Contents: Richard
Kain A Diary of Easter Week: One Dubliner's Experience
[193] Augustus Young Two Poems
[207] Tom MacIn tyre The Windy
Tree [209] Joseph Garver Gothic
Ireland: Lady Caroline Lamb's Glenarvon [213] James Simmons
Dunlewey: 1977 [229] Ian CampbellRoss The Triumph of Prudence
over Passion: Nationalism and Feminism
in an Eighteenth-Century Irish
Novel [232] Hugh Maxton At Hardisty's Farm [240] Ronald
Marken Yeats's "Death": A Reading [244] IASAIL Bibliography Bulletin
for 1979 [251] Reviews by: james Mays, Klaus Lubbers, Heinz Kosok,
J.C. Beckett, Catherine MacKenzie, Tom Garvin [293] Books
Received [310]