Contents: Contributors [168] George Hetherington
Wittgenstein in Ireland: An Account [169] of His Various Visits
from 1934 to 1949 Christine St. Peter Denis Johnston, the Abbey
and the Spirit of the Age [187] Csilla Bertha Tragedies of National
Fate: A Com- parison between Brien Friel's Translations and its
Hungarian Counterpart, Andras Suto's A szuzai menyogzo [207] Rosalind
Clark Aspects of the Morrigan in Early [223] Irish Literature
Lucy Brennan Mullaghbawn 1950 [237] James Liddy First Lady of
the Festival [238] Jos6EmilioPacheco Seven Poems [240] George
McWhirter Translations of Pacheco [240] Brian Mellroy An Interview
with Playwright [242] John Boyd IASAIL Bibliography Bulletin for
1986 [251] Reviews by: Toby Barnard, Terence Brown, Mary E. Daly,
[309] Fergus D'Arey, Desmond Egan, Niall MaeMonagle, Christopher
Murray, Ruth Niel, D. A. Tipple, Ginette Verstracte Books Received