Contents: Nicholas Grene The Maturing
of Immaturity: Shaw's First Novel [225] Patrick Sheeran and Myths
of Irishness: The Fornorian Nina Witoszek Connection [239] 1.
Th. Leerssen On the Treatment of Irishness in Romantic Anglo-lrish
Fiction [251] Maria Tyrnoczko Molly's Gibraltar and the Morphology
of the Irish Otherworld [264] Lionel Pilkington Language and Politics
in Brian Friel's Translations [282] Andrew Smith Gerard Manley
Hopkins as a Classicist [297] Micheal O'Siadhail Journeys Hail!
Madame jazz [318] Sheila 0Wagan Ariadne [319] Leo McNamara Athena
Speaks to Wittgenstein Collaboration [320] IASAIL Bibliography
Bulletin for 1989 [321] Reviews by: Maurice Harmon, Terence Brown,
Augustine Martin, J.C.C. Mays, Peter Liebregs, Gerry Forster,
Peter van de Kamp, Leo McNamara, Peter Denman, Scan Ryder, H.M.
Dockrell, Michael Haren, H.B. Clarke, Leo Carruthers, Cormac O'Grida,
Gerardine Meaney. [375] Books Received [412]