Contents: Contributors [iv] Christopher
Murray Introduction [7] Queen's University Doctoral Citation [10]
Parricia Craig Moore's Maladies: Belfast in the [12] Mid-Twentieth
Century John Cronin The Resilient Realism of [24] Briato Moore
TerenceBrown Show Me a Sign: The Religious Imagination o Brian
Moore Michael Paul Gallagher Religion as Favourite Metaphor: '[50]
Moore's Recent Fiction kian Cosgrove Brian Moore and the Price
[59] of Freedom in a Secular World SeamusDeane The Real Thing:
Brian Moore in [74] Disneyland Patrick Rafroidi The Temptation
of Brian Moore [83] HalivardDahlie Black Robe: Moore's "Conradian"
[88] Role and the Quest for Self Barbara Hayley Outward and Visible
Signs: [96] Dressing and Stripping in the Novels of Brian Moore
Brian Mellroy A Brian Moore Bibliography [106] 1974-1987 Reviews
by: Leo Carruthers, Mary E. Daly, T. P. Dolan, [134] Donal Fitcsinnons,
Peter B. Gallagher, Alan Harrison, Aidan Higgins, Augustine Martin,
J. C. C. Mays, Christopher Murray, Rist~ard 6 Glaisne, Anthony
Roche, Liberato Santoro, Ginette Verstracte. Books Received [169]