Contents: Foreword [1] Pr6ins~ Ni Chathdin
Some Themes in Early Irish Lyric Poetry [3] Proinsias Mac Cana
The petite patrie in Modem Irish and Welsh Literature [13] Alan
Harrison John Toland and the Discovery of an Irish Manuscript
in Holland [33] Tleinz Kowk "George my belovd King, and Ireland
my honour'd country": John O'Keeffe and Ireland [40] Ann Saddlemyer
Synge's Soundscape [55] Thomas Kinsella W.B. Yeats, the British
Empire, James Joyce and Mother Grogan [69] C6din Clwens The Mystique
of the West in Joyce's 'The DeaW [80] Seamus Deane "The Second
Coming": Coming Second; Coming in a Second [92] Colin Smythe Some
Aspects of Yeats Bibliography [101] Augustine Martin That Childhood
Country: Extracts from a Biography of Patrick Kavanagh [107] I.C.C.
Mays Flann (YBrien, Beckett and the Unde,cidable Text of Ulysses
[127] Thomas Kilroy A Generation of Playwrights [135] Patrick
Lynch CrFaolain's Way: Pages from a Memoir [142] Radiger Imhof
How It is on the Fringes of Irish Fiction [151] John Cronin John
McCahern's Amongst Women: Retrenchment and Renewal [168] A Bouquet
of Poems: Richard Murphy Orney Island [179] Dennis O'Driscoll
Terminals [180] Mistaken Identity [181] Derry Jeffares City Cent
[183] Tom MacIntyre Companion [184] Pianissimo [185] Noctis Equi
[185] Brian Donnelly Maurice Harmon: A Checklist of Publications
[186] Reviews by: Peter Denman, Fred Johnston, Christopher Murray,
Andrew Carpenter, Denis Flannery, Ceert Lemout, Peter Levi, Ulf
Dantanus, Barbara Freitag, John Fanagan, Fergus A. D'Arcy [190]
List of books reviewed: [215] Books Received [216]