Editorial Staff: Lawrence O'Shaughnessy, Seán McMahon,
Eóin McKierna
Wolfe Tone's Diplomacy, by J. J. St. Mark. [3]
Mr. Punch and Daniel O'Connell, by Elizabeth Petuchowski
[12] Yeats, Johnson, and Ireland's Heroic Dead, by
Barton R. Friedman [32] Love and Famine, Family and Country
in Trollope's Castle Richmond, by Hugh L. Hennedy
[48] The "First Tenor" in James Joyce's " A Mother",
by John Scarry [67] Population, The Potato and Depression,
by Gale Edward Christianson [70] An Irishman's Diary,
by Pádraig Ó Maidín [96] Appréciation
Constantine P. Curran, by Richard M. Kain [101] Beethoven's
Irish Symphony, by James Travis [103] The Clonfinlough
Stone, by Edna M. McGlynn [107] Current Themes The
Future Development of the Oireachtas, by Nollaig Ó
Gadhra [111] Rediscovery of Harp Tradition, by Charles Acton
[114] The Abbey's New Policies, by Desmond Rushe [133]
Notes and Queries The Curran Library [135]
Cattle: The Wealth [136] Irish Stamps
[139] Book Reviews [140] Cover [See Summer Issue]