Editorial Staff:
Lawrence O'Shaughnessy, Seán McMahon, Eóin McKiernan.
The Short Stories of Sean O'Faolain: Theory and Practice,
by Katherine Hanley, CSJ [3] George Moore's The Lake:
A Possible Source, by John Cronin [12] Images of Swift:
A Review of Some Recent Criticism, by Robert W. Uphaus [16]
The Backgrounds of "Eveline", by Albert J. Solomon
[23] Maria Edgeworth and Her Father: the Literary Partnership,
by Patrick Murray [39] The Irish Judiciary in the 18th-
and 19th-Centuries, by John O'Donovan [51] The Formative
Years of the Irish Diplomatic Service, by Patrick Keatinge
[57] The Fitzwilliam Crisis and Irish Nationalism,
by Rex Syndergaard [72] Trollope's First Novel: A Re-examination,
by Doris R. Asmundsson [83] McLaverty's People, by
John Wilson Foster [92] The Crisis of Identity in the Novels
of Brian Moore, by Murray Prosky [106] Joyce's After
the Race, the Races of Castlebar, and Dun Laoghaire,
by Donald T. Torchiana [119] Current Themes Drama:
Regional and Dublin, by Desmond Rushe [129] Music
Appetite: Its Nourishment, by Charles Acton [133] The
Language: Second Quarter, by Nollaig Ó Gadhra [140]
Books and Authors, by Seán McMahon [145] Book
Reviews [157] Notes and Queries [158] Cover [91]