Eire-Ireland (Spring 1983) Vol.18 No. 1

Editor: Eóin McKiernan. Associate Editors: Henry F. Beechhold and Thomas Dillon Redshaw. Assistant Editors: Seán McMahon and Lawrence O'Shaughnessy.

Editors' Notes [3] ‘The Gaelic Background of Carleton's Traits and Stories’, by Cathal G. Ó Háinle [6] ‘American Public Opinion and Irish Neutrality, 1939-1945’, by Raymond James Rayrnond [20] ‘Yeats's Parnell: Sources of His Myth’, by Michael A. Steinman [46] ‘The Meaning of the "Cold Eye" in Yeats's Epitaph’, by Joseph M. Hassett [61] ‘The Sage Who Deep in Central Nature Delves: Liam 0' Flaherty's Short Stories’, by Richard J. Thornpson [80] ‘Seed Like Stars: Kavanagh's Nature’, by Lene Klejs [98] Appréciation ‘Farrell in Ireland’, by Dennis Flynn [109] Current Themes ‘Private Enterprise in Irish Schools’, by George Rice [132] ‘Early American Science: The Irish Contribution’, by Seán O'Donnell [134] Books and Authors ‘Change Naturally: The Fiction of O'Flaherty, O'Faolain, McGahern’, by Grattan Freyer [138] Book Reviews [146] Notes and Queries [154]

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