Eire-Ireland (Autumn 1984) Vol.19 No. 3

Editor: Eóin McKiernan. Associate Editors: Henry F. Beechhold and Thomas Dillon Redshaw. Assistant Editors: Seán McMahon and Lawrence O'Shaughnessy.

Editors' Notes [3] ‘Flanagan's The Year of the French and the Language of Multiple Truths’, by Thomas J. Morrissey [6] ‘Mrs. Hall's Ireland’, by Barry Sloan [18] ‘John Pinkerton: An Ulster Unitarian at the Court of "King Charles," 1886-1900’, by Richard McMinn [31] ‘World War II and the Foundation of Irish Shipping, Ltd., 1941-45’, by Raymond James Raymond [48] ‘Yeats's Search for a Natural Language’, by Colin Meir [77] ‘John McGahern's Point of View’, by Karlheinz Schwartz [92] ‘The Irish Comic Stereotype in the Almanacs of the Early Republic’, by Robert K. Dodge [111] Appréciation ‘Archbishop Daniel Mannix of Melbourne, 1864-1963’, by Colm Kiernan [121] Current Themes ‘Proven Oil’, by Seán O'Donnell [131] Books and Authors ‘The Gift of Reputation: Yeats and MacDonagh’, by Johann Norstedt [135] ‘Frank O'Connor at Work: Creating Kitty Doherty’, by Michael Steinman [142] Notes and Queries [149] Book Reviews [150] Cover [110]

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