Eire-Ireland (Winter 1995) Vol.30 No. 4

Editor: Thomas Dillon Redshaw. Advisory Editors: Arts: James MacKillop. Ascendancy Ireland: John Greene. Bibliography: John B. Davenport. Classics: Marianne McDonald. Drama: Christopher Murray. Gaelic Language: James J. Blake. Gaelic Literature: Ruairí Ó hUiginn. Irish America: Charles Fanning. Literature: Adrian Frazier. Nineteenth-Century History: Irene Whelan. Twentieth-Century History: Lawrence W. McBride. Women's Studies: Patricia Haberstroh. Editors Emeriti: Eóin McKiernan (1965-86); James J. Blake (1987-89).

Editors' Notes [3] ‘Exile, Attitude, and the Sin-É Cafe: Notes on the "New Irish"’, by Eamonn Wall [7] ‘The Irish Catholic Schooling of James T. Farrell, 1914-23’, by Ron Ebest [18] ‘"Good Relations": Irish Neutrality and the Propaganda of John Betjeman, 1941-43’, by Robert Cole [33] ‘Dánta Úra: New Poems’, by Eamonn Wall [47] ‘Strained Neutrality: lrish-American Catholics, Woodrow Wilson, and the Lusitania’, by Thomas J. Rowland [58] ‘Theatre and Cultural Politics in Northern Ireland: The Over the Bridge Controversy, 1959’, by Lionel Pilkington [76] ‘The Fall of Parnell: Hugh Price Hughes and the Nonconformist Conscience’, by Christopher Oldstone-Moore [94] ‘Éamon de Valéra's Indispensable Secretary: Kathleen O'Connell, 1888-1956’, by Patrick Murray [111] ‘Portraits of Irish Patriots’, by Oliver Sheppard, 1865-1941’, by John Turpin [134] ‘"Rising Out": Medbh McGuckian's Destabilizing Poetic’, by Mary O'Connor [154] ‘Portraying the Irish Palatines: An Example of Alterity Discourse’, by Werner Huber [173] Tuarscáil ar Theanga: Language Report ‘A Hundred Years: Irish Language Courses in American Colleges’, by Thomas W. lhde [181] Book Reviews [187] Cover [93]

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