New Hibernia Review (Summer 1998) Vol.2 No. 2

Editor: Thomas Dillon Redshaw


[5] Editors' Notes: Nótaí na nEagarthóiri [9] STEPHEN WATT The Irish Invade America! Terrorism, Gender, and Assimilation [28] RAND BRANDES "Letter by Strange Letter": Yeats, Heaney, and the Aura of the Book [48] CATHERINE PHIL MACCARTHY Filiocht Nua: New Poetry [57] EMMET LARKIN Myths, Revisionism, and the Writing of Irish History [71] THOMAS G. FRASER Orangeism, Parading, and the Northern Ireland Peace Process [85] MEGAN SULLIVAN Orla Walsh's The Visit (1992): Incarceration and Feminist Cinema in Northern Ireland [100] EVA JACEK Schemers and Squanderers: Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal and Flann O'Brien's Slattery's Sago Saga [116] NANCY STENSON Beagtiinin: The Use of Irish Among Immigrants to the United States Taispeantais: Exhibitions [132] GARY A. RICHARDSON Leaving the Old Neighborhood Behind: The Irish in America [142] CHARLES FANNING The Irish in America: Darby and Fievel Do Not Go West [148] Reviews: Léirmheasanna [141] Clúdach: Cover

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