Eire-Ireland (Spring 1995) Vol.30 No. 1

Editor: Thomas Dillon Redshaw. Book Review Editor: James Rogers. Advisory Editors: Arts: James MacKillop. Ascendancy Ireland: John Greene. Bibliography: John B. Davenport. Classics: Marianne McDonald. Drama: Christopher Murray. Gaelic Language: James J. Blake. Gaelic Literature: Ruairí Ó hUiginn. Irish America: Charles Fanning. Literature: Adrian Frazie. Nineteenth-Century History: Irene Whelan. Twentieth-Century History: Lawrence W. McBride. Women's Studies: Patricia Haberstroh. Editors Emeriti: Eóin McKiernan (1965-86); James J. Blake (1987-89).

Editors' Notes [3] ‘How We Stood Our Rounds: Bohemian Dublin in the Sixties’, by James Liddy [7] ‘The Romance of Simulation: W. B. Yeats and the Theme-Parking of Ireland’, by Spurgeon Thompson [17] ‘European Postcoloniality: The Saorstát Éireann / Irish Free State Official Handbook, 1932’, by William M. Harrison [35] ‘Dánta Úra: New Poems’, by James Liddy [43] ‘The Rotunda Hospital and the People of Dublin, 1745-1995’, by Cormac Ó Gráda [49] ‘Putting Down the Rebellion: Notes and Glosses on Castle Rackrent, 1800’, by Kathryn Kirkpatrick [77] ‘Father Mathew's American Tour, 1849-1851’, by John F. Quinn [91] ‘One Hundred Years of Conradh na Gaeilge’, by Gearóid Denvir [105] Frank O'Connor in The New Yorker’, by James D. Alexander [130] ‘Many Worlds: The New Physics in Flann O'Brien's The Third Policeman’, by Andrew Spencer [145] Current Themes ‘The Shape of Irish Studies in the United States’, by Desmond Fennell [159] Books and Authors ‘A Sense of Places: The Homing Instinct in the Poetry of John Montague’, by Richard Bizot [167] Book Reviews [177] Cover [90]

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