Eire-Ireland (Autumn 1994) Vol.29 No. 3

Editor: Thomas Dillon Redshaw. Book Review Editor: James Rogers. Advisory Editors: Architecture: Roger Conover. Arts: James MacKillop. Ascendancy Ireland: John Greene. Bibliography: John B. Davenport. Classics: Marianne McDonald. Drama: Christopher Murray. Gaelic Literature: Ruairí Ó hUiginn. Irish America: Charles Fanning. Literature: Adrian Frazier. Nineteenth-Century History: Irene Wbelan. Political Science: Desmond Dinan. Twentieth-Century History: Lawrence W. McBride. Women's Studies: Patricia Haberstroh. Editors Emeriti: Eóin McKiernan (1965-86); James J. Blake (1987-89).

Editors' Notes [3] ‘Covenants of Trust: The Citizen Poet’, by Micheal O'Siadhail [7] ‘At the Crossroads with Carleton and Joyce: Patrick Kavanagh's Tarry Flynn’, by Thomas B. O'Grady [22] ‘Borderlands and Colonies: Tudor Ireland in the Perspective of Colonial America’, by William Palmer [37] ‘Dánta Úra: New Poems’, by Micheal O'Siadhail [52] ‘Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Concord Freeman, and the Irish "Other"’, by Monica Elbert [60] ‘The Socialization of Uncertainty: The Ancient Order of Hibernians in Butte, Montana, 1880-1925’, by David M. Emmons [74] ‘Song and the Artist in the Autobiographies of Sean O'Casey’, by J. D. Scrimgeour [93] ‘"Fenians and Dutch Carpet-baggers": Irish and Afrikaner Nationalisms, 1877-1930’, by Donal P. McCracken [109] ‘Seamus Heaney's The Cure at Troy: Individuality and the Psychological’, by Matthew M. DeForrest [126] ‘Eavan Boland's Topography of Displacement’, by Sheila C. Conboy [137] Current Themes ‘Irish Travellers: A Contribution Denied’, by Niall Crowley [147] Books and Authors ‘Rondo to Jazz: The Poetry of Micheal O'Siadhail’, by Gale Shricker Swiontkowski [156] Book Reviews [168] Notes and Queries [192] Cover [136]

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