Editors: Nancy J. Curtin and Vera Kreilkamp.
Senior Consulting Editors: James S. Donnely, Jr.l and Philip
OLeary. Assistant Editor: James P. Leonard. Editorial
Assistants: Kate Costello-Sullivan and Robin Umbley.
Editors' Introduction [3] The Degenerate and the Martyr:
Nationalist Propaganda and the Contestation of Irishness, 1914-1918,
by John S. Ellis [7] The Creation of a Literary Industry,
by Ann Saddlemyer [34] Ireland's Metropolitan Feminists
and Colonial Women, by Carol Coulter [48] The Gate
to Mulcahy's Farm, by Paul Perry [poem] [79] Archbishop
King, the Bank Scheme (1720-21), and Wood's Halfpence (1722-25),
by Gordon Hutton [81] "Take Care of the Immigrant Girls":
The Migration Process of Late-Nineteenth-Century Irish Women,
by Anne O'Connell [102] Resisting Convention: The Films
of Joe Comerford, by Jerry White [134] Reactionary
Conservatism or Radical Utopianism? A.E. and the Irish Cooperative
Movement, by Michael McAteer [148] Poems: Temple Street
Children's Hospital & Prayer, by Dermot Bolger [163]
Myths in the Representation of Women Terrorists, by
Rhiannon Talbot [165] The Twisted Roots of Irish Patriotism:
Anglo-lrish Political Thought in the Late-Eighteenth Century,
by Stephen Small [187] Reviews and Commentary From
Holism to Context: Recent Anthropological Analyses of Northern
Ireland, by Marilyn Cohen [217] Notes and Queries
James Larkin and J. Edgar Hoover: Irish Politics and an
American Conspiracy, by Claire A. Culleton [238] Cover [162]
Contributors [260]