Chinese Ink, 742]; Timothy Kearney [Editorial, 743]; Sr. Stanislaus Kennedy [The Poor in Ireland Today: Our Silent Minority, 745]; Walter Lorenz [The Insane as a Minority: Beyond Confinement?, 749]; Louis le Brocquy [Travelling People, 755]; Maev-Ann Wren [The Travelling People: Racialism in Ireland, 756]; Terence Brown [The Majoritys Minorities: Protestant Denominations in the North, 761]; Rosita Sweetman [The Blanket of Silence, 765]; David Norris [People and the Christian Churches in Ireland - a Minority and its Oppressors, 770]; Aidan Carl Mathews [A God in Ruins Part I, Notes on the Fall of the Artist, 777]; Declan Kiberd [Aosdana: A Comment, 783]; Michael Farrell [A Shorter History of Ireland, 785]; Conor Cruise OBrien [The Protestant Minority: Within and Without, 786]; Barré Fitzpatrick [The Politics of Pluralism, Interview with Garret Fitzgerald, 789]; John A. Murphy [Religious Majorities and Minorities, North and South, Then and Now, 794]; Peadar Kirby [Minorities in Ireland, Interview with Sean McBride, 800]; Enda McDonagh [Church and State in Ireland: A Theological Analysis, 806]; Breifne Walker [The Catholic Church in Ireland, Adaptation or Liberation?, 813]; Timothy Kearney [The Prophetic Cry, Interview with Jean Vanier, 818]; Liam Ryan [Minorities and the Church: A Response, 825]; Richard Kearney [The Right to be a Minority, 827].
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LANGUAGE AND CULTURE, VOL. 5 No. 2 (1981) [Special Editor: Declan Kiberd] CONTENTS: Diana Kingston [Man with Paper, 834]; Declan Kiberd [Editorial, 835]; John Behan [Maeve Speaks, 838]; Desmond Fennell [Maeve Speaks, 839]; Aingeal de Brúch [An Ghaeilge agus an Chathair, 843]; Seamus Ó Buachalla [An Ghaeilge agus an Chathair, 849]; Felim Egan [Sound Reference II, 863]; Risteard Ó Glaisne [Irish and the Protestant Tradition, 869]; Padraig Ó Snodaigh [Hidden Ulster Revisited, 876]; Peter Pearson [Saints and Scholars, 879]; Peter Kuch [Manannan MacLir as Monoglot - George Russell and the Irish Language, 880]; Alan Titley [Contemporary Irish Literature, 890]; Colbert Kearney [The Repossession of Poetry, 897]; Eithne Jordan [Middlepiece, 902]; Micheal O Siadhail [Standard Irish Orthography - An Assessment, 903]; Alan Bliss [The Standardisation of Irish, 908]; Micheal Ó Suilleabhain [Irish Music Defined, 915]; Aidan Dunne, Patrick Collins, Michael Cullen [A Celtic Art?, 920]; Patrick Collins [The Headland, 925]; Sean Kelleher [The Horse of Art OLeary, 926]; Michael Cullen [L. A. Scape, 930].
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JAMES JOYCE and THE ARTS IN IRELAND, Vol. 6 No. 1 (1982) Contributors: CONTENTS: Benedict Tutty [Finnegans Wake, front.], Gerald Y. Goldberg [Ireland is the only country .. Joyce and the Jewish Dimension, 5], Sheldon R. Brivic [Joyce and the Metaphysics of Creation 13]; Mark P. Hederman [James Joyce, Priest and Poet, 20]; Louis le Brocquy [studies towards an image of James Joyce, 31]; Richard Kearney [Joyce and Le Brocquy: Art as Otherness, 32]; Dorothy Walker [traditinal structures in recent Irish Art, 41]; Kevin Barry [Discarded Images: Narrative and the Cinema, 45]; Frank Corcoran ["Im a Composer": "Youre a What?", 52]; Roger Doyle [A Composers Story, 55]; Micheal Ó Suilleabhain [The Art of Listening, 59]; John Byrne [Derek Mahon: A Commitment to Change, 62]; Caroline Mulholland [Portrait of Seamus Heaney, 73]; Douglas Sealy [Irish Poertry During the Last Decade, 74]; Gerald Dawe [Checkpoints: The Younger Irish Poets, 85]; David McKenna [The Word and the Flesh: A View of Theatre as Performance, p.90]; John Turpin [Unbeautiful Ireland - History or Apathy?, 92]; Ciaran Benson [The Art Policy and the Policies of Art in Irish Education, 98]; John Devitt [English for the Irhs: Literature and the post-Primary, 104]; Lucille Redmond [Arts Council Policies: A Comparative Study, 110].
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LATIN-AMERICAN ISSUE, Vol. 6, No. 2 (1982) [Ed. Ronan Sheehan] CONTENTS: Peadar Kirby [A Guatemalan Peasant Woman Tells her Story, 4]; Dermot Keogh [El Salvador 1932: Peasant Revolt and Massacre, 7]; Colm Regan [Latin American Dependency Theory and its Relevance to Ireland, 15]; Noel Dorr [Statement delivered by Permanent Representative of Ireland in the Security Council on the Complaint by Nicaragua, 21]; Peadar Kirby [Interview with Archb. Helder Camara of Recife and Olinda, Brazil, 24]; Ronan Sheehan [Interview with Paddy Dundon, 28]; Joseph Stephen OLeary [Latin Americas theological Challenge, 31]; Peadar Kirby [The Latin American Chruch: Lessons for Ireland, 35]; Peadar Kirby [Interview with Paulo Freire, 45]; Sally ONeill [Creating Critical consciousness in Honduras, 49]; Patrick Quinn [Education and the Transformation of Society, 53]; Mark P. Hederman [Paulo Freires pedagogy of the Oppressed, 58]; Fernando Cardenal and Valerie Miller [Nicaragua: Literacy and Revolution, 64 Seamus Heaney and Richard Kearney [Interview with Jorge Luis Borges, 71]; Arminta Wallace [who is this Averroes Person and Where has he Gone?, 79]; Robin Fiddian [James Joyce and the Spanish American Novel, 84]; John Lyons [Life Scripts: Aspects of the maya in the work of ernesto Cardenal and William S. Burroughs, 89]; Ciaran Cosgrove [Otavio Paz: Poet of the Stratosphere, 97]; Teresa Thornhill [The Earlier Novels of Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru 1936- ), 102]; Clare McNamara [A Note on Cesar Vellego (Peru 1892, Paris 1938), 106]; S. Meckled [The Theme of the Double: An Essential Element Throughout the Works of Garcia Marquez Works, 108]; Manuel Riquelme, trans. Catherine Molloy and Eanna O Broinn [Chile: The Culture of Resistance, 118]; Slavka Sverakova [Attitudes tro the Visual Arts in Northern Ireland, 122]; Richard Kearney [Interview with James Coleman, 126]; Dermot Moran [Teaching literature in Ireland Today, 133-144].
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SOCIALISM AND CULTURE Vol. 7, No. 1 (1983) [Ed. Richard Kearney] CONTENTS: Editorial [3]; Part 1, EAST EUROPEAN AND SOVIET LITERATURE: Denis ODriscoll [The Writer in an East European Context, (Havel, Holub, Herbert), 4]; Denis Tate [Rediscovering Marx: The Coming of Age of East German Literature, 13]; Neil Cornwell [Through the Clouds of Soviet Literature, 17]; W.J. McCormack [Poetry and Modern Hungary, 34]; Richard Kearney [Andrei Voznesensky: The Poet as Tightrope Walker, 41]; Michael Hamburger [Notes on Marin Sorescu (Romania) and Peter Huchel (East Germany), 49]; Dennis ODriscoll, [Czeslaw Milosz: The Optimistic Catastrophist, 58]; Hugh Maxton [Josef Brodsky and "The Great Elegy for John Donne": A Note, 62]; Mark P. Hederman [The God of Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky and Solzhenitsyn, 65]; Brendan Purcell [The Enchanted Sword: Alexander Solzhenitsyns Struggle for Personal, Social and Historical Anamnesis, 74]. Part 2, THE CRITICAL DEBATE: Redmond OHanlon [Sartre on Literature and Politics: A Conversation with Redmond OHanlon, 82]; Peter Fuller [The Aesthetic Dimension Reconsidered, 85]; Robert Ballagh [Fuller Reconsidered: Socialism and the Aesthetic Dimension, 89]; Yuri Surovtsev [A Note on the Soviet Writers Union, 93]; Victor Dmitriev [Socialist Realism Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, 96]; Jennifer Todd [Aesthetic Experience and Contemporary Capitalism: Notes on Georg Lukacs and Walter Benjamin, 101]; Michael Kelly [Gorky, Aragon and Socialist Realism, 108]; Barry McAuley [The Theory of Criminal Man: A Reply to Foucault, 112]; Paul Ricoeur [Jan Patocka: A Philosopher of Resistance, 116]; Zdena Tomin [Human Rights and Socialism, 119]; Aidan C. Mathews [Writers and Wrongs: W.D. Snodgrass, Richard Wilbur and Aidan C. Mathews in Conversation, 122]. Part 3, THE IRISH CONNECTION: Robert Lowery [The Socialist Legacy of Sean OCasey, 128]; Nicholas Grene [Bernard Shaw: Socialist and Playwright, 135]; Peter van de Kamp and Patrick Leahy [Some Notes on Wildes Socialism, 141]; Colin McCabe [Joyce and Benjamin, 151]; Redmond OHanlon [John Arden: Theatre and Commitment, 155]; Michael Lewis [The Marxist Centenary, 162]; Michael ORiordan [Marx - The Irish Connection, 164]; Laurence Cassidy [Eastern Europe and a Cultural Policy for Ireland: A Comment, 167]; A Crane Bag Visit to the U.S.S.R., Richard Kearney [A Crane Bag Visit to the U.S.S.R., 170]; Seamus Deane [Russian History Lesson, text and poem, 176-192].Also, pls. by Vivienne Bogan and Robert Ballagh.
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THE FORUM ISSUE: Education, Religion, Arts, Psychology. Vol. 7, No. 2, 1983) CONTENTS: Editorial [3]; EDUCATION: Joseph Lee [University, State and Society in Ireland,1983, 5]; Patrick Lynch [Political Economy, The University and Modern Ireland, 13]; Denis Donoghue [Ideas and how to escape from them, 21]; Colm Ó hEocha [European Science and Technology: Technology and the Academics, 29]; Patrick Masterson [The Arts Degree in an Age of Science and Technology, 33]; Padraig Hogan [An Overview of the Educational Ethos, 41]; Eileen ORiordan [Thoughts on Primary Education in Ireland, 51]; Roy Johnston [Science and Technology in Irish National Culture, 58]; Ciaran Forbes [The Crane Bag pict. ]. RELIGION: Margaret OCallaghan [Religion and Identity: The Church and Irish Independence, 65]; Dermot Moran [Nationalism, Religion and the Education Question, 77]; Patrick Pye [Religious Art: The Exile and The Mainstream, 85]; James McEvoy [Catholic Hopes and Protestant Fears, 90]; John Jordan [Irish Catholicism, 106];. ARTS: Brian Friel, John Andrews and Kevin Barry [Translations and A Paper Landscape: Between Fiction and History, 118]; Richard Pine [Cultural Democracy, Cultural Policy and Cultural Identity: A Web of Woven Guesses, 125]; Siobhan McSweeney [The Poets Picture of Education, 134]; Gerald Dawe [Brief Confrontations: Convention as Conservatism in Modern Irish Poetry, 143]; Luke Gibbons [Lies that Tell the Truth: Maeve, History and Irish Cinema, 149]; Martyn Turner [Confessions of a Political Cartoonist, 156]; Richard Kearney [Between Politics and Literature: The Irish Cultural Journal, 160]. PSYCHOLOGY: Clodagh OReilly [Psychiatry and Irish Culture: Interview with Anthony Clare, 172]; Barry Fitzgerald [Freud and Ireland, 177]; Ross Skelton [Jonathan Hanaghan: The Founder of Psychoanalysis in Ireland, 183]. Desmond Fennell [Choosing our self-image (The problem of Irish Identity), 191]; Peter Corrigan [The Sally OBrien Phenomenon: What Price a Pint of Lager?, 197]; Bill Felton [In Defence of Sally OBrien, 202]; Barry Devlin [How many Children had Sally OBrien?, 204]; Mark P. Hederman [The Four of the Crossroads plus the swinging of the door, 205-224]. Artists, Vivienne Bogan, Anne Madden [Doorway with "Flagellata", 117], Patricia Lauglais.
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IRELAND: DEPENDANCE AND INDEPENDANCE [RTE/UCD Lectures], Vol. 8, No. 1 (1984) CONTENTS: Dorothy Cross [Standing Stone, front.; and Motherland end]; Breandan O Buachalla [Preface, 7]; Declan Kiberd [Inventing Irelands, 11]; Michael Laffan [Two Irish States, 26]; Ronan Fanning [The British Dimension, 41]; Richard Kearney [Faith and Fatherland, 55]; Peter Neary [The Failure of Economic Nationalism, 68]; Seamus Deane [Remembering the Future, 81-96]. Artists, Louis le Brocquy and Michael Mulcahy [six heads].
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MEDIA AND POPULAR CULTURE, Vol. 8, No. 2 (1984) CONTENTS: Benedict Tutty [Singing Head, ]; Richard Kearney [, ]; THE PRESS: John Horgan [The Press: Credibility and Accountability, 9]; Responsibility and The Press: I) Richard Kearney and Dermot Moran [I: Interview with Douglas Gageby, 13]; Dermot Moran [II: Interview with Tim-Pat Coogan, 24] Dermot Moran [III: Interview with Vincent Browne, 31]; Risteard Ó Glaisne [De Valera and the Press: A Case Study in the History of Politics, 34]; R.B. McDowell [Irish Newspapers in the 18th Century ([rev. Merriman School lect. 1983.], 40]; Ronan Sheehan [The Press and the People in Dublin Central: interview with Tony Gregory, Mick Rafferty and Fergus McCabe, 44]; John Horgan [State Policy and the Press, 51]. THE ELECTRONIC MEDIA (TV, RADIO, CINEMA, MUSIC): Peter Feeney [Censorship and RTE, 61]; Colm Toibin [Gay Byrne: Irish Life as Cabaret, 65]; Julian Vignoles [What is Irish Popular Music? Julian Vignoles, 70]; Barbara Bradby and Brian Torode [To Whom do U2 Appeal? Barbara Bradby and Brian Torode, 73]; Barbara OConnor [Aspects of Representation of Women in Irish Film, 79]; Ciaran Moran [The Advertising Agency View of Ireland: Conservative Mono-Culture, 84]; Mark P. Hederman [Cinema and The Icon, 90]. THE LITERARY AND VISUAL ARTS: Fintan OToole [The Press and the Arts: Surfriders Merely on the Days Sensations, 102]; Gerald Dawe [Poetry and the Public: Solitude and Participation, 104]; Patrick Mason and Frank McGuinness [A Popular Theatre?, 109]; Robert Leach [The Place of the Popular in DArcy and Arden s Plays, 111]; Cormac Ó Cuilleanain [Irish Publishers: A Nation Once Too Often, 115]; Jackie Coonie [, ]; Dorothy Walker [Visual Aspects of Popular Culture, 125]. THE COMMUNICATIONS DEBATE: Michael D. Higgins [The Tyranny of Images, 132]; Richard Pine [After MacBride: Ireland and the New World Communication Order, 143]; John Coolahan [The Dilemma of Educational Broadcasting in Ireland, 157]; Mark Tierney [The Public and Private Image of The GAA - A Centenary Appraisal, 161]; Michel Peillon [Tourism - A Quest for Otherness, 165]; Sean Golden [Popular Culture in the Peoples Republic of China, 169]; Richard Kearney [A Debate on the Media and Popular Culture: interview with Lelia Doolan, Nuala O Faolain, Ciaran Carty and Luke Gibbons, 175-95]; Artists, Philip McFadden, Keith Bowler, Martin Folen, Jeremiah OLeary, Ann Tallentire.
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CONTEMPORARY CULTURAL DEBATE. Vol. 9, No. 1 (1985) CONTENTS: Liam ODowd [Intellectuals in 20th Century Ireland: And the Case of George Russell (AE), 6]; Edna Longley [Poetry and Politics in Northern Ireland, 26]; Michael D. Higgins [Liam OFlaherty & Peadar ODonnell: Images of Rural Community, 41]; Maurice Riordan [Eros and History: On Contemporary Irish Poetry, 49]; Desmond Fennell [James Connolly and George Russell, 56]; Derek Kelleher [The Alienation of Science: An Irish Cultural, Industrial and Political Problem, 63]; Vincent Kenny [The Post-Colonial Personality, 70]; Helena Sheehan [Is Television Drama Ideological?, 79]; Nina Witoszek and Pat Sheeran [From Explanations to Intervention, 83]; Richard Kearney [Between Conflict and Consensus, 87]; Terence Brown [Irish Ideology, 90]; Desmond Fennell [How Not to See Ireland, 92]; Nina Witoszek & Pat Sheeran [Giving Culture a Kick - Modern Irish Culture Forum, 94]; Richard Pine [Reflections on Dependence and Independence, 96]; Michael McKeown [Dreams and Realities: A View of Education in the Republic, 103]; Gerald Dawe [Getting Through: A Brief Look at the Fifth Province, 107]; Mark P. Hederman [Poetry and the Fifth Province, 110]; Edna Longley [A Reply, 120-128]; Artists, Jack Donovan, Samuel Walsh.
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THE FINAL ISSUE: IRISH IDEOLOGIES. Vol. 9, No. 2, 1985) CONTENTS: Richard Kearney and Ronan Sheehan [Introductory Note on The Ideological Debate, 5]; Ben Mariante [Social Movements into Ideology in Ireland, 8]; Ciaran Benson, Tom Garvin, Kathleen Lynch, Billy Roche [Ideology, Interests and Irish Education, 12]; Michael D. Higgins and Brian Trench [Defeating the Politics of Fear: Ideology and the Left in Ireland, 25]; John MacMenamin [Irish Politics: Ideologies and Realities, 43]; Alan Matthews [Economics and Ideology, 52]; Jennifer Fitzgerald, Seamus Deane, Joan Fowler, Frank McGuinness [The Arts and Ideology, 60]; Richard Pine, Maurice Earls, Martin McLoone, Louis McRedmond [Ideology, Communications and Community, 70]; Micheal MacGreil and Dermot Moran [Religion, Tolerance and Social Change in Ireland, 85]; Desmond Bell [Contemporary Cultural Studies in Ireland and the "Problem " of Protestant Ideology, 91]; Eileen Kane, intro. Jim Sheehan [The Family System: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, 96]; Donal Barrington, Patrick McEntee, Gerard Hogan [The Constitution, Law and Ideology, 96]. II: Fintan OToole [Going West: The Country versus the City in Irish Writing, 111]; Tom Moylan [Ideology in The Age of Reagan: Four Texts, 117]; Anthony Burgess [We Walk in the City, 123]; Patricia Gorman [Joyce and Engels on Sexual Oppression, 130]; Terry Eagleton [Politics and Sexuality in W. B. Yeats, 138]; Barney OReilly [A Note on the Cultural Debate and The Curriculum Debate, Barney OReilly, 143]; David Noel Doyle [Contemporary Irish Identity: A Roman Catholics Reflection, 146]; David Berman [Irish Philosophy and Ideology, 158]; Brendan ORegan [The Third Way: Through the Wandering Rocks, 160]; Oliver McDonagh [What was new in the New Ireland Forum, 166]; Mark P. Hederman [Post-Script, Mark Patrick Hederman, 171-176]. Artists, Mike Fitzpatrick and Barrie Cooke.
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