Contents: Catríona Clutterbuck,
Introduction [vii ]; Dennis O’Driscoll, ‘His Wit: Humour and Satire
in Thomas Kinsella’s Poetry’ [1]; Donatella Abbate Badin, ‘"Rhyme
and Rhythm and Beauty": The Abandoned Formalism of Kinsella’s
Early Poetry 1956-1968’ [19]; Alex Davis, ‘Thomas Kinsella and
the Pound Legacy: His Jacket on the Cantos’ [38]; Ian Flanagan,
‘"Tissues of Order": Kinsella and the Enlightenment
Ethos’ [54]; Maurice Harmon, ‘From Basin Lane to Old Vienna: Place:’
Transcendence and Counterpoint in Thomas Kinsella’ [78]; Peter
Denman, ‘Significant Elements: Songs of the Psyche and
Her Vertical Smile’ [95]; Thomas Kinsella, ‘"The Affair"’
[110]; "As an nGéibheann"’ [111]; Donatella
Abbate Badin, ‘From "An Interview with Thomas Kinsella"’
[113]; Jefferson Holdridge, ‘Homeward, Abandoned: The Aesthetics
of Home and Family in Thomas Kinsella’ [116]; Lucy Collins, ‘A
Little of What We Have Found: Kinsella, Women, and the Problem
of Meaning’ [135]; Ruth Ling, ‘Re-familiarizing The Familiar:
From Effigy to Elegy in the Recent Marriage Poems of Thomas Kinsella’
[153]; Derval Tubridy, ‘Difficult Migrations: The Dinnseachnas
of thomas Kinsella’s Later Poetry’ [172]. Book reviews [187-209]:
Maurice Harmon [Derval Tubridy, Thomas Kinsella: The Peppercannister
Poems], Anthony Roche [Nicholas Grene, The Politics of
Irish Drama: Plays in Context from Boucicault to Friel]; Declan
Kiberd [Adrian Fraxier, George Moore 1852-1932], Jefferson
Holderidge [Johb McCourt, The Years of Bloom: James Joyce in
Trieste 1904-1920], Wando Balzano [Gesa E. Thiessen, Theology
and Modern Art; Dennis Carroll, ed., Religion in Ireland:
Past, Present and Future, Alasdair D. F. Macrae [John Goodby,
Irish Poetry Since 1950: From Stillness into History],
Toshi Furumoto [Ken’ ichi Matsumura, ed., A Companion to Irish
Literature], Margaret Kelleher [David Lloyd, After History].
List of Books Reviewed [210]; Books Received [211].