Contents: Peter Denman Introduction [1]
Frank McCuinness A Voice from the Trees: Thomas Kilroy"s Version
of Chekhov's The Seagull [3] Michael Cronin Babel's Suburbs: Irish
Verse Translation in the 1980s [15] Biddy lenkinson A Letter to
an Editor [27] Mdire Ni Annrachdin The Highland Connection: Scottish
Reverberations in Irish Literary Identity [35] Gerald Dawe Three
Poems [48] Corinna del Greco Lobner A Tilly of Irony in Joyce's
"Divine Comedy": The X in "Grace" [50] Cecelia Scallan Zeiss Myth
and Metamorphosis: Landscape as Archetype in Quest Narratives
by Samuel Beckett and Wilma Stockenstrbm [56] Sedn Lysaght Banville's
Tetralogy: The Limits of Mimesis [82] Paddy Bushe Poem [101] Eamon
Grennan Three Poems [103] Bill Tinley International Perspectives
in the Poetry of Derek Mahon [106] William Hodder Ferguson's "The
Fairy Thorn": A Critique John Pikoulis Louis MacNeice in the Thirties:
The Minute After the Minute After the Minute After [130] Christopher
Murray "Cover Story": An Afterword [147] Reviews by: Anthony Roche,
Robert Welch, Peter Denman, John Red mend, Leo McNamara, Ulf Dantanus,
Rachel Hands, Eamon O'Flaherty, Peter van de Kamp, Leo Carruthers,
Harry White, John O'Grady, Peter J. Lucas [150] List of Books
Reviewed [179] Books Received [180]