Irish University Review (Spring/Summer 1990) Vol.20 No. 1


Contents: Dedication: In Memoriam A. J. Bliss [iii] Contributors [vi] T P. Dolan Introduction [7] Richard Wall Dialect in Irish Literature: The Hermetic Core [8] Martin J. Croghan Swift, Thomas Sheridan, Maria Edgeworth and the Evolution of Hiberno-English [19] P. L. Henry The Structure of Flann O'Brien's At Swim-Two-Birds [35] Markku Filppula Substratum, Superstratum, and Universals in the Genesis of Hiberno-English [41] Derek Britton and Alan Medieval Hiberno-English J. Fletcher Inscriptions on the Inscribed Slates of Smarmore: Some Reconsiderations and Additions [55] John Harris More on Brogues and Creoles: What's Been Happening to English Short u? [73] Karen P. Corrigan Northern Hiberno-English: The State of the Art [91] Jeffrey L. Kallen The Hiberno-English Perfect: Grammaticalisation Revisited [120] Roger Lass Early Mainland Residues in Southern Hiberno-English [137] Diarmaid 6 Muirithe A Modern Glossary of the Dialect of Forth and Bargy [149] Michael Benskin The Hands of the Kildare Poems Manuscript [163] Reviews by: Leon Hugo, Joseph M. Hassett, James Mays, Anna Yaria, Eddie Cousins, Maurice Harmon, Peter van de Kamp, Christopher Murray, Harry White, Niall MacMonagle, Sean Lysaght. [194] Books Received [218]

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