Contents: John Wilson Foster The Topographical
Tradition in Anglo-lrish Poetry [169] Margaret MacCurtain Pre-Famine
Peasantry in Ireland: Definition and Theme [188] Seamus Heaney Poems
("Ocean's Love to Ireland"; "North"; "Viking Dublin: Trial Pieces")
[199] Dermot Foley A Minstrel Boy with a Satchel of Books [204]
James Simmons Poems ("On the Beach" ; "Last Post") [218] Alan J.
Ward Parliamentary Procedures and the Machinery of Government in
Ireland [222] Pearse Hutchinson Poems ("Knife-Day" ; "Slave Chains"
; "Inter-Crevice Memo" ; Monastic Luxury Lis Christensen George
Moore's Portrait of Æ in Hail and Farewell [248] James Mays Pons
Asinorum: Form and Value in Beckett's Writing, with some Comments
on Kafka and de Sade [268] Reviews by Seamus Deane, Maurice Harmon,
Alf MacLochlainn, Hilary Berrow, W. J. McCormack, Paul F. Botheroyd,
Rivers Carew, Janet Egleson Dunleavy, James Mays, c. 6 Danachair
[283] BOOKS RECEIVED [304] |