Editor Emeritus: Eóin McKiernan. Guest Editor:
James J. Blake.
Ireland: Land of Change, by T. K. Whitaker [4]
John O'Keeffe as an Irish Playwright within the Theatrical,
Social and Economic Context of His Time, by Karen J. Harvey
and Kevin B. Pry [19] Dublin and Musical Culture in the
Eighteenth Century, by Catherine A. Dower [44] Thomas
Flanagan's The Year of the French: A Cautionary Tale,
by Catherine Ward [59] Public Reaction to the Introduction
of a New Police Force: Dublin 1838-45, by Nigel Cochrane
[72] Comic Form and Historic Nightmare in Carleton's Emigrants
of Ahadarra, by Maureen Waters [86] The Landed
Classes, the Orange Order and the Anti-Land League Campaign in
Ulster 1880-1881, by Francis Thompson [102] Patriarchy
and the Female in Lady Gregory's Grania, by Linda
Mizejewski [122] Structure and Theme in John McGahern's
The Pornographer, by Suzanne J. Fournier [139] Current
Themes The Works of William Dargan, by Seán
O'Donnell [151] Books and Authors A Bibliography
of William Allingham, by Samira Aghacy Husni [155] Book
Reviews [158] Cover [43]