Editors: Nancy J. Curtin and Vera Kreilkamp.
Senior Consulting Editors: James S. Donnell and Philip
O'Leary. Assistant Editors: Elizabeth Kunz and James P.
Leonard. Interns: Kirsten Athena Blocker; Tanya Duarte,
Cindy Palmquist, and Robin Umbley.
Editors' Introduction [3] Cover [6] From King Billy
to Cú Chulainn: Loyalist and Republican Murals, Past, Present,
and Future, by Bill Rolston [6] All That Trouble and
Nothing to Show for It: Yeats's The Herne's Egg and the
Misbirth of a Nation, by Susan Cannon Harris [29] Castile,
by Louise Glück [poem][66] from Annaghmakerrig, by
Peggy O'Brien [poem][68] Lord Brookeborough and the Andrews'
Premiership, by Brian Barton [78] Anglo-lrish Autobiography
and the Genealogical Mandate, by Elizabeth Grubgeld [96]
Land Reform Legislation and Security of Tenure in Ireland
after Independence, by David Seth Jones [116] Courting
Public Opinion: Handling Informers in the 1790s, by Julia
M. Wright [144] "Ghosts and Realities": Female TDs and the
Treaty Debate, by Jason Knirck [170] Retaliate and
Punish: Political Violence as Form and Memory in Northern Ireland,
by Allen Feldman [195] Reviews and Commentary The
State of Gender in Irish Studies: A Review Essay, by Laura
E. Lyons [236] Three 1798 Bicentenary Exhibitions Compared,
by John Turpin [261] Notes and Queries [269] Contributors [272]