Irish University Review (Spring/Summer 1986) Vol.16 No. 1


Contents: Page George Dangerfield James Joyee, Jarnes Connolly and Irish [5] Nationalism F. C. Molloy Francis Smart's Australian Connection: The Life and Death of Henry Irwin Stuart [22] Sedn Lysaght Two Poems [33] Ruth Niel Digging into History: A Reading of Brian Friel's Volunteers and Seamus Heaney's "Viking Dublin: Trial Pieces" [35] Michae1J. Durkan Scamus Heaney: A checklist for a Bibliography [48] Reviews by: Maurice Harmon, ChristopherMurray, Marianne Koenig, David Noel Doyle, With i 0 hOgjin, Angela Bourke, George Eogan, John Coolahan, J.C.C. Mays. [77] Short Notices [107] Books Received [110]

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