Contents: Thomas Murphy Foreword [9] Emmet
Larkin A Tribute [10] Brendan Kennelly A Picture [11] Donal MeCartney
The Quest for Irish Political Identity: the Image and the Illusion
[13] A lan Bliss Irish Proverbs in Swift's Polite Conversation
[23] Caoimhfn 0 Danachair Oral Tradition and the Printed Word
[31] Tomis de Bhaldraithre A footnote to A Glass of Beer [42]
Daithf 0 h~in The Visionary Voice. A Survey of Popular Attitudes
to Poetry in Irish Tradition [44] Arthur E. McGuinness The Craft
of Dictioh: Revision in Seamus Heaney's poems [62] Williant M.
Murphy Williarn Butler Yeats's John Sherman An Irish Poet's Declaration
of Independence [92] James Stewart Three That Are Watching My
Time To Run [112] Dents Donoghue One-Way Communication [119] Sedn
Lacy Irish Poetry in English 1978 [142] Hilary Robinson A bibliography
of the Works of Roger McHugh [163] Reviews: Darcy O'Brien,
W. J. McCormack, Christopher Murray, Jane Irons, John N. O'Grady,
Hilary Berrow Robinson, Stan Smith, Robert Welch, Rudiger 1mhof,
EiMan Ni ChuilleanSin [167] Books Received [192]