Irish University Review (Spring/Summer 2003) Vol.33 No. 1

Editor: Anne Fogarty Guest Editor: Margaret Kelleher
Contents: Contributors [v]; Anne Fogarty Notes and Comments [vii]; Margaret Kelleher Introduction [viii]; Eve Patten Ireland's 'Two Cultures' Debate: Victorian Science and the Literary Revival [1]; Selina Guinness 'Protestant Magic' Reappraised: Evangelicalism, Dissent, and Theosophy [14]; Eamonn Hughes 'The Fact of Me-ness': Autobiographical Writing in the Revival Period [28]; Brian O Conchubhair The Gaelic Font Controversy: The Gaelic League's (Post-Colonial) Crux [46]; Richard Kirkland Dialogues of Despair: Nationalist Cultural Discourse and the Revival in the North of Ireland, 1900-20 [64]; Catherine Morris Becoming Irish?: Alice Milligan and the Revival [79]; P.J. Mathews Stirring up Disloyalty: The Boer War, the Irish Literary Theatre and the Emergence of A New Separatism [99]; Clare Hutton Joyce and the Institutions of Revivalism [117]; Ben Levitas Plumbing the Depths: Irish Realism and the Working Class from Shaw to O'Casey [133]; Nicholas Allen States of Mind: Science, Culture and the Irish Intellectual Revival, 1900-30 [150]; Leeann Lane 'It Is In the Cottages and Farmers' Houses that the Nation is Born': AE's Irish Homestead and the Cultural Revival [165]; Moynagh Sullivan 'I Am Not Yet Delivered of the Past': The Poetry of Blanaid Salkeld [182]; Shaun Richards 'The Outpouring of a Morbid, Unhealthy Mind': The Critical Condition of Synge and McDonagh [201]; List of Books Reviewed [215]; Book Reviews by: Patricia Coughlan, Hedwig Schwall, Eugene 0'Brien, Conor McCarthy, Nick Daly, Colbert Keamey, Clodagh Tait, Anthony Roche, Moynagh Sullivan [216]; List of Books Received [241]


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: 2002