Irish University Review (Spring/Summer 1985) Vol.15 No. 1


Contents: Seamus Heaney Envies and Identifications: Dante and the Modem Poet [5] Edward Cronin -Citizen Janies Joyce-: Sonle Possible Sources for "Cyclops" [20] Joseph Sendry The Poet as Builder: Richard Murphry's The A ice of Stone [38] Thomas Kinsella "Apostle of Hope" and "Brothers in the, Craft " Augustus Young George Oppen (1908-1984) [52] Charles Kermitz Beyond the Zone of Middle Dimensions: A Relativistic Reading of The Third Policeman [56] Corinna del Greco Lolmer James Joyce and Italian Futurism [73] Reviews by: Maurice llarnion, Robert Welch, Coilin Owens, dary E. Daly, Peter van de Ramp, Declan Kiberd, Marianne Koenig. [93] Short Notices [116] Books Received [117]

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