New Hibernia Review (Spring 2001) Vol.5 No. 1

Editor: Thomas Dillon Redshaw


[5] Editors' Notes: Notai na nEagarthoiri [9] EAVAN BOLAND Irish Poetry [10] CHRISTINA HUNT MAHONY Memory and Belonging: Irish Writers, Radio and the Nation [25] JOHN MONTAGUE Filiocht Nua: New Poetry [33] MICHAEL R. MOLINO The "House of a Hundred Windows": Industrial Schools in Irish Writing [53] PATRICIA J. FERREIRA Frederick Douglass in Ireland: the Dublin Edition of His Narrative [68] AILBHE Nf BHRIAIN Le Livre d'Artiste: Louis le Brocquy and The Tain (1969) [83] CHARLES E. ORSER, JR, Vessels of Honor and Dishonor: The Symbolic Character of Irish Earthenware [101] A. J. HUGHES Advancing the Language: Irish in the Twenty- First Century [127] SHEILA DICKINSON The Juxtaposing Visions Exhibition and Lectures: An Arts Event in Galway Radharc ar gCul: A Backward Glance [131] LAWRENCE W. MCBRIDE Nation and Narration in Michael Davitt's The Fall of Feudalism in Ireland [136] ANNE KANE The Fall of Feudalism in Ireland: A Guide for Cultural Analysis of the Irish Land War [141] DONALD E. JORDAN, JR. Michael Davitt: Activist-Historian [146] Reviews: Leirmheasanna [157] Cludach: Cover

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