Editor: Eóin McKiernan. Associate Editors:
Henry F. Beechhold and Thomas Dillon Redshaw. Assistant Editors:
Seán McMahon and Lawrence O'Shaughnessy.
Editors' Notes [3] First Link: Parnell's American Tour,
1800, by Michael V. Hazel [6] The Caterpillar and
the Gracehoper: Bernard Shaw's John Bull's Other Island,
by Harold Ferrar [25] Daniel Maclise, Disraeli, and Fraser's
Magazine, by John Turpin [46] George Moore: "The
Little Catholic Boy of That Name", by Elizabeth Harris [64]
Lady Gregory and "The Book of the People", by Mary
Helen Thuente [86] Charity: The Measure of Morality in "Wandering
Rocks", by John Wenke [100] Appréciation Francis
Ledwidge, Who Fought in Another Man's War, by Alice Curtayne
[114] Current Themes Language Report: The Fortunes
of Irish, 1979, by Nollaig Ó Gadhra [128] Books
and Authors Yeats, Joyce, and the Irish Language,
by James MacKillop [138] Book Reviews [149] Notes and Queries