Eire-Ireland (Spring/Summer 2002) Vol.37 Nos. 1 & 2

Editors: James S. Donnelly and Vera Kreilkamp Consulting Editor: Philip O'Leary Assistant Editor: James P. Leonard


Editor's Introduction. [5] Poems by Linda McCarriston [11] In the Shadow of a Grain Elevator: A Portrait of an Irish Neighborhood in Buffalo, New York, in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by William Jenkins. [14] Transatlantic Connections and the Sharp Edge of the Great Depression by Matthew J. O'Brien [38] Culture, Commodity, and cead Mile Fdilte: U .S. and Irish Tourist Films as a Vision of Ireland by Harvey O'Brien [58] Nationalism, Sentiment, and Economics: Relations Between Ireland and Irish-America in the Postwar Years by Mary E. Daly [74] "Suitable Accommodations": A Selection of J.F. Powers's Letters from Ireland, 1951-1963 by Katherine A. Powers [93] New York State's "Great Irish Famine Curriculum": A Report by Maureen Murphy and Alan Singer. [109] The New Jersey Famine Curriculum: A Report by James V. Mullin [119] The Irish Famine in American School Curricula by Thomas J. Archdeacon. [130] Contemporary Catholic and Protestant Irish America: Social Identities, Forgiveness, and Attitudes Toward The Troubles by Micheal D. Roe [153] The Process of Migration and the Reinvention of Self: The Experiences of Returning Irish Emigrants by Mary P. Corcoran [175] Cover by Kathleen Costello-Sullivan [192] Contributors. [193]

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