Editors: Nancy J. Curtin, Vera Kreilkamp.
Senior Consulting Editors: James S. Donnelly Jr., Philip
O'Leary. Assistant Editors: James P. Leonard, Elizabeth
Kunz, and M. Bowen Smith. Editorial Assistant: Holly Graham.
Editors' Introduction [5] Introduction: An Interpretation
of Silences, by Peter Quinn [7] Grosse Ile: Canada's
Famine Memorial, by Michael Quigley [20] "Philosophick
Views"? Maria Edgeworth and the Great Famine, by Margaret
Kelleher [41] Curing "The Irish Moral Plague", by
Michael de Nie [63] Famine Relief Policy in Comparative
Perspective: Ireland, Scotland, and Northwestern Europe, 1845-1849,
by Peter Gray [86] Local Relief During the Great Irish Famine,
1845-1850: The Case of Castlebar, County Mayo, 1846-1847,
by Michael O'Malley [109] The Origin of Style: The Famine
and Irish Traditional Music, by Sally Sommers Smith [121]
Famine/Holocaust: Fragmented Bodies, by Chris Morash
[136] Cover From "Immoral Economy: Interpreting Erskine
Nicol's The Tenant", by Kevin Whelan [151] Notes
and Queries [156] Contributors [158]