Irish University Review (Spring/Summer 1995) Vol.25 No. 1


Contents: Christopher Mtway Introduction: The Stifled Voice [1] Maurcen Waters Lady Gregory's Ga,ia: A Feminist Voice [11] Mai ti ... ~ An, O'Dolwi ty Te: esa Deevy mid Wife to jantes Whelan [25] Teresa Dewy Wife to Janies Whelan; A Play in Three Acts [29] Cathy Leeaey Themes of Ritual and Myth in Three Plays by Teresa Deevy [88] 1,1 F,,,,1 Rehe< . g K,He RO, lie [117] AI 1 11, One-Act Plays of Teresa De,vy [126] fali Walshe Lost Dominions: European Catholicism acid Irish Nationalism in the Plays of Teresa Deevy [133] Anthony Roche Woman on the Threshold: J.M. Synge's The Shadow of the Glen, Teresa Dervy's Katic Roche and Marina Carr's The Mai [143] Marlina A iin 0'1)li;ierty Deevy: A Bibliography [163] Revims by: Patrick Lynch, Ruth Sherry, Christophr Murray, Tom Marintyre, Robert Mohr, Peter van de Kamp, M,il sItirl,hlv, jam,,, H. O'B,ien [171] L,i`of Book, Revieived [196] Book,' Received [197]

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