Books Ireland - Full Publication Record: 2001

  • 1921: a novel of the Irish Civil War. Morgan Llywelyn. Forge. 446pp. $25.95 pb 24 cm 0-312-86754-9. 111.01.
  • Accidental Diplomat: my years in the Irish foreign service 1987-1995. Eamon Delaney. New Island. 408pp. + 8 of b&w photos £10.99 € 13.95 pb 21 cm 1-902602-39-0. 226.01.
  • Across the River. Alice Taylor. St Martin’s Press. 282pp. $23.95 Can$33.95 hb 22 cm 0-312-27843-8. 234.01.
  • Ad infinitum: poems and epigrams. Michael Augustin, trsl. Gabriel Rosenstock & Hans-Christian Oeser. Coiscéim. 112pp. £5 pb 21 cm. 309.01.
  • Adam’s Starling. Gillian Perdue. O’Brien Press. 156pp. £4.99 € 6.34 pb 20 cm 0-86278-685-1. 191.01.
  • Adomnán at Birr AD 697: essays in commemoration of the law of the innocents. ed. Thomas O’Loughlin. Four Courts. 78pp. £31.50 hb 24 cm 1-85182-538-X. 271.01.
  • Airborne. Mark Granier. Salmon. 50pp. £6.99 pb 21 cm 1-903392-19-5. 343.01.
  • Aithne na nGael: Gaelic identities. ed. Gordon McCoy and Maolcholaim Scott. Institute of Irish Studies. 172pp. Stg£9.50 pb 24 cm 0-85389-766-2. 36.01.
  • All-Ireland Ambitions. John Scally. Wolfhound. 224pp. £8.70 pb 21 cm 0-86327-827-2. 239.01.
  • All Souls. Michael Coady. Gallery. 140pp. £8.95 pb 22 cm 1-85235-211-6. 235.01, 290.01.
  • Almanag Éireannach: imleabhar 2. Diarmuid Breathnach. An Gúm. 152pp. £6.50 € 8.25 pb 23 cm 1-85791-410-4. 304.01.
  • Anáil Dé: the breath of God: music, ritual and spirituality. ed. Helen Phelan. Veritas. 220pp. NPG pb 22 cm 1-85390-597-6. 238.01.
  • Anatomy School. Bernard MacLaverty. Jonathan Cape. 362pp. Stg£15.99 pb 21 cm 0-224-06202-6. 234.01, 289.01.
  • Animal Alphabet. Christian Stevens. Wolfhound. 112pp. £3.95 5 $5.95 pb 20 cm 0-86327-878-8. 310.01.
  • Aran Keening. Andrew McNeillie. Lilliput. 246pp. £15.99 hb 22 cm 1-901866-63-7. March 01 76.01, 135.01.
  • Armas: sracfhéachaint ar Araltas na hÉireann. Nicholas Williams. Coiscéim. 272pp £10 € 12.70 pb 24 cm. 339.01.
  • Art and Craft Adventures 1. Mary Carroll and Katie Long. O’Brien. 32pp. £4.99 € 6.34 $8.95 pb 23 cm 0-86278-683-5. 115.01.
  • Art and Craft Adventures 2. Mary Carroll and Katie Long. O’Brien. 32pp. £4.99 € 6.34 $8.95 pb 23 cm 0-86278-684-3. 115.01.
  • Art of Seamus Heaney. ed. Tony Curtis. Wolfhound. 296pp. £14.99 pb 22 cm 0-86327-862-0. 109.01.
  • Artemis Fowl. Eoin Colfer. Viking. 288pp. Stg£12.99 hb 22 cm 0-670-89962-3. 191.01, 167.01.
  • Arthur O’Connor, United Irishman. Jane Hayter Hames. Collins. 350 pp+ 8 b&w photos £20 hb 24 cm 1-898256-88-8. 339.01.
  • Artwords: an Ulster anthology of contemporary visual art and poetry. ed. Amanda Montgomery and Frank Sewell. Cranagh Press. 36pp. Stg£9.95 pb 21 cm 0-900903-63-5. 149.01.
  • As I was among the Captives: Joseph Campbell’s Prison Diary, 1922-1923. ed. Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin. Cork UP. 144pp. £8.95 pb 20 cm 1-85918-271-2 (Irish Narratives series). 226.01, 325.01.
  • Asylum 1928 and other stories: winners of the 2001 Fish short story prize. ed. Clem Cairns. Fish Publishing. 216pp. £8.50 € 10.80 pb 21 cm 0-9523522-9-X. 238.01.
  • Asylum Road. Mary O’Malley. Salmon. 94pp. £6.99 € 9.00 pb 21 cm 1-903392-13-6. 235.01, 328.01.
  • At Swim, Two Boys. Jamie O’Neill. Scribner. 650pp. Stg£17.99 hb 24 cm 0-7432-0712-2. 273.01.
  • At the Waters’ Clearing. Nigel McLoughlin. Black Mountain Press, PO Box 9, Ballyclare, BT39 0JW. (Britain: Flambard) 64pp. £9 Stg£7 € 11.50 pb 22 cm 1-873226-50-0. 235.01.
  • Athlone: history and settlement to 1800. Harman Murtagh. Old Athlone Society. 278pp. + 16 of illustrations and maps £30 hb 24 cm 0-9503-4285-8. 35.01.
  • Atlas of Irish Place-Names. Patrick J. O’Connor. Oireacht na Mumhan Books, Coolanoran, Newcastle West, Co Limerick. 192pp. £30 hb 31 cm 0-9533896-1-8. 186.01.
  • Awful Racket. Rita Ann Higgins. Bloodaxe. 72pp. Stg£7.95 pb 22 cm 1-85224-563-8. 149.01.
  • Ballymaloe Bread Book. Tim Allen. Gill & Macmillan. 168 pp+ 12 of colour photos £12.99 pb 25 cm 0-7171-2931-4. 304.01.
  • Banks of Green Willow. Kevin Myers. Scribner and TownHouse. 282pp. £12.99 hb 22 cm 1-903650-12-7. 341.01.
  • Barking at Blackbirds. Mary O’Gorman. Bradshaw. 36pp. NPG pb 20 cm 0-949010-68-5. 112.01.
  • Barney. Bernard Hughes of Belfast 1808-1878: master baker, liberal and reformer. Jack Magee. Ulster Historical Foundation. 296pp. + 8 of illus. Stg£9.99 pb 22 cm 1-903688-05-1. 227.01.
  • Basket of Weasels. James Fairley. Author at 15 Luxor Gardens, Belfast BT5 5NB. 384pp. Stg£17 (IR£21 till 31 December) pb 21 cm 0-9502626-2-5. 306.01, 299.01.
  • Bastille agus scéalta eile. Pádraig G. Ó Laighin. Coiscéim. 152pp. £5 pb 21 cm. 113.01.
  • Battle of Scariffhollis. ed. Liam Ronayne. Eagráin Dhún na nGall, Rosemount, Letterkenny, Co Donegal. 72pp. £7.95 € 10.10 pb 30 cm 0-950840-76-9. 231.01.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For. Martina Devlin. HarperCollins. 442pp. Stg£5.99 pb 20 cm 0-00-651490-1. 307.01.
  • Béaloideas: the journal of the folklore of Ireland society. Vol. 68, 2000. ed. Séamas Ó Catháin. An Cumann le Béaloideas Éireann (distrib. ÁIS). 278pp. NPG hb 22 cm ISSN 0332-270X. 145.01.
  • Beat the Hackers. Stephanie Dagg. Mentor. 96pp. £4.73 € 6 pb 20 cm 1-84210-073-4. 239.01, 335.01.
  • Beatha Chormaic. Máire Nic Mhaoláin. Coiscéim. 52pp. £4 pb 21 cm. 310.01.
  • Befitting Emblems of Adversity: a modern Irish view of Edmund Spenser from W. B. Yeats to the present. David Gardiner. Creighton University Press, Omaha, Nebraska. 248pp. $19.95 hb 24 cm 1-881871-38-X; $14.95 pb -39-8. 303.01.
  • Before the Dawn: an autobiography. Gerry Adams. Brandon. 368pp. £7.87 pb 20 cm 0-86322-289-7. 337.01.
  • Being her Sister. Claire Hennessy. Poolbeg. 192pp. £4.99 € 6.34 pb 20 cm 1-84223-017-4. 115.01, 258.01.
  • Belfast Corporation Buses 1926-1973: buses in Ulster vol. 3. W. H. Montgomery. Colourpoint Books. 136pp. Stg£14.99 pb 23 cm 1-898392-64-1. 150.01.
  • Belfast: faith in the city. ed. Eoin G. Cassidy et al. Veritas. 152pp. NPG pb 21 cm 1-85390-558-5. 233.01, 294.01.
  • Belfast’s Dome of Delight: city hall politics 1981-2000. Máirtin Ó Muilleoir. Beyond the Pale. 240pp. + 32 of photos £8.99 pb 21 cm 1-900960-08-7. 147.01, 170.01.
  • Beneath Iërne’s Banners: Irish Protestant drama of the restoration and eighteenth century. Christopher J. Wheatley. Univ. of Notre Dame Press (distrib. Eurospan) 176pp. Stg£20.50 pb 23 cm 0-268-02158-9. 35.01.
  • Beowulf. Felix Nobis. Bradshaw Books. 64pp. £6.99 pb 20 cm 0-9490107-2-3. March 01. 79.01.
  • Best Irish Walks, 3rd edition. ed. Joss Lynam. Gill & Macmillan. 218pp. £7.10 pb 22 cm 0-7171-3065-7. 228.01.
  • Best Wines. Mary Dowey. TownHouse. 306pp. £9.99 pb 20 cm 1-86059-143-4. 304.01.
  • Better than a Rest. Pauline McLynn. Headline. 318pp. Stg£9.99 pb 23 cm 0-7472-7460-6. 188.01, 289.01.
  • Beyond Prozac: healing mental suffering without drugs. Terry Lynch. Marino. 320pp. £9.99 pb 20 cm 1-86023-136-5. 186.01, 269.01.
  • Beyond Pulditch Gates. Henry Hudson. Wolfhound. 400pp. £7 € 10.99 $12.95 pb 20 cm 0-86327-888-4. 342.01.
  • Beyond the Studio: a history of BBC Northern Ireland. Jonathan Bardon. Blackstaff. 240pp. Stg£18.99 hb 27 cm 0-8650-685-6. 34.01, 296.01.
  • Big Guide 2: Irish children’s books. ed. Valerie Coghlan and Celia Keenan. Children’s Books Ireland. 160pp. £11.50 € 14.60 $18 pb 25 cm 1-872917-06-2. 39.01.
  • Black and Tans. Richard Bennett. Spellmount, The Old Rectory, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0AZ. 228pp. + 48 of photos Stg£14.99 pb 23 cm 1-86227-098-8. 186.01, 262.01.
  • Blackwater Angel. Jim Nolan. Gallery. 94pp. £7.95 pb 22 cm 1-85235-285-X; £13.95 hb –286-8. 190.01, 221.01.
  • Blair’s Britain England’s Europe: a view from Ireland. ed. Paul Gillespie. Institute of European Affairs, 8 North Great George’s Street, Dublin 1. 332pp. £15 €19 pb 22 cm 1-874109-54-0. 113.01.
  • Blind Stitch. Greg Delanty. Carcanet. 52pp. Stg£6.95 pb 22 cm 1-903039-04-5. March 01. 79.01, 181.01.
  • Blood-Dark Track: a family history. Joseph O’Neill. Granta. 350pp. IR£16.99 hb 24 cm 1-86207-288-4. March 01. 76.01.
  • Bloody Sunday: Lord Widgery’s Report 1972. ed. Tim Coates. The Stationery Office, St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich NR3 1PD. 128pp. Stg£6.99 $10.95 pb 19 cm 0-11-702405-8. 304.01.
  • Blue Tango. Eoin McNamee. Faber. 276pp. £10.99 pb 22 cm 0-571-20765-0. 234.01, 254.01.
  • Bone and Petals. Eithne Cavanagh. Swan Press, 32 Joy Street, Dublin 4. 62pp. £5.99 €7.60 pb 21 cm 0-9521342-9-2. 112.01.
  • Book of Jesus Reports XXX-XXXIII AD. Patsy McGarry. Irish Times Books. 168pp. £10.99 pb 24 cm 0-907011-33-0. 343.01.
  • Border Crossings: Irish women writers and national identities. ed. Kathryn Kirkpatrick. Wolfhound. 316pp. £25 pb 23 cm 0-86327-844-2. 109.01.
  • Bound for America. Elizabeth Lutzeier. Wolfhound. 176pp. £4.99 pb 20 cm 0-86327-843-4. 39.01, 169.01.
  • Breakfast the Night Before: recollections of an Irish horse dealer. Marjorie Quarton. Lilliput. 224pp. £9.99 pb 23 cm 1-901866-56-4. 32.01.
  • Breaking the Silence. Larry O’Loughlin. Wolfhound. 176pp. £5.99 pb 20 cm 0-86327-836-1. 150.01.
  • Bridging the Gap: connecting with questioning Catholics. Joseph Pollard. Columba. 172pp. £8.99 Stg£7.99 22 cm 1-85607-326-2. March 01. 80.01.
  • 5.01.
  • Brothers and Sisters: glimpses of the cloistered life. Frank Monaco. Collins Press. 88pp. £15 hb 22 cm square 1-903464-11-0. 274.01.
  • Buildings of Meath: a selection of protected structures. Kevin V. Mulligan. The Fieldgate Press, Kells, Co. Meath. 292pp. £15 €19 pb 24 cm 0-9534790-4-8. 302.01.
  • Buried Alive in Ireland: a story of a twentieth century inquisition. Derry Kelleher. Justice Books, Fernhurst, Greystones, Co. Wicklow. 490pp. £20 pb 24 cm No ISBN. March 01. 80.01, 263.01.
  • By Swerve of Shore: exploring Dublin’s coast. Michael Fewer. Gill & Macmillan. 206pp. £7.99 pb 19 cm 0-7171-3353-2. 346.01.
  • Cambridge Union and Ireland: 1815-1914. Ged Martin. Ann Barry 103 Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 3AJ. 356pp. Stg£20 / IR£25 pb 21 cm 0-9526441-2-6. 34.01.
  • Can the Celtic Tiger cross the Irish Border? John Bradley and Esmond Birnie. Cork UP. 112pp. £8.95 €11.36 $9.95 pb 14 cm square 1-85918-312-3. 185.01.
  • Canice: saint of the Roe valley. Shaun Gallagher and Mary McDaid. St Canice’s Jubilee Committee, 21 Main Street, Eglinton, Co Londonderry BT47 3AB. 44pp. Stg£5 pb 21 cm. 113.01.
  • Cannibals. Dan Collins. Cape. 168pp. Stg£10 pb 22 cm 0-224-06134-8. 111.01.
  • Cannon Law. Vincent Banville. New Island. 300pp. £6.99 €8.88 pb 18 cm 1-902602-61-7. 342.01.
  • Carmel Mooney: That Space Between. Ciarán Carty et al. Gandon. 112pp. £20 hb 27 cm 0-946846-57-X. 145.01.
  • Carolan: the life and music of an Irish harper. Donal O’Sullivan. Ossian. 378pp. £27.95 pb 30 cm 1-900428-71-7; £35.95 hb -76-8. 146.01, 268.01.
  • 03.01.
  • Cassa’s Choice. Lilian Roberts Finlay. Brandon. 256pp. £6.99 pb 20 cm 1-902011- 15-5. 342.01.
  • Castles and Fortified Houses of West Cork. Michael J. Carroll. Bantry Studio Publications, Co Cork. 172pp. + folding £9.99 pb 22 cm 0-9519415-8-5. 226.01.
  • Catalogue of Irish language manuscripts in the Bodleian library at Oxford and Oxford college libraries: part one descriptions. ed. Brian Ó Cuív. Dublin Inst. For Advanced Studies. 366pp. NPG hb 23 cm 1-85500-197-7. 229.01.
  • Catalogue of the Maps of the Estates of the Archbishops of Dublin 1654-1850. Raymond Refaussé and Mary Clark. Four Courts. 112pp. 28 cm £35 hb Ltd edn (500) 1-85182-595-9. 35.01.
  • Cathal Buí 2001: selected poems and short stories. ed. Noel Monahan and Jim Nolan. Macnean Environment Committee, 112pp. pb 21 cm 0-9540282-0-1. 149.01.
  • Catholic Education in Trinidad in the Nineteenth Century. J. M. Feheney. Four Courts. 164pp. + 8 b&w photos £10.20 pb 23 cm 1-85182-667-X. 229.01.
  • Celtic Music. ed. Kenny Mathieson. Backbeat Books, USA, distrib. Outline Press, London ( 192pp. Stg£13.95 $19.95 pb 24 cm 0-87930-623-8. 146.01, 267.01.
  • Celtic Studies in Europe and other essays. Seán Ó Lúing. Geography Publications. 334pp. + 16 of photos £25 hb 24 cm 0-906602-76-9. 109.01, 259.01.
  • Celtic Tiger: the myth of social partnership in Ireland. Kieran Allen. Manchester University Press. 224pp. £13.99 pb 22 cm 0-7190-5848-1; £40 hb –5847-3. 33.01, 21.01.
  • Celtic West and Europe: studies in Celtic literature and the early Irish church. Doris Edel. Four Courts. 320pp. £43.32 hb 24 cm 1-85182-269-0. 185.01.
  • Celtic Wisdom for Business. Michael Scott. Newleaf. 112pp. £4.99 pb 16 cm 0-7171-3174-2. 228.01.
  • Century in Focus: photography and photographers in the north of Ireland 1839-1939. W. A. Maguire. Blackstaff. 190pp. Stg£20 hb 28 cm 0-85640-679-1. 37.01.
  • Champagne and Silver Buckles: the viceregal court at Dublin Castle 1700-1922. Joseph Robins. Lilliput. 218pp. + 16 of illustrations £12.99 pb 23 cm 1-901866-58-0. 110.01, 136.01.
  • Changing Christian Concerns. Walter Forde. Kara Publications, the Presbytery, Castlebridge, Wexford. 72pp. £5 €6.35 pb 21 cm 0-9525-4958-1. 275.01.
  • Children of the Dead End. Patrick MacGill. New Island. 236pp. £7.99 pb 20 cm 1-902602-54-4. 147.01.
  • Christ Church Deeds. M. J. McEnery and Raymond Refaussé. Four Courts. 562pp. £39.38 hb 24 cm 1-85182-470-7. 230.01.
  • Christ in Eternity and Time: modern Anglican perspectives. Niall Coll. Four Courts. 208pp. £19.65 hb 24 cm 1-85182-599-1. 238.01.
  • Christianity. ed. Patsy McGarry. Veritas. 150pp. £14.99 €19.05 hb 1-85390-569-0; pb £9.99 €12.69 –568-2. 343.01.
  • Christmas Stories. Don Conroy. Poolbeg. 112pp. £3.99 €5.07 pb 20 cm 1-84223-097-2. 346.01.
  • 2.01.
  • Citizen of the World (Peppercanister 22). Thomas Kinsella. Dedalus.32pp. £6.95 pb 23 cm 1-85754-530-3; £11.95 hb -531-1. 112.01, 180.01.
  • City of the Tribes. Walter Macken. Brandon. 254pp. £7.99 pb 20 cm 0-86322-276-5. March 01. 82.01.
  • Civil War and Restoration in the Three Stuart Kingdoms: the career of Randall MacDonnell, Marquis of Antrim. Jane H. Ohlmeyer. Four Courts. 388pp. £19.65 pb 23 cm 1-85182-626-2. 271.01.
  • Cleggan Bay Disaster. Marie Feeney. Penumbra Press, Largynaseeragh, Glencolumbkille, County Donegal. 112pp. €8 pb 24 cm 0-9541265-0-5. 305.01.
  • Clergy of Dublin and Glendalough. ed. W. J. R. Wallace. Ulster Historical Foundation. 1234pp. Stg£50 IR£55 €70 hb 25 cm 1-903688-08-6. 344.01.
  • Code. Eavan Boland. Carcanet. 50pp. Stg£6.95 pb 22 cm 1-85754-536-2; Stg£14.95 hb -570-2. 274.01, 330.01.
  • Coill Chríon na bhForbacha. Diarmuid Ó Gráinne. Coiscéim. 48pp. £4 pb 21 cm. 149.01.
  • Collectanea Hibernica No 42. ed. Benignus Millett OFM. Franciscan House of Celtic Studies and Historical Research, Dún Mhuire, Killiney, Co Dublin. 270pp. £15 pb 24 cm ISSN 0530-7058. 110.01.
  • Collected Poems, 1956-2001. Thomas Kinsella. Carcanet. 390pp. Stg£14.95 pb 22 cm 1-85754-557-5; Stg£29.95 hb -573-7. 309.01.
  • Collected Poems. Michael Hartnett. Gallery. 256pp. £13.95 pb 23 cm 1-85235-295-7; £25 hb -296-5. 309.01.
  • Collected Stories of Benedict Kiely. Benedict Kiely. Methuen. 780pp. Stg£19.99 hb 24 cm 0-413-75340-9. 190.01.
  • Collège des Irlandais Paris and Irish studies. Proinsias Mac Cana. School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. 204pp. NPG pb 22 cm 1-85500-195-0. 231.01, 334.01.
  • Come Sun, Come Snow. Dympna Dreyer. Bradshaw Books, Tigh Filí, MacCurtain Street, Cork. 48pp. 20 cm £5.99 brochure 0-949010-67-7. 37.01.
  • Comhréir agus Gramadach Ghaeilge Uladh i 1600. Séamus de Napier. Coiscéim. 136pp. £5 pb 21 cm. 306.01.
  • Companion Guide to Ireland. Brendan Lehane. Collins Press. 534pp. + 16 of colour photos £15 pb 22 cm 1-903464-08-0. 228.01.
  • Company: a chosen life. John Montague.. Duckworth. 190pp. + 16 of photos Stg£14.99 hb 24 cm 0-7156-3016-4. 226.01, 324.01.
  • Conamara Blues. John O’Donohue. Bantam. 142pp. Stg£5.99 pb 20 cm 0-553-81322-6. 274.01.
  • Conceiving Revolution: Irish nationalist propaganda during the first world war. Ben Novick. Four Courts. 272pp. £19.65 hb 24 cm 1-85182-620-3. 339.01.
  • Confederate Catholics at War 1641-49. Pádraig Lenihan. Cork UP. 272pp. + 32 of photos £45 €57.14 hb 23 cm 1-85918-244-5. 186.01.
  • Confiscation of Criminal Assets: law and procedure. ed. J. Paul McCutcheon and Dermot P. J. Walsh. Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell. 128pp. NPG pb 1-85800-153-6. 38.00 Feb ‘00, 101.01.
  • Congress of Rough Riders: a novel about Buffalo Bill. John Boyne. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 334pp. £12.99 hb 24 cm 0-297-64655-9. 342.01.
  • Conlon-McKenna, Marita: Under the Hawthorn Tree.119.91, 167.90, 258.97, 347.01.
  • Conlon-McKenna, Marita. Promised Land. 37.01.
  • Connemara Champion. Ann Henning. Poolbeg. 190pp. £4.99 €6.34 pb 20 cm 1-85371-335-X (reissued last of trilogy: see next books). 115.01, 170.01.
  • Connemara Stallion. Ann Henning. Poolbeg. 236pp. £4.99 €6.34 pb 20 cm 1-85371-158-6 (reissue of second of the trilogy). 115.01, 170.01.
  • Connemara Whirlwind. Ann Henning. Poolbeg. 208pp. 34.99 €6.34 pb 20 cm 1-85371-079-2 (the first of the three). 115.01, 170.01.
  • Consumed in Freedom’s Flame: a novel of Ireland’s struggle for freedom 1916-1921. Cathal Liam. St Padraic Press P.O. Box 43351, Cincinnati, Ohio. 442pp. $24 hb 24 cm 0-9704155-0-8. 234.01, 256.01.
  • Contemplating Ireland. ed. Andrew Clarke. Atlantic Ireland, distrib. New Island. 96pp. £9.99 hb 20 cm 1-902602-48-X. 190.01.
  • Contention of the Poets: an essay in Irish intellectual history. John Minahane. Sanas Press c/o Akadémia Vzdelávania, Gorkého 10, 81517 Bratislava, Slovakia. 76pp. NPG pb 21 cm 0-9522582-4-2. March 01. 78.01.
  • Contesting Ireland: Irish voices against England in the eighteenth century. Thomas McLoughlin. Four Courts Press. 248pp. £39.95 hb 1-85182-448-0; £17.50 pb -449-9. Sept. ‘99. 249.99, 223.01.
  • Continente Irlanda: storia e scritture contemporanee. ed. Carla de Petris and Maria Stella. Carocci. 304pp. €20.66 Lire 40.000 pb 22 cm 88-430-1810-8. 185.01.
  • Contract Law in an E-commerce Age. Simon P. Haigh. Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell. 404pp. £38 pb 22 cm 1-85800-224-9. 341.01.
  • Cookie the Cat. Frank Mulligan. Children’s Press. 64pp. £3.99 pb 20 cm 1-901737-34-9. 310.01, 336.01.
  • Corpán, An. Andras Millward; Brian Ó Baoill a d’aistrigh ón mBreatnais. Cló Iar-Chonnachta. 139pp. £6.30 i 8 pb 1-902420-25-X. 346.01.
  • Cottage to Crèche: family change in Ireland. Finola Kennedy. Institute of Public Administration. 320pp. £24 €30.47 pb 24 cm 1-902448-58-8. 239.01, 332.01.
  • County and Town: one hundred years of local government in Ireland. ed. Mary E. Daly. Institute of Public Administration. 176pp. £12 €15.24 pb 21 cm 1-902448-56-1. 341.01.
  • County Clare Studies: essays in memory of Gerald O’Connell, Seán Ó Murchadha, Thomas Coffey and Pat Flynn. ed. Ciarán Ó Murchadha. Clare Archaeological & Historical Society. 284pp. £12 pb 25 cm 0-9539363-1-7; hb –0-9. March 01. 78.01.
  • County Wicklow in 1861: Heffernan’s illustrated plan. K. M. Davies (commentary). Wordwell. £6.50 folded map 28 cm 1-869857-42-9; £6.90 in cardboard tube -45-3. March 01. 78.01.
  • Cows are Vegetarians. Siobhán Parkinson. O’Brien Press. 80pp. £4.99 €6.34 $7.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-694-0 (Red Flag 4). 115.01, 169.01.
  • Cries of an Irish Caveman: new poems. Paul Durcan. Harvill. 172pp. IR£ and Stg£14.99 $23 hb 22 cm 1-86046-909-4; pb -910-8. 309.01.
  • Critical Ireland: new essays in literature and culture. ed. Aaron Kelly and Alan A. Gillis. Four Courts. 240pp. £15.71 pb 23 cm 1-85182-598-3; £35.44 hb -597-5. 185.01, 260.01.
  • Crossing Highbridge: a memoir of Irish America. Maureen Waters. Syracuse University Press. 164pp. $24.95 hb 24 cm 0-8156-0682-6. 226.01.
  • Crossing the Rubicon: bronze age metalwork from Irish rivers. Lorraine Bourke. Department of Archaeology, NUI, Galway. 280 pp+ 32 colour plates £28 €35.56 pb 30 cm 0-9535620-2-X. 226.01.
  • Cuir Gaeilge Air. Antain Mac Lochlainn. Cois Life. 178pp. pb £8 €10.16 20 cm 1-901176-22-3. 36.01.
  • Cultural Traditions in Northern Ireland: cultural diversity in contemporary Europe. ed. Maurna Crozier and Richard Froggatt. Institute of Irish Studies. 157pp. Stg£7.50 pb 0-85389-720-4. March ‘99. 76.99, 97.01.
  • Cultures Apart?: the Catholic church and contemporary Irish youth. Oliver V. Brennan. Veritas. 204pp. £9.99 €12.69 pb 21 cm 1-85390-535-6. 344.01.
  • Cutting the Night in Two: short stories by Irish women writers. ed. Evelyn Conlon and Hans-Christian Oeser. New Island. 416pp. £10.99 €13.95 pb 22 cm1-902602-52-8. 239.01, 330.01.
  • Cyril’s Woodland Quest. Eugene McCabe. O’Brien. 128pp. £5.47 €6.95 Stg£4.99 $7.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-731-9. 347.01.
  • Dad’s Survival Guide: the early years. Ian Banks. Blackstaff. 204pp. Stg£9.99 pb 24 cm 0-85640-696-1. 271.01.
  • Daddy’s Girl. Marian O’Neill. Pocket Books and TownHouse. 286pp. £6.99 pb 20 cm 1-903650-19-4. 342.01.
  • Daily Telegraph: castles and ancient monuments of Ireland. Damien Noonan. Aurum Press. 190pp. Stg£14.99 $19.95 pb 26 cm 1-85410-752-6. 229.01.
  • Dancing with Mules. Morag Prunty. Pan. 346pp. Stg£5.99 pb 18 cm 0-330-48491-5. 147.01.
  • Dandelion by any other Name. Doreen Davy. Mentor. 224pp. £7.09 €9 Stg£6.99 pb 20 cm 1-84210-087-4. 307.01.
  • Daniel Maclise: Irish artist in Victorian London. Nancy Weston. Four Courts. 334pp. £39.38 hb 24 cm 1-85182-574-6. March 01. 77.01.
  • Dark Companion: ghost stories. John Gaskin. Lilliput. 222pp. £15.74 €19.99 hb 23 cm 1-901866-79-3. 342.01.
  • Das Deutschlandbild der Iren 1890-1939: Geschichte, Form, Funktion. Joachim Fischer. Universitätsverlag Heidelberg. 696pp. DM138 €71 24 cm 3-8253-1061-2. 271.01.
  • Dead. Kevin Barry. Cork University Press. 138pp. €10 pb 19 cm 1-85918-285-2. One of the ‘Ireland into Film’ series. 338.01.
  • Dear Grandad: poems for children and their parents. Gabriel Fitzmaurice. Poolbeg. 80pp. 20 cm £3.99 1-84223-011-5. 39.01.
  • Dear Yeats, Dear Pound, Dear Ford: Jeanne Robert Foster and her circle of friends. Richard Londraville and Janis Londraville. Syracuse University Press. 318pp. $29.95 hb 24 cm 0-8156-0730-X. 337.01.
  • December Bride. Lance Pettitt. Cork University Press. 104pp. €10 pb 19 cm 1-85918-290-9. 338.01.
  • Decent Island. Thomas Kabdebo. Cardinal Press, Cardinal House, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. 170pp. £10 pb 21 cm 1-897922-12-4. 307.01.
  • Deconstructing Ireland: identity, theory, culture. Colin Graham. Edinburgh University Press. 206pp. Stg£16.99 pb 23 cm 0-7486-0976-8; Stg£45 hb -0975-X. 338.01.
  • Demography, State and Society: Irish migration to Britain, 1921-1971. Enda Delaney. Liverpool University Press. 260pp. Stg£ 12.95 pb 23 cm 0-85323-745-X; Stg£32 hb -735-2. 110.01.
  • Desire and Denial. Gordon Thomas. Mentor. 414pp. £7.99 €10.15 pb 20 cm 1-84210-076-9. 147.01.
  • Desire Lines. Annie McCartney. Blackstaff Press. 254pp. Stg£8.99 pb 22 cm 0-85640-702-X. 188.01, 222.01.
  • Desiroscope. Kevin Lavin. Wolfhound. 288pp. £4.96 €6.30 $6.95 pb 20 cm 0-86327-885-X. 346.01.
  • Desmond Fennell: his life and work. ed. Toner Quinn. Veritas. 170pp. £10.23 €12.99 pb 21 cm 1-85390-509-7. 338.01.
  • Dí-Armáil nó Díothú: Éire, an Eoraip, an Domhan. Risteárd Ó Glaisne. Coiscéim. 208pp. £5 pb 21 cm. 304.01.
  • Diarmuid agus Gráinne. Aogán Ó Muircheartaigh. Coiscéim. 52pp. £3 pb 21 cm. 150.01.
  • Diary of a Hippy: journeying through surgery. Catherine McCann. Eleona Books, 42 Donnybrook Manor, Dublin 4. 70pp. £5 pb 21 cm 0-9531302-3-1. 110.01.
  • Dictionary of members of the Dublin book trade 1550-1800. M. Pollard. Bibliographical Society, London. 724pp. 25 cm Stg£85 0-948170-11-5. 32.01.
  • Diocese of Elphin: people, places and pilgrimage. ed. Francis Beirne. Columba. 404pp. 26 cm £30 hb 1-85607-299-1. 35.01.
  • Diplomatic Incidents. Susanne O’Leary. Blackstaff. 280pp. Stg£7.99 pb 22 cm 0-85640-704-6. 147.01.
  • Directory of Dublin for the year 1738. Dublin Corporation Public Libraries. 256pp. + folded map £9.99 $25 pb 18 cm 0-946841-58-6. March 01. 78.01, 333.01.
  • Dirty War, Clean Hands: ETA, the GAL and Spanish democracy. Paddy Woodworth. Cork University Press. 488pp. + 16 of photos £19.95 €25.33 hb 24 cm 1-85918-276-3. 149.01.
  • Discover Galway. Paul Walsh. O’Brien. 128pp. + 16 of colour photos£9.99 €12.68 Stg£9.99 $16.95 pb 24 cm 0-86278-631-2. 229.01.
  • Discover Waterford. Eamonn McEneaney. O’Brien. 112pp. + 16 of colour photos Stg£9.99 £9.99 €12.68 $12.68 pb 23 cm 0-86278-656-8. 229.01.
  • Discovering Art, book 1. Mary Carroll and Katie Long. O’Brien Press for Pine Forest Art. 47pp. £8.99 pb 30 x 21 cm 0-86278-608-8. Sept. ‘99. 258.99, 103.01.
  • Diving Through Clouds. Nicola Lindsay. Poolbeg. 268pp. £6.99 €8.88 pb 20 cm 1-84223-099-9. 342.01.
  • Divorcing Jack. Colin Bateman. HarperCollins. 288pp. £6.99 pb 20 cm 0-00-651379-4. 273.01.
  • Do Penance or Perish: a study of Magdalen asylums in Ireland. Frances Finnegan. Congrave Press, Main Street, Piltown, Co Kilkenny. 268pp. £25 €31.74 hb 24 cm 0-9540921-0-4. 271.01, 331.01.
  • Doctor’s Orders: towards a new medical ethics. John Scally. Veritas. 180pp. NPG pb 21 cm 1-85390-582-8. 228.01.
  • Dolmen Press: a celebration. ed. Maurice Harmon. Lilliput. 155pp. £19.68 hb 22 cm 1-901866-75-0 (ltd edn -76-9; no details provided). 343.01.
  • Don’t Open that Box! Conor McHale. O’Brien. 64pp. Stg£3.99 IR£4.33 €5.50 $4.96 pb 20 cm 0-86278-705-X. 191.01.
  • Donal McCann Remembered: a tribute. ed. Pat Laffan and Faith O’Grady. New Island. 208pp. + 16 of photos £9.99 pb 22cm 1-902602-29-3. 32.01, 137.01.
  • Double Traitors? the Belfast volunteers and yeomen 1778-1828. Allan Blackstock. Belfast Society in assocn with Ulster Historical Foundation. 54pp. Stg£5 pb 24 cm 0-9539604-1-2. 34.01.
  • Doublé à Dublin. Richard Deutsch. Terre de Brume. 186pp. 49F €7.47 pb 17 cm 2-84362-115-1. 111.01.
  • Doubletime. Micky Donnelly. Blackstaff. 208pp. Stg£8.99 pb 21 cm 08564-693-7. 147.01.
  • Dr Bedell and Mr King: The Making of the Irish Bible. Terence McCaughey. School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. 74pp. + 2 folding leaves NPG pb 22 cm 1-85500-196-9. 238.01.
  • Drawbridge. Marie McGann. Brandon. 254pp. £9.99 pb 22 cm 0-86322-271-4. March 01. 79.01, 254.01.
  • Drawing Ballerinas. Medbh McGuckian. Gallery. 68pp. £7.95 pb 21 cm 1-85235-291-4; £13.95 hb -292-2. 235.01.
  • Drawing Texts. ed. Jim Savage. Occasional Press ( 318pp. £6 pb 25 cm. 145.01.
  • Drawings Paintings and Sculptures: the catalogue. ed. Eileen Black. Museums and Galleries of Northern Ireland c/o Nicholson & Bass. 408pp. Stg24.99 pb 28 cm 0-900761-38-5. Stg£35 hb. 31.01.
  • Drink with Shane MacGowan. Victoria Mary Clarke and Shane MacGowan. Sidgwick & Jackson. 378 pp+ 16 of photos £15.99 hb 22 cm 0-283-06299-1. 109.01, 219.01.
  • Driving the Tiger: Irish enterprise spirit. John J. Travers. Gill & Macmillan. 264 pp+ 8 of photos £7.99 hb 23 cm0-7171-3303-6. 271.01, 326.01.
  • Duanaire an Chéid. eag. Gearóid Denvir. 254pp. hb 23 cm 1-902420-32-2. March 01. 76.01, 140.01.
  • Dublin Burial Grounds and Graveyards. Vivien Igoe. Wolfhound. 368pp. £25 hb 25 cm 0-86327-872-8. 340.01.
  • Dublin Libraries: a pictorial record. Seán Lennon. Dublin Corporation Public Libraries. 88pp. £9.99 €12.68 pb 21 x 30 cm (wide) 0-946841-57-8. 231.01, 231.01, 333.01.
  • Dublin Made Me. C. S. Andrews. Lilliput. 346pp. £9.99 pb 22 cm 1-901866-65-3. 185.01.
  • Dublin Metropolitan Police: a short history and genealogical guide. Jim Herlihy. Four Courts. 280pp. £19.65 pb 23 cm 1-85182-463-4; hb £39.38 –462-6. 231.01.
  • Dublin Metropolitan Police: a complete alphabetical list of officers and men, 1836-1925. Jim Herlihy. Four Courts. 294pp. £23.59 hb 24 cm 1-85182-601-7. 231.01.
  • Dublin Street Names. Paul Clerkin. Gill & Macmillan. 202pp. £7.10 pb 19 cm 0-7171-3204-8. 231.01.
  • Dublin Through Space and Time (c. 900-1900). ed. Joseph Brady and Anngret Simms. Four Courts. 394pp. £15.71 pb 24 cm 1-85182-641-6; £35.44 hb -610-6. 305.01.
  • Dublin. Seán Moncrieff. Doubleday. 272pp. Stg£9.99 pb 23 cm 0385-602251. 188.01, 255.01.
  • Dubliners. James Joyce. Oxford. 352pp. Stg4.99 $8.95 pb 20 cm 0-19-283999-3. March 01. 77.01.
  • Dúlra Duibhneach. Pádraig Ua Maoileoin. Coiscéim. 48pp. £4 €5.08 pb 20 cm. 306.01.
  • Eager to Please. Julie Parsons. Town House. 448pp. £11.99 €15.23 pb 23 cm 1-86059-123-X. 36.01.
  • Early Christian Inscriptions of Munster: a corpus of the inscribed stones. Elisabeth Okasha and Katherine Forsyth. Cork UP. 392pp. £60 €76.20 hb 24 cm 1-85918-170-8. 229.01.
  • Early Christian Ireland. T. M. Charles- Edwards. Cambridge UP. 728pp. £45 $69.95 hb 23 cm 0-521-36395-0. 34.01, 143.01.
  • Eat with Joy on a Wheat-free Gluten-free Diet. Ann O’Dowd Fogarty. A. & A. Farmar. 222pp. £11.81 €15 pb 22 cm 1-899047-73-5. 228.01.
  • Ed’s Bed. Eoin Colfer. O’Brien. 64pp. £4.50 €5.50 $7.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-679-7 (Flyers 7—’second step in reading’). 115.01.
  • Eggman’s Apprentice. Maurice Leitch. Secker & Warburg. 352pp. Stg£10 pb 22 cm 0-436-40403-6. 147.01.
  • Element of Fire. Brendan Graham. HarperCollins. 368pp. Stg£16.99 hb 24 cm 0-00225977-X. 234.01.
  • Elephants against Rome. C. Desmond Greaves. Léirmheas ( 148pp. £6 pb 23 cm 0-9518777-8-X. 37.01, 130.01.
  • Elfree Stories. Anne Muller. Collins Press. 62pp. £4.99 pb 24 cm1-903464-056. 310.01.
  • Emerald Germs of Ireland. Patrick McCabe. Picador. 384pp. 22 cm Stg£14.99 hb 0-330-39161-5. 36.01.
  • Employment Law. Michael Forde. Round Hall. 476pp. £68 pb 23 cm 1-85800-188-9; £108 hb –221-4. 272.01.
  • Enchanted Ireland. Richard Turpin and Paul Lay. Little, Brown. 216pp. Stg£18.99 hb 28 cm 0-316-85692-4. 148.01.
  • Endgame in Ireland. Eamonn Mallie and David McKittrick. Hodder. 320pp. + 8 of colour photos Stg£12.99 hb 24 cm 0-340-82259-7. 341.01.
  • Englishwoman in Belfast: Rosamond Stephen’s record of the Great War. ed. Oonagh Walsh. Cork UP. 100pp. £8.95 pb 20 cm 1-85918-270-4. 227.01.
  • Ennis in Old Picture Postcards. Seán Spellissy. European Library, PO Box 49, NL 5300 AA Zaltbommel ( 80pp. £9.95 hb 15 cm x 21 wide 90-288-2695-5. 148.01.
  • Entertaining Ambrose. Deirdre Purcell. Town House. 432pp. £15.99 €20.30 hb 22 cm 1-86059-122-1. 36.01, 166.01.
  • Equiano and anti-slavery in eighteenth-century Belfast. Nini Rodgers. Belfast Society in assocn with Ulster Historical Foundation. 33pp. Stg£5 pb 23 cm 0-9539604-0-4. 34.01, 99.01.
  • Escape the Flood. Stephanie Dagg. Mentor. 112pp. £4.50 €5.71 pb 20 cm 1-84210-074-2. 115.01, 169.01.
  • Eurochild 2001. ed. Aisling Lyons. Bradshaw Books. 108pp. £7.99 pb 21 sq 0-949010-74-X. 239.01.
  • EV+A 2000: friends + neighbours. ed. Paul M. O’Reilly. Gandon. 192pp. £15 pb 24 cm 0-946846-40-5. 145.01.
  • EV+A 2001 expanded: exhibition of visual art. ed. Paul M. O’Reilly. Gandon. 288pp. £15 pb 24 cm 0-946846-12-X. 145.01.
  • Everyday Journey: moments of reflection. Betty Maher. Columba. 96pp. £6.99 Stg5.99 pb 22 cm 1-85607-346-7. 310.01.
  • Evil Empire: John Gilligan, his gang and the execution of journalist Veronica Guerin. Paul Williams. Merlin. 376pp. + 32 of photos £8.99 €11.41 $14.95 pb 20 cm 1-903582-07-5. 185.01.
  • Exploring Irish Genealogy: Irish civil registration—where do I start? Eileen M. Ó Dúill and Steven C. ffeary-Smyrl. Council of Irish Genealogical Organisations, 21 St Brigid’s Grove, Dublin 5. 80pp. £5 brochure 21 cm 0-9539495-0-8. 33.01.
  • Exploring Irish Mammals. Tom Hayden and Rory Harrington. Town House. 382pp. £20 €25.40 flapped pb 24 cm 1-186059-093-4. 39.01, 200.01.
  • Expressions of Faith: Ulster’s church heritage. Richard Oram. Colourpoint. 136pp. Stg£14.99 pb 26 cm 1-898392-74-9. 337.01.
  • Eye for Cork. Gerard Kennedy. Collins. 112pp. £20 hb 26 cm 1-903464-04-8. 309.01.
  • Faightear Gach Laoch in Aisce. Pádraig Ó Cíobháin. Coiscéim. 272pp. £6 pb 21 cm. 307.01.
  • Fair River Valley: Strabane through the ages. ed. John Dooher and Michael Kennedy. Ulster Historical Foundation. 446pp. Stg£10.95 pb 24 cm 0-901905-96-8. 35.01.
  • Fall of Light. Niall Williams. Picador. 394pp. IR£15.99 hb 24 cm 0-330-48701-9. 307.01.
  • Familiar. Thomas Kinsella. Peppercanister 20 (distrib. in Ireland by Dedalus, in Britain by Carcanet and in USA by Dufour). 23pp. £6.95 pb Dedalus: 1-901233-36-7; Carcanet: 1-85754-440-4; £11.95 hb -37-5; -439-0. Edition of 1550 copies, of which 350 hardbound. Sept. ‘99. 254.99, 179.01.
  • Family Finance 2001-2002: an easy to read guide to solving your money problems. Colm Rapple. Squirrel Press. 330pp. (19 of Ads) £6.99 pb 23 cm 0-95300423-6. March 01. 79.01.
  • Far Side of a Kiss. Anne Haverty. Vintage. 250pp. Stg£6.99 Can$19.95 pb 20 cm 0-09-928178-3. 234.01.
  • Far Side of Revenge: making peace in Northern Ireland. Deaglán de Bréadún. Collins Press. 416pp. £14.99 pb (flapped) 24 cm 1-903464-01-3; £22.99 hb -02-1. 111.01, 297.01.
  • 7.01.
  • Fear at the Festival. Gordon Snell. Poolbeg. 140pp. £4.99 €6.34 pb 20 cm 1-84223-109-X. 347.01.
  • Fear of the Collar: my terrifying childhood in Artane. Patrick Touher. O’Brien Press. 272pp. + 16 of photos £8.66 €11 Stg£7.99 pb 20 cm 0-86278-727-0. 302.01.
  • Feed from the Tree of Life: homilies for the weekday masses. Columba Breen OSB. Columba. 384pp. 21 cm £12.99 Stg£11.99 pb 1-85607-302-5. 38.01.
  • Felicity’s Wedding. Patricia O’Reilly. Oldcastle Books, 18 Coleswood Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 1EQ. 256pp. £9.99 pb 23 cm 1-901986-00-4. 307.01.
  • Female Activists: Irish women and change 1900-1960. ed. Mary Cullen and Maria Luddy. Woodfield Press. 214pp. £14.50 pb 24 cm 0-9534293-0-X. 145.01.
  • Fenian Diary: the Fenian diary of Denis B. Cashman, on board the Hougoumont, 1867-1868. ed. C.W. Sullivan III. Wolfhound. 192pp. £7.09 €9 pb 20 cm 0-86327-858-2. 229.01.
  • Fífeanna is Feadóga. Tomás Ó Canainn. Cló Iar-Chonnachta. 214pp. £9.45 €12 pb 1-902420-47-0. 342.01.
  • Fifth Progress Report: abortion. All-Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution. Oifig an tSoláthair. 700pp. £15 €19.06 pb 30 cm 0-7076-9001-3. 31.01.
  • Filleann an Deamhan. Claire Dagger. Cló Iar-Chonnachta. 72pp. £5.51€7 pb 1-902420-39-X. 347.01.
  • Final Beat: Gardaí killed in the line of duty. Liz Walsh. Gill & Macmillan. 254pp. + 8 of photos £7.99 pb 20 cm 0-7171-3278-1. 338.01.
  • Final Duty. Paul Carson. Heinemann. 330pp. £10 hb 24 cm 0-434-00845-1. 37.01.
  • Findlaters: the story of a Dublin merchant family 1774-2001. Alex Findlater. Farmar. 594pp. £35 hb 26 cm 1-899047-69-7. 340.01.
  • 68.01.
  • Fire in the Forest: religious life in Ireland. ed. Michael J. Breen and John A. Weafer. Veritas. 120pp. 37.87 €9.99 pb 21 cm 1-85390-534-8. 344.01.
  • Fischer, Joachim. Deutschlandbild der Iren. 271.01.
  • Fish Stone Water: holy wells of Ireland. Anna Rackard & Liam O’Callaghan. Atrium (Cork UP). 144pp. £20.08 €25.50 hb 19 cm 0-9535353-1-2. 304.01.
  • Fishbum and Splat. Conor McHale. O’Brien. 64pp. £4.33 €5.50 Stg£3.99 $4.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-735-1. 347.01, 336.01.
  • Flora Hibernica: the wild flowers, plants and trees of Ireland. Jonathan Pilcher and Valerie Hall. Collins. 214pp. £25 hb 27 cm 1-903464-03-X. 306.01.
  • Flora Hibernica. Jonathan Pilcher & Valerie Hall. 306.01.
  • Flotsam and Jetsam: short stories from the Cape. Chuck Kruger. Bradshaw Books (Tigh Filí, MacCurtain Street, Cork). 134pp. £10.50 $16 pb 20 cm 0-949410-71-5. March 01. 82.01.
  • Fluoride: drinking ourselves to death? Barry Groves. New Leaf. 342pp. £13.40 pb 21 cm 0-7171-3274-9. 271.01.
  • Focal sa Chúirt. Leachlain S. Ó Catháin. Coiscéim. 254pp. £5 pb 21 cm. 188.01.
  • Focus series: 1 Gavin Hogg and 2 Helena Gorey. ed. JohnO’Regan. Gandon. ea 48pp. £4.95 pb 20 cm 0-946846-68-5 and -73-1. 302.01.
  • Folklore of Clare. T. J. Westropp. Clasp. 144pp. £15 €19 hb 25 cm 1-900545-12-8. 33.01.
  • Forever in the Past. Lilian Roberts Finlay. Poolbeg. 432pp. £6.99 €8.88 pb 18 cm 1-85371-271-X. 111.01.
  • Fortunes of a Norman Family: the de Verduns in England, Ireland and Wales, 1066-1316. Mark S. Hagger. Four Courts. 286pp. £39.38 hb 24 cm 1-85182-596-7. 146.01.
  • Forty-Seven Roses: a memoir. Peter Sheridan. Macmillan. 218pp. £15.99 hb 22 cm 0-333-90235-1. 270.01.
  • Founder of Opus Dei: the life of Josemaría Escrivá. Volume I, the early years. Andrés Vázquez de Prada. Scepter (Ireland distrib. Four Courts). 662pp. £15.71 pb 22 cm 1-889334-26-X (Four Courts: 1-85182-642-4); £31.50 hb –25-1. 190.01.
  • Four Roads to Dublin: a history of Rathmines, Ranelagh and Leeson Street. Deirdre Kelly. O’Brien. 256pp. £14.96 Stg£12.99 €19.00 $19.95 pb 23 cm 0-86278-491-3. 231.01.
  • Fox’s Tale. Don Conroy. Poolbeg. 48pp. £3.99 €5.07 pb 20 cm 1-84223-052-2. 39.01.
  • Friends Indeed. Rose Doyle. Hodder. 480pp. Stg£17.99 hb 24 cm 0-340-77132-1; Stg£10.99 pb –77133-X. 307.01.
  • From Corrib to Cultra: folklife essays in honour of Alan Gailey. ed. Trefor M. Owen. Institute of Irish Studies. 268pp. Stg£9.50 pb 24 cm 0-85389-765-4; Stg£25 hb -770-0. 33.01.
  • From Newman to New Woman: UCD women remember. ed. Anne Macdona. New Island. 286pp. + 8 b&w photos £10 €12.70 pb 22 cm 1-902602-67-6. 338.01.
  • Full Tide – a miscellany. Michael Coady. Relay Books, Tyone, Nenagh, Co Tipperary. 192pp. £9.95/€12.65 pb 0-956327-27-0. Dec. ‘99. 384.99, 292.01.
  • Funeral Book: pastoral commentaries, creative ideas and funeral homilies. ed. Eltin Griffin OCarm. Columba Press. 128pp. £9.99 pb 1-85607-234-7. Dec. ‘98, 368.98, 225.01.
  • Gaeilge Chorca Dhuibhne. Diarmuid Ó Sé. Institiúid Teangeolaíochta Eireann. 532pp. £20 hb 25 cm 0-946452-97-0. 232.01.
  • Gaelic Ireland: land, lordship and settlement c. 1250-1650. ed. Patrick J. Duffy et al. Four Courts. 454pp. £43.32 hb 24 cm 1-85182-547-9. 146.01.
  • Gallows Speeches from eighteenth-century Ireland. James Kelly. Four Courts. 288pp. £19.65 hb 22 cm 1-85182-611-4. 230.01, 298.01.
  • Gaolta Gairide: rogha dánta comhaimseartha ar théamaí óige agus caidrimh teaghlaigh. Máirín Nic Eoin. Cois Life. 96pp. £9.45 €12 pb 20 cm 1-901176-27-4. 309.01.
  • Gap of the North: the archaeology and folklore of Armagh, Down, Louth and Monaghan. Noreen Cunningham and Pat McGinn. O’Brien. 144pp. + 8 of colour photos £9.41 / Stg£7.99 / €11.95 / $14.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-707-6. 226.01.
  • Gardening the Soul: a spiritual daybook through the seasons. Sister Stanislaus Kennedy. TownHouse and Simon & Schuster. 384pp. £10 €12.70 hb 18 cm 1-903650-05-4. 344.01.
  • Gatekeeper: a memoir. Terry Eagleton. Penguin. 186pp. Stg£9.99 hb 21 cm 0-713-99590-4. 337.01.
  • Get Up Them Steps. Tim Doyle. TJD Publications, 72 Park Lawn, Clontarf, Dublin 3. 264 pp+ 4 of photos £10 €12.70 pb 21 cm 0-9530126-1-1. 270.01, 290.01.
  • 04.01.
  • Gille of Limerick (c. 1070-1145): architect of a medieval church. John Fleming. Four Courts. 176pp. £35.44 hb 24 cm 1-85182-477-4. 227.01.
  • Giving Shine. Ann McKay. Summer Palace Press, Cladnageeragh, Kilbeg, Kilcar, Co Donegal. 64pp. £7 pb 21 cm 0-9535912-2-0. 37.01.
  • Glenstal Book of Prayer: a Benedictine prayer book. Columba. 160pp. £9.99 hb 20 cm 1-85607-322-X. 238.01.
  • 7.01.
  • Godfathers: inside Northern Ireland’s drugs racket. Jim McDowell. Gill & Macmillan. 256pp. + 16 of photos £7.99 pb 20 cm 0-7171-3298-6. 338.01.
  • Godhead. Thomas Kinsella. Peppercanister 21 (distrib. in Ireland by Dedalus, in Britain by Carcanet and in USA by Dufour). 19pp. £6.95 pb Dedalus: 1-901233-34-0; Carcanet: 1-85754-438-2; £11.95 hb -35-9; -437-4. Edition of 1550 copies, of which 350 hardbound. Sept. ‘99. 254.99, 179.01.
  • Going Down. Kate Thompson. Bantam. 480pp. Stg£5.99 pb 18 cm 0-553-81299-8. March 01. 79.01, 102.01.
  • Goodly Barrow: a voyage on an Irish river. T. F. O’Sullivan. Lilliput. 282pp. + 4 colour plates £15.74 €19.99 pb 24 cm 1-901866-77-7. 346.01.
  • Grand Tour of Kerry. ed. Penelope Durell and Cornelius Kelly. Cailleach Books, Allihies, Beara, Co Cork. 240pp. £9.99 €12.69 pb 24 cm 0-9537823-1-X. 231.01.
  • Granny’s Secret. Brianóg Brady Dawson. O’Brien. 64pp. £4.33 €5.50 Stg£3.99 $4.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-726-2. 310.01.
  • Grattan: a life. R. B. McDowell. Lilliput. 280pp. + 8 of illustrations £27.56 €35 hb 24 cm 1-901866-72-6. 337.01.
  • Great Christian Prayers: their history and meaning. Stephen Redmond SJ. Columba. 112pp. £5.99 pb 18 cm 1-85607-325-4. 113.01.
  • Great Famine: impact, ideology and rebellion. Christine Kinealy. Palgrave. 280pp. Stg£14.50 pb 22 cm 0-333-67773-0; hb –67772-2. Series: ‘British History in Perspective’. 339.01.
  • Greatest Sporting Memories. ed. Seán Óg Ó Ceallacháin. Calmac Publishing, PO Box 7830, Dublin 5. 251pp. + adverts. £9.95 pb 21 cm 0-9539428-0-5. 39.01.
  • Guards. Ken Bruen. Brandon. 304pp. £9.99 pb 21 cm 0-86322-281-1. 148.01, 290.01.
  • Guide to Evening Classes 2001-2002. Wolfhound. 272pp. £2.99 pb 17 cm 0-86327-866-3. 236.01.
  • Guide to Irish Gardens. Shirley Lanigan. O’Brien. 448pp. + 16 of colour photos £14.96 Stg£12.99 €19.00 $19.95 pb 21 cm 0-86278-632-0. 186.01, 296.01.
  • 68.01.
  • Hair all Curling Gold. Jago Hayden. Black Lion Books, Ardara, Co Donegal. 106pp. £7.95 pb 21 cm 0-9539372-0-8. 32.01.
  • Happy Pigs. Lucy Harkness. Blackstaff Press. 252pp. Stg£7.99 pb 0-85640-656-2. Oct. ‘99. 296.99, 290.01.
  • Haughey’s Millions: Charlie’s money trail. Colm Keena. Gill & Macmillan. 320pp. + 16 of photos £7.99 pb 20 cm 0-7171-3099-1. 309.01.
  • Haunted Inkwell: art and our future. Mark Patrick Hederman. Columba. 231pp. £11.99 pb 22 cm 1-85607-347-5. 338.01.
  • Haunting of Alice Fairlie. Eileen Dunlop. Poolbeg. 192pp. £4.99 €6.34 pb 20 cm 1-85371-973-0. 115.01, 170.01.
  • He’s Risen: reflections on the risen Christ and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Phelim McGowan SJ. Columba. 128pp. £5.99 pb 18 cm 1-85607-330-0. 113.01.
  • Healing amid the Ruins: the Irish Hospital at Saint-Lô (1945-46). Phyllis Gaffney. A. & A. Farmar. 188pp. £14.99 pb 1-899047-33-6. Sept. ‘99, 250.99, 64.01.
  • Hell, Fire and Damnation. Mario Martinez. Barny Books, Grantham, Lincolnshire, England. 168pp. Stg£9.50 pb 19 cm 1-903172-11-X. 233.01.
  • Hen Party. Deirdre Brennan. Lapwing. 36pp. NPG brochure 21 cm 1-898472-55-6. 190.01, 214.01.
  • Heritage of Ireland: natural, man-made and cultural heritage conservation and interpretation business and administration. ed. Neil Buttimer et al. Collins. 728pp. £25 pb 28 cm1-898256-15-2. March 01. 77.01.
  • Heritage of Ireland. Peter Zöller. Gill & Macmillan. 128pp. £7.10 pb 25 cm 0-7171-3157-2. 235.01.
  • Hero, Home. John F. Deane. Dedalus. 28pp. £5.95 brochure 21 cm 1-901233-57-X. 190.01, 214.01.
  • Hidden Famine: poverty, hunger and sectarianism in Belfast 1840-50. Christine Kinealy and Gerard Mac Atasney. Pluto Press. 254pp. Stg£14.99 pb 21 cm 0-7453-1371-X; Stg£45 hb -1376-0. March 01. 78.01, 299.01.
  • High Island: an Irish monastery in the Atlantic. Jenny White Marshall and Grellan D. Rourke. TownHouse. 270pp. £25 €31.75 hb 28 cm 1-86059-121-3. March 01. 76.01, 296.01.
  • Hill of Allen. Desmond Egan. Goldsmith Press. 44pp. £20 hb 30 cm. Edition limited to 500 copies (27 for review, 423 for sale); our copy is not numbered. 190.01.
  • Hillwalker’s Guide to County Cork. Seán Higgisson. Author at PO Box 113, Eglinton Street Sorting Office, Cork. 48pp. £5.50 €6.95 brochure 21 x 10 cm 0-9530194-2-X. 304.01.
  • Hip Flask: short poems from Ireland. ed. Frank Ormsby. Blackstaff. 168pp. Stg£9.99 hb19 cm 0-85640-681-3. 37.01, 55.01.
  • Hissing of the Silent Lonely Room. Paul Charles. New Island. 416pp. £6.99 €8.88 pb 18 cm 1-902602-60-9. 342.01.
  • Historic Ireland: 5,000 years of Ireland’s heritage. Dáithí Ó hÓgáin. Gill & Macmillan. 144pp. £10.25 hb 29 cm 0-7171-3256-0. 235.01.
  • Historic Pubs of Dublin. Aubrey Malone. New Island (Britain: Prion Books). 224pp. £10.99 pb 20 cm 1-902602-49-8. 186.01.
  • Historic Ulster Churches. Simon Walker. Institute of Irish Studies. 216pp. Stg£12.50 pb 25 cm 0-85389-767-0. 31.01.
  • Historical Atlas of the Celtic World. John Haywood. Thames & Hudson. 144pp. Stg£19.95 hb 29 cm 0-500-05109-7. 272.01.
  • History of Dun Laoghaire Harbour. John de Courcy Ireland. Éamonn de Búrca, 27 Priory Drive, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. 198pp. + 3 folded plates NPG hb 26 cm 0-946130-27-2. 110.01, 297.01.
  • History of Gaelic Football. Jack Mahon. Gill & Macmillan. 308pp. + 32 of photos £13.40 pb 21 cm 0-7171-3279-X. 272.01.
  • History of the Black Death in Ireland. Maria Kelly. Tempus. 160pp. + 16 colour photos Stg£15.99 $26.99 pb 25 cm 0-7524-1987-0; Stg£25 $39.99 hb –1794-0. 230.01.
  • History of the Fastnet Rock Lighthouses. C. W. Scott. Schull Books, County Cork. 104pp. NPG pb 31 x 25 cm. 232.01.
  • History of Ulster (2nd edition). Jonathan Bardon. Blackstaff. 942pp. Stg£30 hb 24 cm 0-85640-703-8. 146.01.
  • Home and Away: ten tales and three dreams. James Ellis. Lagan. 240pp. Stg£6.95 pb 20 cm 1-873687-08-7. 344.01.
  • House that Jack built. Catherine Barry. Pocket Books / TownHouse. 350pp. £5.99 pb 18 cm 1-903650-09-7. 148.01.
  • How the GAA survived the Troubles: Northern Ireland 1970-2000. Desmond Fahy. Wolfhound. 176pp. + 8 of photos £8.99 pb 22 cm 0-86327-854-X. 147.01.
  • How the Troubles came to Northern Ireland. Peter Rose. Palgrave. 236pp. Stg£14.99 pb 21 cm 0-333-94941. 233.01, 262.01.
  • How to Trace your Family History: a brief guide to sources of genealogical research for beginners. 3rd edition. Donal Rice and Anne Collins. Dublin Corporation. 42pp. NPG brochure 24 cm 0-94684-154-3. 109.01.
  • I Believe. John Scally. Veritas. 112pp. £9.99 €12.69 pb 21 cm 1-85390-598-4. 344.01.
  • I nDiaidh mo Bháis. Cathal Ó Floinn. Cló Chaisil. 64pp. £3.90 €4.95 pb 20 cm 0-9533635-1-1. 346.01.
  • I’m a Tiger too! Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick. Wolfhound. 32pp. £9.99 hb 22 cm 0-86327-871-X. 310.01, 336.01.
  • If this is Armageddon - it’s very pretty. Liz Willows. Bradshaw. 44pp. NPG 20 cm 0-949010-63-4. 112.01.
  • Illustrated Story of Christian Ireland: from St Patrick to the peace process. Michael Staunton. Emerald Press. 212pp. + 8 colour photos £24.99 €31.73 $24.95 hb 25 cm 1-903582-05-9. 187.01.
  • Images of Dublin: a time remembered. Bill Doyle. Lilliput. 144pp. £19.99 €25.38 hb 25 cm 1-901866-74-2. 343.01.
  • Images of Erin in the Age of Parnell. L. Perry Curtis jr. National Library of Ireland. 57pp. £7.95 pb 24 cm 0-907328-34-2. 33.01, 95.01.
  • In Ainneoin na gCloch. Paddy Bushe. Coiscéim. 56pp. £4 pb 21 cm. 112.01.
  • In Code: a mathematical journey. Sarah and David Flannery. Profile Books. 280pp. + 8 of photos Stg£7.99 pb 20 cm 1-86197-271-7. 111.01.
  • In Search of Ireland’s Holy Wells. Elizabeth Healy. Wolfhound. 120pp. £12 pb 20 cm 0-86327-865-5. 304.01.
  • In Someone Else’s Shoes. Stephanie Baudet. Poolbeg. 80pp. £3.99 €5.07 pb 20 cm 1-84223-029-8. 275.01.
  • In the Church of the Poisoned Mind. Michael Goff. BlackCirclePress Amsterdam ( 200pp. NPG pb 21 cm 90-803352-2-3. 147.01.
  • In Time’s Eye. Y (Douglas Gageby). TownHouse. 260pp. £12.99 €16.49 pb 22 cm 1-86059-148-5. 341.01.
  • Incredible Sister Bridget. Declan Carville and Kieron Black. Discovery Publications. 32pp. Stg£4.99 $7.99 pb 27cm 0-9538222-2-2. 115.01.
  • Information Media and Power through the Ages. ed. Hiram Morgan. UCD Press. 334pp. Stg£38.95 IR£38.95 €49.46 hb 23 cm 1-900621-61-4; Stg£18.95 IR£18.95€24.05 pb -62-2. 187.01.
  • Inishowen. Joseph O’Connor. Vintage. 480pp. Stg£6.99 pb 20 cm 0-09-928653-X. 188.01.
  • Ink Bottle: new writing from Kilkenny. Kilkenny County Council. 120pp. £7.99 pb 20 x 21 cm 0-9518111-4-2. 226.01.
  • Inside the Maze: the untold story of the Northern Ireland prison service. Chris Ryder. Methuen. 384pp. + 8 photos Stg£8.99 pb 20 cm 0-413-75250-X. 230.01.
  • Insurance Law in Ireland. Attracta O’Regan Cazabon. Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell. 683pp. £85 hb 1-899738-68-1. Dec. ‘99. 385.99, 265.01.
  • International Forum for the exposition of German, American and British ideas. ed. James Murphy. Athol Books, PO Box 339, Belfast BT12 4GQ. 104pp. Stg£7.50 brochure 30 cm 0-85034-091-8. 271.01.
  • Intimations: the work of the Clare poet and artist Florence Vere O’Brien. Ballinakella Press. 190pp. £12 hb 22 cm 0-946538-27-1. 38.01.
  • Investing in People: higher education in Ireland from 1960 to 2000. Tony White. Institute of Public Administration. 332pp. £24 €30.47 pb 22 cm 1-902448-55-3. 304.01.
  • Ireland: a traveller’s handbook. Appletree. 274pp. Stg£12.99 £14.99 €19.03 pb 21 cm 0-86281-761-7, 186.01.
  • Ireland and Hungary: a study in parallels with an Arthur Griffith bibliography. Thomas Kabdebo. Four Courts. 122pp. £23.59 hb 24 cm 1-85182-605-X. 230.01.
  • Ireland in Proximity: history, gender, space. ed. Scott et al. Routledge. 208pp. Stg£14.99 pb 0-415-18958-6. Oct. ‘99, 138.01.
  • Ireland: photographs in celebration of the emerald isle, an epic and lyrical land. Gerald Hoberman; text Maggie Davey. Gerald & Marc Hoberman (distrib. John Wilson Booksales). 176pp. Stg£52 hb 24 x 31 cm (wide) 1-919734-40-6. 274.01.
  • Ireland’s Holy Wars: the struggle for a nation’s soul 1500-2000. Marcus Tanner. Yale University Press. 512pp. + 16 of photos £19.95 hb 24 cm 0-300-09072-2. 339.01.
  • Ireland’s Independence, 1830-1923. Oonagh Walsh. Routledge. 140pp. Stg£ 9.99 pb 22 cm 0-415-23951-6; hb –23951-6. 339.01.
  • Ireland’s Islands: landscape, life, and legends. Peter Somerville-Large. Gill & Macmillan. 144pp. £13.40 pb 27 cm 0-7171-3207-2. 235.01.
  • Ireland’s National Theaters: political performance and the origins of the Irish dramatic movement. Mary Trotter. Syracuse UP. 232pp. $19.95 pb 23 cm 0-8156-2889-7; $49.95 hb -2888-9. 185.01.
  • Irish Act of Union. Patrick M. Geoghegan. Gill & Macmillan. 302pp. £13.40 pb 23 cm 0-7171-2894-6. 223.01, 230.01.
  • Irish Architectural and Decorative Studies (volume III). ed. Seán O’Reilly. Irish Georgian Society. 190pp. £15 pb 24 cm 0-946846-48-0. March 01. 76.01.
  • Irish Architectural Review, volume 3. ed. John O’Regan. Gandon / RIAI. 240pp. £19.50 pb 22 cm 0-946846-67-7; £27.50 hb -66-9. 270.01.
  • Irish Arts Review Yearbook 2002. ed. Homan Potterton. Irish Arts Review, 272pp. inc. advertisements. £26 pb 30 cm 0-9536510-4-5; £40 hb -5-3. 337.01.
  • Irish Bagpipes: their construction and maintenance. Wilbert Garvin. Blackstaff Press. 53pp. Stg£20 hb 30 x 21 cm 0-85640-692-9. 293.01.
  • Irish Church Records. ed. James G. Ryan. Flyleaf Press. 208pp. Stg£21 £22 €28 $33 pb 24 cm 0-9539974-I-3; £30 hb –0-5. 228.01.
  • Irish College at Lisbon 1590-1834. Patricia O Connell. Four Courts. 148pp. £25.60 hb 1-85182-564-9. 305.01, 334.01.
  • Irish Counter-Revolution 1921-1936. John M. Regan. Gill & Macmillan. 492pp. + 8 of photos £12.99 pb 24 cm 0-7171-2885-7. 340.01.
  • Irish Country House Cooking: the blue book recipe collection. Georgina Campbell. Epicure Press, PO Box 6173, Dublin 13. 160pp. £16.99 hb 25 cm 1-903164-03-6. 33.01.
  • Irish Days: oral histories of the twentieth century. Margaret Hickey. Kyle Cathie. 288pp. £18.99 hb 24 cm 1-85626-260-X. 270.01.
  • Irish Fairs and Markets: studies in local history. ed. Denis A. Cronin et al. Four Courts. 256pp. £23.63 hb 24 cm 1-85182-525-8. 272.01, 294.01.
  • Irish Famine: a documentary. Colm Tóibín and Diarmaid Ferriter. Profile Books. 222pp. Stg£15 hb 22 cm 1-86197-249-0. 187.01, 266.01.
  • Irish in Europe 1580-1815. ed. Thomas O’Connor. Four Courts. 220pp. 24 cm £35 hb 1-85182-579-7. 34.01.
  • Irish Journal. Gerry Adams. Brandon. 288pp. £9.99 pb 22 cm 0-86322-282-X. 227.01.
  • Irish Journey: women’s stories of abortion. Irish Family Planning Association. 64pp. £9.95 pb 29 cm 0-903695-01-4. 31.01.
  • Irish Kings and High-Kings. Francis J. Byrne. Four Courts. 390pp. + 16 of photos £19.95 pb 23 cm 1-85182-552-5. 271.01.
  • Irish Lighthouses. Sharma Krauskopf. Appletree. 96pp. Stg£12.99 £14.99 pb 28 cm 0-86281-804-4. 346.01.
  • Irish Literary Dictionary and Glossary. Richard Wall. Colin Smythe. 374pp. Stg£36 hb 24 cm 0-86140-442-4. 272.01.
  • Irish Media: a critical history since 1922. John Horgan. Routledge. 228pp. Stg£14.99 pb 24 cm 0-415-21641-9. 146.01, 173.01.
  • Irish Medical Directory: the directory of Irish medical healthcare 2001-2002. ed. Maurice Guéret. Irish Medical Directory, PO Box 5049, Dublin 6W. 528pp. inc. advertising £45 30 cm 0-9527637-5-3. 238.01.
  • Irish Methodists: where do I start? Steven C. ffeary-Smyrl. Council of Irish Genealogical Organisations. 36pp. 21 cm £4 brochure. Exploring Genealogy No. 1: ISSN 1393-9645. 33.01.
  • Irish Music Manuscripts of Edward Bunting (1773-1843): an introduction and catalogue. Colette Moloney. Irish Traditional Music Archive, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. 736pp. £60 hb 31 cm 0-9532704-2-4. 111.01.
  • Irish Musical Studies 6: a historical anthology of Irish church music. ed. Gerard Gillen and Andrew Johnstone. Four Courts. 336pp. £35.44 hb 24 cm 1-85182-507-X. 306.01.
  • Irish Politics Today. Neil Collins and Terry Cradden. Manchester University Press. 176pp. Stg£9.99 pb 23 cm 0-7190-6174-1; hb Stg£40 0-7190-6173-3. 343.01.
  • Irish Potato Cookbook. Eveleen Coyle. Gill & Macmillan. 120pp. £6.30 pb 19 cm 0-7171-3158-0. 228.01, 300.01.
  • Irish Preaching 700-1700. ed. Alan J. Fletcher and Raymond Gillespie. Four Courts. 154pp. £39.38 hb 24 cm 1-85182-550-9. 238.01.
  • Irish Republicanism: the authentic perspective. Derry Kelleher. Justice Books. 548pp. £20 pb 24 cm. 187.01, 263.01.
  • Irish Scientist: 2001 yearbook. ed. Charles Mollan. Samton. 264pp. £15 hb 30 cm 1-898706-22-0; £10 pb -23-9. 344.01.
  • Irish Session Tunes: The Green Book. ed. Geraldine Cotter. The Red Book. ed. Matt Cranitch. Ossian. 64 and 48pp. £7.95 each brochure 30 cm 1-900428-56-3, -61-X. 146.01.
  • Irish Soups and Breads. Nuala Cullen. Gill & Macmillan. 126pp. £6.20 pb 19 cm 0-7171-3154-8. 228.01.
  • Irish Storyteller. Georges Denis Zimmermann. Four Courts. 634pp. £35.44 €45 hb 24 cm 1-85182-622-X. 304.01.
  • Irish Theatre Handbook, 2nd edition. ed. Loughlin Deegan. Theatre Shop, 36-37 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin 1. 208pp. £15 €19.05 pb 21 cm 0-9534213-1-7. 146.01, 221.01.
  • Irish Times Book of the Year 2001. ed. Peter Murtagh. Gill & Macmillan. 256pp. £17.99 hb 25 cm 0-7171-3329-X. 340.01.
  • Irish Times Book of Simplex Crosswords: celebrating 50 years 1951-2001. Mary O’Brien. Irish Times Books. 136pp. £6.99 pb 17 cm 0-907011-32-2. 343.01.
  • Irish Uprising, 1914-21: papers from the British parliamentary archive. ed. Tim Coates. The Stationery Office, St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich NR3 1PD. 224pp. Stg£6.99 pb 19 cm 0-11-702415-5. 305.01.
  • Irish Volunteers in the Second World War. Richard Doherty. Four Courts. 378pp. + 24 of photos £19.65 hb 24 cm 1-85182-523-1. 340.01.
  • Irish Wedding Book: everything you need to plan a wedding. Kim McGuire. Wolfhound. 192pp. £9.99 pb 23 cm 0-86327-376-9. 111.01.
  • Irish Writing in the Twentieth Century: a reader. ed. David Pierce. Cork University Press. 1374pp. £25 €31.74 pb 1-85918-208-9; £35 €44.44 hb 24 cm -258-5. March 01. 76.01, 215.01.
  • Irland Almanach No. 2: das jüdische Irland. ed. Hans-Christian Oeser et al. Unrast. 240pp. 22 cm NPG pb 3-89771-198-2. 31.01.
  • Irland Almanach No. 3, 2001: Irische und barbarische Spiele. ed. Hans-Christian Oeser et al. Unrast Verlag. 240pp. DM29.80 pb 22 cm 3-89771-197-4. 270.01.
  • Island Funeral. Bill Doyle and Muiris Mac Conghail. Veritas. 64pp. £19.99 hb 22 cm x 24 wide 1-85390-527-5. 148.01.
  • It Wasn’t Me. Creina Mansfield. O’Brien. 144 pp£5.47 €6.99 Stg£4.99 $7.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-696-7. 347.01.
  • Jack Lynch: hero in crisis. Bruce Arnold. Merlin. 266pp. + 32 of photos £22.99 €29.19 hb 24 cm 1-903582-06-7. 303.01.
  • James Hogan: revolutionary, historian and political scientist. ed. Donnchadh Ó Corráin. Four Courts. 262pp. + 7 of photos £31.50 hb 24 cm 1-85182-520-7. 109.01.
  • James Joyce: thought through my eyes. Fritz Senn et al. Schwabe. 240pp. Fr 48 DM 58, öS 425 hb 25 cm 3-7965-1593-2. March 01. 139.01.
  • Jameson Guide Ireland 2001. Georgina Campbell. Georgina Campbell Guides, PO Box 6173, Dublin 13. 432pp. £9.99 pb 22 x 12 cm 1-903164-02-8. 34.01.
  • Jameson Guide Ireland 2002: the best places to eat, drink and stay. ed. Georgina Campbell. Campbell’s Guides. 506pp. Stg£12 IR£12.60 €16 pb 23 cm narrow format 1-903164-05-2. 339.01.
  • Jenny Bristow Cooks Gloriously Good Food. Jenny Bristow. Blackstaff. 120pp. Stg£10.99 hb 20 cm 0-85640-700-3. 339.01.
  • Jeremy’s Baby. Jennifer Chapman. Brandon. 256pp. £9.99 pb 22 cm 0-86322-277-3. 111.01, 133.01.
  • 57.01.
  • Joe and the Grimbledyke. Ursula Friess. Poolbeg. 80pp. £3.99 €5.07 pb 20 cm 1-84223-015-8. 115.01, 257.01.
  • Joey Dunlop: king of the roads. Stephen Davison. O’Brien. 128pp. £16.99 / $25.95 hb 27 cm 0-86278-698-3. 37.01.
  • Johnny Coffin Diaries. John W. Sexton. O’Brien Press in assocn with RTÉ. 144pp. £5.47 €6.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-704-1. 150.01.
  • Joseph’s Mansions. Richard Pitman. HarperCollins. 316pp. Stg£9.99 pb 23 cm 0-00-711468-0; hb -226146-4. 188.01.
  • Jumping the Bus Queue: the older women’s network poetry collection. ed. Mary Rose Callaghan. The Older Women’s Network, c/o Age and Opportunity, Marino Institute of Education, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9. 120pp. £5 €6.35 pb 21 cm 1-900578-16-6. 235.01.
  • Juno and Juliet. Julian Gough. Flamingo. 300pp. Stg£9.99 pb 23 cm 0-00-710809-5. 112.01, 133.01.
  • Just Joey: the Joey Dunlop story. Jimmy Walker. CollinsWillow. 288pp. + 16 of photos Stg£16.99 hb 24 cm 0-00-711546-6. 191.01.
  • Just-the-Same Jamie. Malachy Doyle. Poolbeg. 46pp. 20 cm £3.99 €5.07 pb 1-84223-003-4. 39.01.
  • Keeping Children Safe: child abuse, child protection and the promotion of welfare. Harry Ferguson and Máire O’Reilly. A. & A. Farmar. 304pp. £12.60 €16 pb 23 cm 1-899047-72-7. 239.01, 332.01.
  • Kerry Anthology. ed. Gabriel Fitzmaurice. Marino. 432pp. £20 hb 23 cm 1-86023-121-7. 31.01.
  • Kerry Hospitality Guide 2001. Georgina Campbell. Campbell’s Guides. 90pp. + 9 of advertisements £4.99 pb 21 cm narrow format 1-903164-04-4. 110.01.
  • Kilkeedy: a success story from a rural parish of the preservation of historic ruins. Frank Hanley. Corcamore Publications, Clarina , Co Limerick. 200pp. £20 hb 30 cm 0-9540353-0-5. 232.01.
  • Killarney National Park: a place to treasure. ed. Bill Quirke. Collins Press. 234pp. £25 hb 22 cm nearly square 1-898256-69-1. 186.01.
  • Killing Kind. John Connolly. Hodder & Stoughton. 396pp. Stg£12.99 hb 24 cm 0-340-77120-8. 112.01.
  • Kind of Travelling: the grail quest retold. Philippa Craig. Morrigan Books, Gore Street, Killala, Co Mayo. 130pp. £7.50 pb 22 cm 0-907677-63-0. 232.01.
  • King of Elfland’s Daughter. Lord Dunsany. Gollancz. 256pp. Stg£6.99 pb 20 cm 1-85798-790-X. Fantasy Masterworks series. 112.01.
  • Kingdoms in Crisis: Ireland in the 1640s. (Essays in honour of Dónal Cregan). ed. Micheál Ó Siochrú. Four Courts. 288pp. £31.50 €55 hb 24 cm 1-85182-535-5. 187.01.
  • Kingfishers: essays on Irish and English poetry. Giuseppe Serpillo. Goldsmith Press. 136pp. £20 pb 22 cm 1-87049-067-3. 185.01, 260.01.
  • Knowledge in the Blood: new and selected poems. Macdara Woods. Dedalus. 216pp. £7.95 pb 21 cm 1-901233-62-6; £11.95 hb -63-4. March 01. 79.01, 128.01.
  • Knut and Freya in Wales. Mary Arrigan. Poolbeg. 64pp. £3.99 €5.07 pb 20 cm 1-85371-914-5. 39.01, 258.01.
  • Lady Gregory Autumn Gatherings: reflections at Coole. ed. Seán Tobin and Lois Tobin. Lady Gregory Autumn Gathering, 42 Upper Newcastle, Galway. 218pp. £12.50 pb 24 cm 0-9539835-0-1. 109.01, 217.01.
  • Lambeg and the Bodhrán: drums of Ireland. Rina Schiller. Institute of Irish Studies. 160pp. Stg£9.50 pb 24 cm 0-85389-797-2. 306.01.
  • Landlord’s Garden: Derreen demesne, County Kerry. Nigel Everett. Hafod Press, Currakeal, Borlin, Bantry, Co Cork. 96pp. £9.95 pb 26 cm. 272.01, 295.01.
  • Landscapes of Ireland. Michael Diggin. Gill & Macmillan. 128pp. £7.10 pb 25 cm 0-7171-3199-8. 235.01.
  • Language and Conquest in early Modern Ireland: English renaissance literature and Elizabethan imperial expansion. Patricia Palmer. Cambridge UP. 266pp. Stg£40 $59.95 hb 24 cm 0-521-79318-1. 305.01.
  • Last before America: Irish and American writing; essays in honour of Michael Allen. ed. Fran Brearton & Eamonn Hughes. Blackstaff. 248pp. Stg£12.99 pb 24 cm 0-85640-701-1. 303.01.
  • Last Lords of Ormond: Cromwellian plantation, prelude and aftermath in the ‘countrie of the three O’Kennedies’. Dermot F. Gleeson; ed. Donal A. Murphy. Relay. 360pp. + 2 folding maps £20 hb 24 cm 0-946327-31-9. 35.01.
  • Last of the Irish Males. Joseph O’Connor. New Island. 306pp. £9.99 pb 22 cm 1-902602-44-7. March 01. 78.01, 131.01.
  • Last Orders: neue Geschichten. Sean McGuffin. Nautilus, Hamburg. 190pp. €14.50 pb 3-89401-377-X. 310.01.
  • Last Orders, Please! John McGuffin. Irish Resistance Books, 4 Craft Village, Derry City BT48 6AR. 200pp. Stg8.99 pb 21 cm 0-9539482-0-X. 39.01.
  • Laurence Sterne: a life. Ian Campbell Ross. Oxford University Press. 512pp. Stg£25 hb 24 cm 0-19-212235-5. 109.01, 177.01.
  • Lavit Review, vol. I, 2001. ed. Ken McCarthy. Gandon for Cork Arts Society. 80pp. £7.50 pb 0-946846-64-2. 302.01.
  • Le Grand Meaulnes. Alain-Fournier. Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill a d’aistrigh. Coiscéim. 232pp. £5 €6.35 pb 21 cm. 342.01.
  • Leaping Leprechaun. Robert Dwyer Joyce. Gill & Macmillan. 10pp. NPG hb 8 cm 0-7171-3255-2. 239.01.
  • Leprechaun Library. Yvonne Carroll. Gill & Macmillan. box set of 5 booklets hb 14 cm 0-7171-3251-X. 239.01.
  • Leprechaun on the Loose. Annette Kelleher. O’Brien. 110pp. £5.12 €6.50 Stg£4.99 $7.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-729-7. 347.01.
  • Lewis’ Dublin: a topographical dictionary of the parishes, towns and villages of Dublin city and county. Christopher Ryan. Collins Press. 264pp. £11.99 pb 23 cm 1-898256-95-0. 272.01.
  • Libel Law: a journalist’s handbook. Damian McHugh. Four Courts. 96pp. £12.56 €15.95 pb 23 cm 1-85182-640-8. 42.90, 273.01.
  • Liber Memorialis: professor James C. Brady. ed. Oonagh Breen et al. Round Hall. 442pp. Stg£98 hb 24 cm 1-85800-215-X. 272.01.
  • Life of W. B. Yeats. Terence Brown. Gill & Macmillan. 426pp. £13.40 pb 23 cm 0-7171-3248-X. 227.01.
  • Like Joy in Season, Like Sorrow. Mary Dorcey. Salmon. 92pp. £6.99 €8.88 pb 21 cm 1-903392-17-9. 236.01.
  • Like Mary: towards Christian maturity in the twenty-first century. Fritz Arnold. Columba. 164pp. £9.99 pb 22 cm 1-85607-321-1. 149.01.
  • Lion of the West: a biography of John MacHale. Hilary Andrews. Veritas. 358pp. £15 €19.05 pb 22 cm 1-85390-572-0. 227.01.
  • Lisburn: the town and its people 1873-1973. Brian Mackey. Blackstaff. 176pp. Stg10.99 pb 22 cm square 0-85640-689-9. 37.01.
  • Literary Tour of Ireland. Elizabeth Healy. Wolfhound. 272pp. £18.90 pb 25 cm 0-86327-731-4. 229.01.
  • Little Book of Irish Grannies’ Remedies. Betty Kirkpatrick. O’Mara. 96pp. Stg£1.99 pb 10 cm 1-85479-828-6. 109.01.
  • Little Book of Irish Wit and Wisdom. Betty Kirkpatrick. O’Mara. 96pp. Stg£1.99 pb 10 cm 1-85479-827-8. 110.01.
  • Littlebody. (Peppercanister 23) Thomas Kinsella. Dedalus. 30pp. £6.95 pb 23 cm 1-85754-532-X; £11.95 hb –533-8. 112.01, 180.01.
  • Living beyond Conformity: an experience of ministry and priesthood. Owen Hardwicke. Columba. 288pp. £11.99 pb 21 cm 1-85607-308-4. 149.01.
  • Living Word. ed. Jacqui Corcoran. TownHouse. 208pp. £9.99 €12.68 pb 21 cm 1-86059-146-9. 344.01.
  • Loco i Lios na Caolbhaí. Mícheál Ó Ruairc. Coiscéim. 104pp. £4 pb 21 cm. 309.01.
  • Long March. Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick. Wolfhound. 34pp. £10.99 hb 29 cm 0-86327-644-X. 191.01.
  • Long Walk South: from the North Sea to the Mediterranean. Sean Rothery. Collins. 284pp. £14.99 hb 21 cm 1-903464-10-2. 346.01.
  • Lord Charlemont and his Circle: essays in honour of Michael Wynne. ed. Michael McCarthy. Four Courts. 230 pp+ 16 colour photos £23.63 hb 24 cm 1-85182-555-X. 146.01.
  • Lost Fairy. Marian Broderick. O’Brien. 64pp. £4.33 €5.50 Stg£3.99 $4.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-725-4. 347.01.
  • Lost Island. Eilís Dillon. O’Brien. 208pp. £5.47 €6.95 Stg£4.99 $7.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-118-3. 347.01.
  • Lost Tradition: essays on middle English alliterative poetry. John Scattergood. Four Courts. 254pp. £45 hb 24 cm 1-85182-565-7. 35.01.
  • Louie Bennett. Rosemary Cullen Owens. Cork UP. 174pp. £12.95 €16.44 pb 22 cm 1-85918-309-3. 227.01.
  • Love in one Edition. Peter Cunningham. Harvill. 222pp. Stg£ / IR£ 9.99 pb 23 cm 1-86046-828-4; hb -827-6. 112.01.
  • Love nor Lack of Love. Garret Baker. Farmar. 174pp. £7.99 pb 22 cm 1-899047-83-2. 342.01.
  • Lux Aeterna agus Dánta Eile. Eoghan Ó Tuairisc, eag. Seán Ó Cearnaigh. Cois Life. 138pp. pb £10 €12.70 20 cm 1-901176-23-1. 38.01.
  • Lyn: a story of prostitution. Lyn Madden and June Levine. Attic. 280pp. £7.99 €10.15 pb 20 cm 0-94621145-0. 32.01.
  • Macadúna. Pádraig Ua Maoileoin. Coiscéim. 126pp. £4 pb 21 cm. 145.01.
  • Maeve and the Goodnight Trail. Mary Arrigan. Children’s Press. 144pp. $4.95 pb 20 cm 1-901737-31-4. 310.01.
  • Maharajah’s Box: an imperial story of conspiracy, love and a guru’s prophecy. Christy Campbell. HarperCollins. 496pp. +16 of illustrations Stg£8.99 pb 20 cm 0-00-653078-8. March 01. 78.01.
  • Maistín. Peter Jan Rens; Alex Hijmans a d’aistrigh ón Ollainnis. Cló Iar-Chonnachta. 143pp. £6.30 pb 1-902420-44-6. 346.01.
  • Major Works. W. B. Yeats. Oxford UP. 608pp. Stg£8.99 pb 20 cm 0-19-284283-8. 233.01.
  • Making Ireland British 1580-1650. Nicholas Canny. Oxford UP. 650pp. Stg£55 hb 24 cm 0-19-820091-9. 230.01.
  • Making my Mark: an artist’s early life. James MacIntyre. Blackstaff. 154pp. Stg£20 hb 28 cm 0-85640-707-0. 337.01.
  • Making Sense of the Troubles. David McKittrick and David McVea. Blackstaff. 366pp. Stg£20 hb 24 cm 0-85640-686-4. 36.01, 97.01.
  • Malinski. Síofra O’Donovan. Lilliput. 214pp. £8.95 pb 22 cm 1-901866-69-6. March 01. 59.01, 79.01.
  • Man of No Property. C. S. Andrews. Lilliput. 348pp. + 8 of photos £9.99 pb 22 cm 1-901866-66-1. 185.01.
  • Managing Activism: a guide to dealing with activists and pressure groups. Denise Deegan. Kogan Page. 160pp. Stg£14.99/$19.95 pb 23 cm 0-7494-3435-X. 32.01.
  • Manikon Eros: mad, crazy love. Mark Patrick Hederman. Veritas. 112pp. £7.99 pb 21 cm 1-85390-556-9. 148.01.
  • Mass and Mary Brown. Anthea Dove. Columba. 128pp. £5.99 pb 18 cm 1-85607-329-7. 149.01.
  • Maverick: a dissident view of broadcasting today. Bob Quinn. Brandon. 280pp. £15.99 hb 22 cm 0-86322-288-9. 303.01, 327.01.
  • Mayo’s Lost Islands: the Inishkeas. Brian Dornan. Four Courts. 304pp. + 32 of illustrations £19.95 pb 23cm 1-85182-594-0; £40 hb –593-2. 35.01.
  • Media and the Market Place: ethical perspectives. ed. Eoin Cassidy and Andrew G. McGrady. Institute of Public Administration. 256pp. £17 €21.59 pb 21 cm 1-902448-52-9. 233.01.
  • Medieval Dublin II. ed. Duffy. Four Courts. 256pp. £15.71 pb 23 cm 1-85182- 602-5; £39.38 hb -607-6. 232.01.
  • Medieval Ireland: an archaeology. Tadhg O’Keeffe. Tempus Publishing, The Mill, Brimscombe Port, Stroud, Glos. GL5 2QG. 192pp. + 16 of colour photos Stg£15.99 $26.99 pb 25 cm 0-7524-1926-9. 226.01.
  • Meditations, with Distractions: poems, 1988-98. James J. McAuley. University of Arkansas Press. 104pp. $16 pb 22 cm 1-55728-700-7. 343.01.
  • Memoirs. William Bedell Stanford. Hinds, 13 Carlisle Avenue, Dublin 4. 256pp. £25 hb 25 cm 0-9528236-2-4. 227.01.
  • Men Who Built Britain: a history of the Irish navvy. Ultan Cowley. Wolfhound. 272pp. £19.70 hb 26 cm 0-86327-829-9; limited edition -890-6. 305.01.
  • Mermaid’s Head. Mary Rose Callan. Bradshaw. 56pp. NPG pb 20 cm 0-949010-66-9. 113.01.
  • Merseypride: essays in Liverpool exceptionalism. John Belchem. 246pp. + 8 of illustrations Stg£11.95 pb 23 cm 0-85323-725-5; Stg£27-95 hb -715-8. 113.01.
  • Methodists in Ireland: a short history. Dudley Levistone Cooney. Columba. 280pp. + 16 of photos Stg£10.99 IR£12.99 pb 22 cm 1-85607-335-1. 238.01, 250.01.
  • Michael and the Bones of Mir. Ranald Macdonald. Beamore Books, 11 Chippendale Glen, Bangor, Co Down BT20 4NU. 200pp. Stg£4.99 pb 20 cm 0-9535589-1-6. 239.01, 335.01.
  • Minding Children. William Wall. Sceptre. 288pp. Stg£16.99 hb 22 cm 0-340-75188-6. March 01. 79.01, 101.01.
  • Mirror, Mirror: confessions of a plastic-surgery addict. Terry Prone. Sitric. 218pp. £7.87 €9.99 pb 1-903305-05-5. 304.01.
  • Mis. Biddy Jenkinson. Coiscéim. 40pp. £4 €5.08 pb 21 cm. 309.01.
  • Modern Irish Poetry: a new Alhambra. Frank Sewell. Oxford. 246pp. Stg£40 hb 22 cm 0-19-818737-8. March 01. 78.01, 179.01.
  • Mohammed Maguire. Colin Bateman. HarperCollins. 236pp. Stg£9.99 hb 21 cm 0-00-226118-9. 307.01.
  • Montaigne: deascán as na hAistí. Breandán Ó Doibhlin. Coiscéim. 134pp £5 €6.35 pb 21 cm. 338.01.
  • Moon on the Ruins. Philip Brady. Alesbury Books, Edenderry, Co. Offaly. 96pp. £11.95 €15.17 hb 22 cm 0-9525027-3-9; £6.95 pb 0-9525027-4-7. 343.01.
  • More than a history: Creggan. Michael McGuinness and Garbhán Downey. Guildhall Press. 310pp. Stg£8.95 pb 25 cm 0-946451- 59-1. 232.01.
  • Moving Beyond Sectarianism: religion, conflict and reconciliation in Northern Ireland. Joseph Liechty and Cecelia Clegg. Columba. 378pp. £14.99 pb 1-85607-318-1. 344.01.
  • Moving Carpet: my work as a painter from 1992 to 2001. Noreen Walsh. Designpod, Bishopscourt, Kill, Co Kildare. 88pp. £28 pb 21 x 31 cm (wide) 0-9538936-1-8. 302.01.
  • Mud Island Elegy. Gerry McDonnell. Lapwing. 42pp. Stg£4.50 pb 21 cm 1-898472-56-4. 236.01.
  • Multi-Culturalism: the view from the two Irelands. Edna Longley and Declan Kiberd. Cork UP. 88pp. £8.95 €11.36 $9.95 pb 14 cm square. 1-85918-311-5. 185.01.
  • Mumbo and Jumbo’s Big Break. Don Conroy. Poolbeg. 96pp. £3.99 €5.07 pb 20 cm 1-84223-083-2. 150.01.
  • Munster’s Mountains: 30 walking, scrambling and climbing routes. Denis Lynch. Collins Press. 126pp. £9.99 pb 20 cm 1-898256-17-9. 229.01.
  • 68.01.
  • Murdoch’s Dictionary of Irish Law (3rd edn). Henry Murdoch. Topaz. 908pp. £69 hb 24 cm 0-9514032-6-5; £48 pb –5-7. 36.01.
  • Murdoch’s Irish Legal Companion. Henry Murdoch. Topaz Publications Lendac. Prices vary (student £80, library £350) CD-Rom. 232.01.
  • Musical Constructions of Nationalism: essays on the history and ideology of European musical culture 1800-1945. ed. Harry White and Michael Murphy. Cork UP. 298pp. £16.95 €21.52 pb 23 cm 1-85918-322-0; £40 €50.79 hb -153-8. 230.01.
  • My Dog Lively. Patrick Deeley. O’Brien. 64pp. £4.33 €5.50 Stg£3.99 $4.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-723-8. 310.01.
  • My Dream of You. Nuala O’Faolain. Michael Joseph. 456pp. 24 cm IR£12.99 hb 0-718-14492-9 (special price for Republic of Ireland); elsewhere Stg£12.99 hb -14420-1. 37.01.
  • My Eyes Only Look Out: experiences of Irish people of mixed race parentage. Margaret McCarthy. Brandon. 240pp. £9.99 pb 21 cm 0-86322-284-6. 310.01.
  • My Favourite Goodbye. Sheila O’Flanagan. Headline. 412pp. Stg£9.99 pb 23 cm 0-7472-7293-X; hb -7295-6. 148.01.
  • My Self, My Muse: Irish women poets reflect on life and art. ed. Patricia Boyle Haberstroh. Syracuse University Press. 184pp. $19.95 pb 23 cm 0-8156-2910-9; $45 hb -2909-5. 274.01, 292.01.
  • My Time in Space. Tim Robinson. Lilliput. 238pp. £15.99 hb 22 cm 1-901866-64-5. 145.01.
  • Na Seacht gCineál Meisce agus finscéalta eile. Pádraig Ó Siadhail. Cló Iar-Chonnachta. 237pp. £9.45 €12 pb 1-902420-45-4. 346.01.
  • Naming Names: who, what, where in Irish nomenclature. Bernard Share. Gill & Macmillan. 264pp. £20 hb 24 cm 0-7171-3125-4. 306.01.
  • Nation, Court and Culture: new essays on fifteenth-century English poetry. ed. Helen Cooney. Four Courts. 192pp. £55 hb 24 cm 1-85182-566-5. 35.01.
  • Nationalists of Northern Ireland 1918-1973. Enda Staunton. Columba. 397pp. £14.99 pb 1-85607-328-9. 341.01.
  • Navarre Bible: Gospels and Acts. transl. Michael Adams. Four Courts. 908pp. £30 hb 23 cm 1-85182-508-8. (USA Scepter 1-889334-27-8.) 38.01.
  • Navarre Bible: New Testament compact edition. Four Courts (USA: Scepter). 802pp. £29.53 hb 23 cm 1-85182-680-7. 310.01.
  • New Approach to Uilleann Piping. H. J. Clarke. Ossian. 88pp. £15.99 brochure 30 x 21 cm inc. Compact disc. 1-900428-51-2. Dec. ‘98. 366.98, 293.01.
  • New Bus Stop. Alan Cantrill. Poolbeg. 48pp. 20 cm £3.99 €5.07 pb 1-84223-012-3. 39.01.
  • New Perspectives on the Irish Diaspora. ed. Charles Fanning. Southern Illinois University Press (distrib. Eurospan). 343pp. Stg£14.95 pb 23 cm 0-8093-2344-3; hb –2343-5. 33.01, 176.01.
  • New Plays from the Abbey Theatre: Volume Two 1996-1998. ed. Judy Friel and Sanford Sternlicht. Syracuse University Press. 264pp. $19.95 pb 23 cm 0-8156-0723-7; $39.95 hb –2928-1. 343.01.
  • Newtownpark Avenue: its people and their houses. Cornelius F. Smith. Albany Press, 90 Mount Albany, Blackrock, Co Dublin. 128pp. £15 €19.05 hb 25 cm (the number given is two digits short of a real ISBN: 0-9540-34-0). 187.01, 333.01.
  • Nice Fellow: a biography of Jack Lynch. T. Ryle Dwyer. Mercier. 416pp. + 16 of photos £20 hb 24 cm 1-85635-368-0; -379-6. 303.01.
  • Nightingale Water. Macdara Woods. Dedalus. 92pp. £6.95 pb 21 cm 1-901233-64-2 £10.95 hb –65-0. March 01. 79.01, 128.01.
  • Nine Muses on a Night Out. Hayley Fox Roberts. Bradshaw Books. 45pp. £7 €9 pb 20 cm 0-949010-77-4. 309.01.
  • North from the Air. Esler Crawford. Blackstaff. 144pp. Stg£25 hb 28 cm square 0-85640-684-8. 37.01.
  • Northern Divisions: the old IRA and the Belfast pogroms 1920-22. Jim McDermott. Beyond the Pale. 334pp. Stg£12.99 pb 23 cm 1-900960-11-7. 272.01.
  • Northern Ireland: the politics of war and peace. Paul Dixon. Palgrave. 352pp. Stg£47.50 hb 22 cm 0-333-72968-4; pb –72969-2. 273.01.
  • Northern Lights: following folklore in north-western Europe: essays in honour of Bo Almqvist. ed. Séamas Ó Catháin. UCD Press. 410pp. Stg£34.95 £34.95 €44.37 hb 24 cm 1-900621-63-0. 186.01.
  • Nostos: an autobiography. John Moriarty. Lilliput. 710pp. £25 hb 24 cm 1-901866-68-8. 109.01.
  • Not of this World?: Evangelical Protestants in Northern Ireland. Glenn Jordan. Blackstaff. 244pp. Stg£9.99 pb 23 cm 08564-699-6. 149.01, 261.01.
  • Ó Pharnell go Queenie. Pádraig Ó Snodaigh, transl. Mícheál Ó Fionnáin. Lapwing. 48pp. NPG brochure 21 cm 1-898472-53-X. 113.01.
  • O’Sullivan Burke Fenian. Mary C. Lynch and Seamus O’Donoghue. Ebony Jane Press, Coolalta, Carrigadrohid, Co Cork. 262pp. £9.95 Stg£9.95 €13 $15 pb 20 cm 0-9536582-0-1. 227.01.
  • Occasional, Critical, and Political Writing. James Joyce. Oxford. 410pp. £7.99 pb 20 cm 0-19-283353-7. March 01. 77.01.
  • Of Wee Sweetie Mice and Men. Colin Bateman. HarperCollins. 336pp. Stg£6.99 pb 20 cm 0-00-649612-1. 273.01.
  • Ogham Stone: an anthology of contemporary Ireland. ed. Gerald Dawe and Michael Mulreany. Institute of Public Administration. 240pp. + 8 b&w photos £10 €12.70 pb 23 cm 1-902448-59-6; hb 53-7. 226.01.
  • Oh Grandad! Stephanie Dagg. Mentor. 48pp. £3.94 €5 pb 20 cm 1-84210-084-X. 239.01.
  • On Reflection. Noel Sheridan. Four Courts. 220pp. £14.84 €18.85 pb 30 cm (with loose brochure ‘Everyone Should Get Stones’, 72 pp, 21 cm)1-85182-609-2. 270.01.
  • On the Verge of Want. ed. James Morrissey. Crannóg Books, distrib. Farmar. 259pp. €30 hb 34 cm 0-9512826-3-8. 187.01, 267.01.
  • Once There was a Community Here: a Sailortown miscellany. John Campbell. Lagan. 226pp. Stg£5.95 pb 20 cm 1-873687-18-4. 340.01.
  • One of Our Own: memoirs of change. Hugh Weir. Ballinakella Press. 374pp. £11.95 pb 0-946548-39-5. 302.01.
  • Ooh La Booga Bomp. Patrice Aggs. O’Brien. 64pp. £4.33 €5.50 Stg£3.99 pb 20 cm 0-86278-738-6. 310.01.
  • Ordnance Survey Letters Dublin. ed. Michael Herity. Four Masters. 118pp. £35 hb 24 cm 1-903538-05-X. 231.01.
  • Ordnance Survey Letters Meath. ed. Michael Herity. Four Masters. 176pp. £45 hb 24 cm 1-903538-03-3; pb 1-903538-04-1. 232.01.
  • Origami Bird. Lorraine Francis. Poolbeg. 48pp. £3.99 €5.07 pb 20 cm 1-84223-019-0. 115.01, 336.01.
  • Origin and Development of the Tower-House. David Sweetman. Gandon. 32pp. £4.95 pb 24 cm 0-946846-29-4. 31.01.
  • Ormonde Picture Collection. Jane Felton. Dúchas / Gandon. 128pp. £15 pb 30 cm 0-946846-38-3. 270.01.
  • Oughto Biography: leaves from the diary of a hyphenated Jew. David Marcus. Gill & Macmillan. 296pp. £19.99 hb 22 cm 0-7171-3250-1. 270.01.
  • Out Come the Bastards. Sean Caffrey. Lagan. 62pp. Stg£5.95 pb 20 cm 1-873687-23-0. 343.01.
  • Out of Ireland. Christopher Koch. Vintage. 718pp. Stg£7.99 pb 20 cm 0-7493-2038-9 (inside) or 0-099-28687-1 (cover sticker). 112.01.
  • Out of Time: Irish republican prisoners, Long Kesh 1972-2000. Laurence McKeown. Beyond the Pale. 288pp. £10.99 pb 23 cm 1-900960-10-9. 147.01, 170.01.
  • Outer Edge of Ulster: a memoir of social life in nineteenth-century Donegal. Hugh Dorian. Lilliput. 352pp. £15 pb 23 cm 1-901866-70-X. 232.01.
  • Oven Lane. Michael Coady. Gallery. 72pp. £6.95 pb 21 cm 1-85235-020-2. 235.01.
  • Paddy Bogside. Paddy Doherty. Mercier. 240pp. + 4 of photos £9.99 pb 23 cm 1-85635-335-4. 111.01.
  • Paddy Indian. Cauvery Madhavan. BlackAmber Books. 246pp. Stg£7.99 pb 20 cm 1-901969-04-5. 307.01.
  • Páidí: the life of Gaelic football legend Páidí Ó Sé. Seán Potts. TownHouse. 224pp. + 12 of b&w photos £12.99 €16.49 pb 24 cm 1-86059-147-75. 337.01.
  • Parish Leadership Groups: a resourcebook. Oonagh O’Brien and Julie Kavanagh. Columba. 192pp. IR£10.99 Stg£9.99 pb 23 cm 1-85607-317-3. 238.01.
  • Past and Present: history, identity and politics in Ireland. Brian Walker. Institute of Irish Studies. 160pp. Stg£9.50 pb 23 cm 0-85389-769-7. March 01. 82.01.
  • Past is Tomorrow. Liz Ryan. Hodder. 478pp. £17.99 hb 24 cm 0-340-76870-3. 37.01, 167.01.
  • Pathways to God: the spiritual classics. Kevin Nichols and Peter Phillips. Veritas. 162pp. NPG hb 23 cm 1-85390-592-5. 238.01.
  • Patrick Swift (1927-1983): an Irish painter in Portugal. Crawford Municipal Art Gallery, Cork, distrib. Gandon.. 80pp. £7.50 pb 24 cm 0-946846-758. 302.01.
  • Paveewhack. Peter Brady. New Island. 212pp. £9.45 €12 pb 22 cm 1-902602-63-3. 342.01.
  • Peacekeepers: Irish soldiers in the Lebanon. Dan Harvey. Merlin. 114pp. + 8 of photos £8.66 €10.99 $14.95 pb 20 cm 1-903582-13-X. 340.01.
  • Peadar O’Donnell. Donal Ó Drisceoil. Cork UP. 176pp. £12.95 €16.44 pb 22 cm 1-85918-310-7. 227.01, 326.01.
  • Pedagogue and other poems. Aubrey Malone. Lapwing. 46pp. NPG pb 21 cm 1-898472-58-0. 309.01.
  • People: a poem for children. John Maguire. Collins Press. 32pp. £9.99 hb 33 cm 1-903464-06-4. 310.01, 336.01.
  • 0.01.
  • Photograph. Eamonn Sweeney. Picador. 382pp. Stg£6.99 pb 20 cm 0-330-48084-7. 234.01.
  • Photography in Ireland: the nineteenth century. Edward Chandler. Edmund Burke. 190pp. NPG hb 30 cm 0-946130-34-5. 309.01.
  • Picasso: watercolours and drawings 1896-1934. ed. Peter Murray. Crawford Municipal Art Gallery, distrib. Gandon. 80pp. £7.50 pb 24 cm 0-946846-76-6. 302.01.
  • Pirate Queen: Granuaile. Morgan Llywelyn. O’Brien. 158pp. £5.47 €6.95 Stg£4.99 $7.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-578-2. 310.01.
  • Plainchant for a Sundering. Kevin Kiely. Lapwing. 34pp. NPG brochure 21 cm 1-898472-63-7. 343.01.
  • Planned Accidents. Sean Monaghan. Poolbeg. 238pp. £6.99 €8.88 pb 20 cm 1-84223-020-4. 234.01.
  • Playing with Fire. Mary A. Larkin. Little, Brown. 480pp. Stg£15.99 hb 22 cm 0-316-85934-6. 307.01.
  • Poems and Plays of Oliver St John Gogarty. ed. A. Norman Jeffares. Colin Smythe. 894pp. Stg£70 hb 24 cm 0-86140-404-1. 306.01.
  • Poems for Lughnasa. Shinrone Tidy Towns Committee c/o Josephine Oakley, Shinrone, Birr, Co Offaly. 80pp. NPG brochure 21 cm No ISBN. March 01. 79.01.
  • Poems. Eamonn McLaughlin. Barbara McLaughlin, 244 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8JR. 28pp. Stg£3.50 brochure 21 cm. 309.01.
  • Poems. Patrick MacDonogh. Gallery Books. 94pp. £8.95 pb 21 cm 1-85235-287-6; £13.95 hb -288-4. 236.01.
  • Politics, Archaeology and the creation of a National Museum of Ireland: an expression of national life. Elizabeth Crooke. Irish Academic Press. 224pp. £35 $49.50 hb 24 cm 0-7165-2729-4 231.01.
  • Politics of Children’s Rights. Frank Martin. Cork University Press. 110pp. £6.95 €8.82 pb 21 cm 1-85918-272-0 (Undercurrents 16). March 01. 78.01.
  • Port of Medieval Dublin: archaeological excavations at the civic offices, Winetavern Street, Dublin, 1993. Andrew Halpin. Four Courts Press. 190 pp+ 8 of plates 30 cm £24.95 pb 1-85182-585-1; £39.50 hb -584-3. 31.01.
  • Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. James Joyce. Oxford. 352pp £4.99 $7.95 pb 20 cm 0-19-283998-5. March 01. 77.01.
  • Pottery by the Lagan: Irish creamware from the Downshire Pottery, Belfast 1787-c.1806. Peter Francis. Institute of Irish Studies. 96pp. Stg£10 pb 27 cm 0-85389-694-1. 185.01.
  • Power Game: Ireland under Fianna Fáil. Stephen Collins. O’Brien. 368pp. + 16 b&w photos IR£11.77 €14.95 Stg£9.99 $18.95 pb 23 cm 0-86278-720-3. 309.01.
  • Praying from the Margins: gospel reflections of a gay man. Glen O’Brien. Columba. 96pp. £5.99 pb 18 cm 1-85607-324-6. 113.01.
  • Praying the Gospels of Lent: year C. Michel de Verteuil. Columba. 48pp. £0.99 brochure 21 cm 1-85607-327-0. 113.01.
  • Presbyterianism Politics and Poetry in Nineteenth-century Ulster: aspects of an Ulster-Scots literary tradition. Ivan Herbison. Institute of Irish Studies. 32pp. Stg£3.50 brochure 21 cm 0-85389-792-1. 111.01.
  • Price Guide to Irish Art, September 2000-August 2001. Katrina O’Neill. Irish Arts Review. 46pp. £5 €6.35 brochure 21 cm. 337.01.
  • Priests and People in Pre-famine Ireland, 1780-1845. S. J. Connolly. Four Courts. 286pp. £19.65 €24.95 pb 23 cm 1-85182-557-6. 305.01.
  • Prison Poems. Yannis Ritsos. Goldsmith Press. 60pp. £9.95 pb 22 cm 1-870491-72-6. 275.01.
  • Profile 14: Andrew Kearney. ed. John O’Regan. Gandon. 60pp. £9.95 pb 23 cm 0-946846-74-X. 302.01.
  • Promised Land. Marita Conlon-McKenna. Bantam Books. 352pp. Stg£5.99 pb 14 cm 0-553-81257-2. 37.01.
  • Pronouncing French: a guide for students. Jean-Michel Picard and Vera Regan. UCD Press. 88pp. £7.09 Stg£6.95 €9 pb 22 cm 1-900621-64-9. 272.01.
  • Protestant Women’s Narratives of the Irish Rebellion of 1798. ed. John D. Beatty. Four Courts. 272pp. £39.38 hb 24 cm 1-85182-625-4. 340.01.
  • Racine: the power and the pleasure. ed. Edric Caldicott and Derval Conroy. UCD Press. 264pp. Stg£17.95 IR£17.95 €22.79 pb 23 cm 1-900621-57-6; Stg£37.95 IR£37.95 €48.19 hb -56-8. 185.01.
  • Railings 1998-2000. Martyn Turner. Blackstaff. 96pp. £6.99 pb 20 cm 0-85640-687-2. 33.01, 96.01.
  • Random Passage. Bernice Morgan. Mentor. 384pp. £7.99 €10.15 pb 20 cm 1-84210-081-5. 148.01.
  • Rasputin and his Children. Martin Mooney. Blackwater Press, PO Box 5115, Leicester LE2 8ZD. 60pp. NPG pb 21 cm 0-9528557-8-X. 113.01.
  • Rat-Pit. Patrick MacGill. New Island. 336pp. £7.99 pb 20 cm 1-902602-55-2. 188.01.
  • Rathcormick: a childhood recalled. Homan Potterton. New Island. 310pp. £15.75 hb 1-902602-64-1. 303.01.
  • Reading Roddy Doyle. Caramine White. Syracuse University Press. 216pp. $14.95 pb 23 cm 0-8156-0686-9; $39.95 hb –2887-0. 228.01.
  • Rebel Heart. Padraic O’Farrell. Brandon. 318pp. £7.99 pb 20 cm 0-86322-221-8. 188.01.
  • Rebellion and Remembrance in Modern Ireland. ed. Laurence M. Geary. Four Courts. 238pp. £35.44 hb 24 cm 1-85182-586-X. March 01. 82.01, 301.01.
  • Reflections of Contemporary Irish Men. Valerie O’Sullivan. Veritas. 140pp. £19.99 hb 21 x 26 cms wide. 1-85390-526-7. 148.01.
  • Reflections on Liberty, Democracy and the Union. Robert McCartney. Maunsel & Company (Academica, Bethesda). 278pp. £21.95 Stg£16.95 $24.95 pb 24 cm 1-930901-12-7. 190.01, 224.01.
  • Reimagining the nation-state: the contested terrains of nation-building. Jim Mac Laughlin. Pluto Press. 296pp. Stg£15.99 pb 22 cm 0-7453-1364-7; Stg£45 hb -1369-8. 113.01.
  • Rens, Peter Jan. Maistín. 346.01.
  • Republican Internment and the prison ship Argenta 1922. Denise Kleinrichert. Irish Academic Press. 400pp. £35 $52.50 hb 24 cm 0-7165-2683-2. 230.01.
  • Researching Armagh Ancestors: a practical guide for the family and local historian. Ian Maxwell. Ulster Historical Foundation. 190pp. Stg£9.99 pb 22 cm 0-901905-89-5. 34.01.
  • Researching Violently Divided Societies: ethical and methodological issues. ed. Marie Smyth and Gillian Robinson. United Nations University Press and Pluto Press. 236pp. Stg£14.99 pb 21 cm 0-7453-1820-7; Stg£45 hb –1821-5. 346.01.
  • Responding to Racism in Ireland. ed. Fintan Farrell and Philip Watt. Veritas. 192pp. £8.99 €11.41 pb 21 cm 1-85390-503-8. 346.01.
  • Rising, The. Bairbre Tóibín. New Island. 284pp. £9.45 €12 pb 22 cm 1-902602-65-X. 342.01.
  • Rituals and Riots: sectarian violence and political culture in Ulster, 1784-1886. Sean Farrell. University of Kentucky Press (dist. Eurospan). 262pp. Stg£27.95 hb 24 cm 0-8131-2171-X. 34.01, 264.01.
  • 68.01.
  • Riverside: setbacks. Peter Regan. Children’s Press. 128pp. £3.99 €5.06 pb 20 cm 1-901737-32-2. 347.01.
  • Rock Boy. Jan Michael. O’Brien. 192pp. £5.47 €6.95 Stg£4.99 $7.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-721-1. 347.01.
  • Rocky’s Fun Book. Don Conroy. Poolbeg. 64pp. £4.99 €6.34 brochure 30 cm 1-84223-084-0. 347.01.
  • Rogha an Chéid. (3 vols) Cló Iar-Chonnachta £39.99 €59.78 hb in slipcase 1-902420-34-9. March 01. 76.01, 140.01.
  • Rogha Dánta 1965-2001. Gréagóir Ó Dúill. Cois Life. 168pp. £11.81 €15 pb 20 cm 1-901176-26-6. 235.01.
  • Rooted in Ulster: nine Northern writers. Robert Greacen. Lagan. 130pp. £5.95 pb 20 cm 1-873687-77-X. 228.01.
  • RTÉ 100 Blian: Éire san 20ú hAois. eag. Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill. TownHouse. 374pp. £25 €31.77 hb 28 cm 1-86059-152-3. 306.01.
  • RTÉ 100 Years: Ireland in the 20th century. ed. Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill. TownHouse. 374pp. £25 €31.77 hb 28 cm 1-86059-142-6. 305.01.
  • Rún an tSléibhe. Seán Ua Cearnaigh. Cló Iar-Chonnachta. 80pp. £5.51 €7 pb 1-902420-43-8. 347.01.
  • Said and Done. Annie Sparrow. TownHouse. 368pp. Stg£5.99 pb 18 cm 1-903650-17-8. 234.01, 289.01.
  • Sailing to Hokkaido. Joseph Woods. Worple Press, 12 Havelock Road, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1JE. 56pp. IR£7.50 Stg£6 pb 21 cm 0-953947-6-6. 343.01.
  • Saint Moling Luachra: a pilgrimage from Sliabh Luachra to Rinn Ros Broic above the stream-pools of the Barrow. Máire B. de Paor. Columba. 268pp. Stg£13.50 IR£14.99 pb 23 cm 1-85607-338-6. 275.01.
  • Saint Patrick was a Cajun. L. E. McCullough. Ossian. 94pp. NPG pb 30 x 21 cm 1-900428-46-6. June ‘98, 184.98, 293.01.
  • Saint Patrick’s City: the story of Armagh. Alf McCreary. Blackstaff Press. 262pp. Stg£20 hb 0-85640-711-9. 340.01.
  • Saints and Scholars. ed. John Carey et al. Four Courts. 430pp. £35.44 hb 24 cm 1-85182-486-3. 229.01.
  • Saints, Scholars and Schizophrenics: mental illness in rural Ireland. Nancy Scheper-Hughes. University of California Press. 417pp. Stg£11.95/$18.95 pb 0-520-22480-9. 115.01.
  • Salmon in the Pool: the river Boyne from source to sea – a map of poetry and placenames. ed. Susan Connolly. Tearmann Press, Mullach an Airidh, Carraig Mhachaire Rois, Co Mhuineacháin. £3.60 broadsheet 60 x 84 cm folded 21 x 15 cm. 0-9539820-0-9. 149.01.
  • Sanasán Diagachta. Breandán Ó Doibhlin. Coiscéim. 174pp. £5 pb 21 cm. 306.01.
  • Scattering the Proud: Christianity beyond 2000. Sean O’Conaill. Columba. 104pp. £6.99 pb 1-85607-264-9. Nov. ‘99, 339.99, 67.01.
  • Scéalta Nua. Dáithí Ó hÓgáin. Coiscéim. 100pp. £5 €6.35 pb 21 cm. 346.01.
  • Scott, C. W. History of the Fastnet Rock Lighthouses. 187.93, 232.01.
  • Scrabblemongers. Margot Bosonnet. Wolfhound. 128pp. £4.96 €6.30 $6.95 pb 20 cm 0-86327-880-9. 310.01, 335.01.
  • Sea Hound: the story of an Irish ship. Daire Brunicardi. Collins Press. 160 pp+ 8 b&w photos £9.99 pb 21 cm 1-903464-00-5. 187.01, 262.01.
  • Séamus Mac Annaidh agus Macallaí sa Scáthán. Maolmhaodhóg Ó Ruairc. Cois Life. 100pp. £8 €10.16 pb 17 cm 1-9001176-24-X. 228.01.
  • Search for Something More: a journey to human fulfilment. Peter Hannan. Columba. 128pp. £6.99 pb 21 cm 1-85607-320-3. 149.01.
  • Searches for Magic. P. D. Lyons. Lapwing. 28pp. £3.50 pb 21 cm1-898472-59-9. 236.01.
  • Seeds of Doubt. James Ryan. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 302pp. Stg£12.99 hb 22 cm 1-861591-06-3. 112.01, 132.01.
  • Seen and Heard: six new plays by Irish women. ed. Cathy Leeney. Carysfort Press. 338pp. £14.99 €19 pb 23 cm 0-9534257-3-8. 235.01.
  • Selected Short Stories. Dónall MacAmhlaigh. Northhampton Connolly Association, 5 Woodland Avenue, Abington, NN3 2BY. 94pp. Stg£6 / £7 pb 21 cm 0-9510671-1-7. 191.01.
  • Send in the Devils. Robert Cremins. Sceptre Lir. 224pp. Stg£10.99 pb 22 cm 0340-71725-4. 234.01.
  • Seven Days in Dublin: the ultimate short stay guide. Shane Kennedy. Gill & Macmillan. 208pp. £6.30 pb 19 cm 0-7171-3078-9. 229.01.
  • Shakespeare’s Scribe. Gary Blackwood. O’Brien. 270pp. £5.47 €6.95 Stg£4.99 pb 20 cm 0-86278-706-8. 310.01, 335.01.
  • Shamrock Tea. Ciaran Carson. Granta. 320pp. Stg£14.99 hb 20 cm 1-86207-398-8. 112.01, 131.01.
  • Shape of Irish History. A. T. Q. Stewart. Blackstaff. 22pp. Stg£16.99 hb 24 cm 0-85640-691-0. 230.01.
  • She Moves through the Boom. Ann Marie Hourihane. Sitric. 260pp. £7.99 pb 21 cm 1-903305-03-9. 21.01, 33.01.
  • Shipwrecks of the Irish Coast, volume 3: 1582-2000. Edward J. Bourke. Author at 33 Rushbrook, Dublin 15. 232pp. £11.99 pb 21 cm 0-9523027-2-1. 110.01.
  • Shooting from the Lip: short stories from Mayo’s new young writers. ed. Ré Ó Laighléis. Mayo County Council. 188pp. £6 pb 20 cm 0-9519624-3-4. 191.01.
  • Shooting Sean. Colin Bateman. HarperCollins. 256pp. Stg£6.99 pb 20 cm 0-00-651424-3. 188.01, 222.01.
  • Shore. Mary Lohan. Gandon. 40pp. £7.50 pb 23 cm x 29 cm 0-946846-71-5. 270.01.
  • Shores of Connemara. Séamus Mac an Iomaire. TírEolas. 184pp. £9.99 €12.66 pb 22 cm 1-873821-14-X. 36.01.
  • Sieges of Derry. ed. William Kelly. Four Courts. 144pp. £23.63 hb 24 cm 1-85182-510-X. 146.01.
  • Simurgh and the Nightingale. Roger Derham. Collins Press. 302pp. £7.99 pb 20 cm 1-898256-47-0. 148.01.
  • Sing. Michael Curtin. Fourth Estate. 216pp. Stg£10 pb 23 cm 1-84115-604-3. 234.01.
  • Singing My Him Song. Malachy McCourt. HarperCollins. 254pp. 21 cm Stg£9.99 pb 0-00-711643-8. 32.01.
  • Singing Stone Whispering Wind: voices of Connemara. Raymonde Standún and Bill Long. New Island. 224pp. + 16 of colour photos £25 €31.70 hb 23 cm square 1-902602-62-5. 339.01.
  • Single Obsession. Des Ekin. O’Brien. 480pp. Stg£6.99 IR£6.99 €8.88 $9.95 pb 18 cm 0-86278-585-5. 235.01.
  • Sister Genevieve. John Rae. Little, Brown. 280pp. + 8 of photos. Stg£16.99 hb 23 cm 0-316-85632-0. 145.01, 294.01.
  • Skimming. ed. Robert Dunbar. O’Brien. 160pp. Stg£4.99 £5.47 €6.95 $7.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-660-6. 191.01.
  • Slammerkin. Emma Donoghue. Virago. 432pp. Stg£7.99 Can$16.99 pb 20 cm 1-86049-899-X. 235.01.
  • Sligo Miscellany: a chronicle of people, places and events of other days. John C. McTernan. Avena Publications. 616pp. NPG pb 21 cm 0-9520594-7-9. March 01. 78.01.
  • Snip Snip! Creina Mansfield. O’Brien. 64pp. £4.33 €5.50 Stg£3.99 $4.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-722-X. 310.01.
  • So . . . Graeme Keyes: cartoons 1996-2001. New Island. 240pp. £9.99 €12.68 pb 14 x 21 cm (wide) 1-902602-80-3. 341.01.
  • Soldier of the Queen. Bernard O’Mahoney and Mick McGovern. Brandon. 256pp. £7.99 pb 20 cm 0-86322-278-1. March 01. 79.01.
  • Sommerfugledalen - et requiem / Butterfly Valley: a requiem. Inger Christensen, transl. Susanna Nied. Dedalus. 40pp. £6.95 pb 21 cm 1-901233-44-8. 190.01.
  • Soul Sickness. Derek Fanning. Author c/o Midland Tribune, Birr, Co. Offaly. 251pp. £10 pb 21 cm 39.01.
  • Sources for Irish Family History. James G. Ryan. Flyleaf. 180pp. £16.54 €21 Stg£21 $33 pb 24 cm 0-9539974-2-1. 228.01.
  • Special Relationships: Britain, Ireland and the Northern Ireland problem. Paul Arthur. Blackstaff. 348pp. Stg£16.99 pb 23 cm 0-85640-688-0. 147.01, 171.01.
  • Spirit of Rural Ireland. Christopher Somerville. New Holland. 160pp. Stg£24.99 hb 30 cm 1-85974-882-1; pb NPG -956-9. 309.01.
  • 68.01.
  • Spiritual Intelligence in the Workplace. Catherine McGeachy. Veritas. 188pp. £10.23 €12.99 pb 21 cm 1-85390-529-1. 344.01.
  • Squires, Spalpeens and Spats: oysters and oystering in Galway Bay. Noël P. Wilkins. Author at Department of Zoology, UCG. 128pp. £8 €10.16 pb 21 cm 0-9540523-0-7. 186.01, 301.01.
  • St Thérèse in Ireland: official diary of the Irish visit, April-July 2001. Audrey Healy and Eugene McCaffrey. Columba. 127pp. £9.99 pb 23 x 21 cm 1-85607-351-3. 344.01.
  • Starkey. Paul R. Hyde. Rathina Press, 134 Rathmines Road Lower, Dublin 6. 216pp. £7.99 pb 20 cm 0-9539558-0-X. 235.01.
  • Starting Art, book 1. Mary Carroll and Katie Long. O’Brien Press for Pine Forest Art. 47pp. £8.99 pb 30 x 21 cm 0-86278-607-X. Sept. ‘99. 258.99, 103.01.
  • Stations of the Cross. Imogen Stuart. Columba. 32pp. £2.99 pb 12 cm 1-85607-316-5. March 01. 80.01.
  • Steinbeck in Derry. Brendan Hamill. Glandore, 7-6 Springhill Close, Belfast BT12 7SE. 36pp. £3 brochure 21 cm. 236.01.
  • Stella. Lilian Roberts Finlay. Poolbeg. 432pp. £6.99 €8.88 pb 18 cm 1-85371-194-2. 112.01.
  • Stepping Stones: the arts in Ulster 1971-2001. ed. Mark Carruthers and Stephen Douds. Blackstaff. 304pp. Stg£20 hb 24 cm 0-85640-705-4. 341.01.
  • Still Life with Waterfall. Eamon Grennan. Gallery. 80pp. £7.95 pb 21 cm 1-85235-293-0; £13.95 hb –294-9. 236.01.
  • Story of Dublin: the people and events that shaped the city. John McCormack. Mentor. 316pp. £9.99 €12.68 pb 23 cm 1-84210-072-6. 36.01.
  • Story of Ireland. Richard Brassey and Stewart Ross. Orion & Dolphin. 40pp. Stg£4.99 pb 25 cm 1-85881-849-4; Stg£9.99 hb -848-6. March 01. 82.01, 259.01.
  • Story of Irish Dance. Helen Brennan. Brandon. 188pp. + 16 of photos. £15.99 hb 0-86322-244-7. 34.00 Feb ‘00, 182.01.
  • Story of O: the autobiography of an Irish outlaw. Olaf Tyaransen. Hot Press. 224pp. + 16 photos 21 cm £9.99 0-95247-9-5. 32.01, 58.01.
  • Strong about it all . . . ed. Helen Harris and Eileen Healy. North West Women’s Human Rights Project, 1 West End Park, Bogside, Derry. 137pp. Stg£9 pb 26 cm 0-9540264-0-3. 233.01.
  • Sunset Reflections: a second collection from Galway senior writers. ed. Kevin Higgins. Galway Active Retirement Associations writers’s group, Ozanam House, St Augustine Street, Galway. 112pp. £6 pb 21 cm 0-9541437-0-1. 337.01.
  • Symbols in Northern Ireland. ed. Anthony D. Buckley. Institute of Irish Studies. 206pp. Stg£8.50 pb 0-85389-692-5. Sept. ‘98. 239.98, 173.01.
  • Syójó. Gabriel Rosenstock. Cló Iar-Chonnachta. 78pp. £5.51 pb 1-902420-51-9. 343.01.
  • Tale of Two Sisters. Gabrielle Mullarkey. Pocket Books & TownHouse. 304pp. £5.99 pb 18 cm 1-903650-03-8. 342.01.
  • Tales without Reason: forgotten heroes of the apostolate in 1840s Australia. Thomas O’Malley. Columba. 126pp. £7.99 Stg£6.99 pb 21 cm 1-85607-336-X. 238.01.
  • Talking to God. John F. McDonald. Wolfhound. 432pp. £9.85 pb 20 cm 0-86327-856-6. 148.01.
  • Taughmaconnell: a history. Taughmaconnell Historical and Heritage Group. 257pp. NPG pb 24 cm No ISBN. 36.01.
  • Teaching Guide Collection 3: teaching resource for 8 novels. Gillian Perdue et al. O’Brien. 32pp. £9.99 €12.68 $16.95 pb 30 cm 0-86278-697-5. 115.01.
  • Teanga, Pobal agus Réigiún: aistí ar chultúr na Gaeltachta Inniu. ed. Liam Mac Mathúna et al. Coiscéim. 138pp. £4 pb 21 cm. 111.01.
  • Temple Within. Helen Gallivan. Columba. 94pp. £5.99 pb 21 cm 1-85607-334-3. 238.01.
  • Terms and Conditions. Peter Benjamin. TownHouse (Ireland) Simon & Schuster (Rest of World). 314pp. £10 €12.69 pb 23 cm 1-903650-10-0. 307.01.
  • Testimony to Courage: the regimental history of the Ulster Defence Regiment. John Potter. Leo Cooper. 448pp. +16 of photos Stg£25 hb 25 cm 0-85052-819-4. 340.01.
  • The Rainbow Singer. Simon Kerr. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 240pp. Stg£9.99 pb 22 cm 0-2976-0739-1. 273.01.
  • Theatre and the State in Twentieth-century Ireland: cultivating the people. Lionel Pilkington. Routledge. 272pp. NPG pb 22 cm 0-415-06939-4; hb –06938-6. 338.01.
  • There is a Time. Johnny Duhan. Brandon. 244pp. £15.99 hb 22 cm 0-86322-283-8. 303.01, 328.01.
  • They Never Came Home: the Stardust story. Neil Fetherstonhaugh & Tony McCullagh. Merlin. 256pp. + 16 of photos £8.66 €10.99 $14.95 pb 20 cm 1-903582-09-1. 306.01.
  • Thicker than Water. ed. Gordon Snell. Orion. 222pp. Stg£5.99 pb 20 cm1-84255-056-X. 239.01, 331.01.
  • Thimbleriggers: the Dublin arms trial of 1970. James Kelly. Author, distributed by Kelly Cards, Richmond Bus. Campus, N. Brunswick Street, Dublin 2. 304pp. £11.95 pb 0-9535992-0-5. 298.99, 172.01.
  • Thing He Loves. Elizabeth Wassell. Brandon. 192pp. £7.99 pb 20 cm 0-86322-290-0. 307.01.
  • Third Eye. Paul J. Flynn. Creative Christian Publishing. 220pp. Stg£7.40 pb 20 cm 0-9539179-0-8. March 01. 82.01.
  • This Other Eden. Fidelma Farley. Cork University Press. 104pp. €10 pb 19 cm1-85918-289-5. 339.01.
  • Three Brass Balls: the story of the Irish pawnshop. Jim Fitzpatrick. Collins Press. 136pp. £9.99 pb 22 cm 1-898256-10-1. 306.01.
  • Three Wise Men. Martina Devlin. HarperCollins. 446pp. £5.99 pb 20 cm 0-00- 651458-8. 37.01.
  • Time in Armagh. John Montague. Gallery. 54pp. £6.95 pb 22 cm 1-85235-112-8. 236.01.
  • Time is Now: thoughts for the day. John Moloney. Columba. 166pp. Stg£6.99 IR£7.99 pb 21 cm 1-85607-333-5. 190.01, 225.01.
  • Time of Grace. Gabriella West. Wolfhound. 272pp. £8.70 pb 20 cm 0-86327-863-9. 188.01.
  • Time of the End: millenarian beliefs in Ulster. Myrtle Hill. Belfast Society, distrib. Ulster Historical Foundation. 64pp. Stg£5 pb 23 cm 0-9539604-2-0. 149.01, 261.01.
  • Timechart History of Ireland: an illustrated chronological chart of the history of Ireland from 6000 BC to present times. Patrick C. Power and Seán Duffy. Worth Press. 100pp. Stg£17.99 hb 32 cm 1-903025-06-0. 110.01, 258.01.
  • Timeline Yearbook 2001. Cora Harrison. Wolfhound. 160pp. £5.99 pb 21 cm 0-86327-842-6. 39.01.
  • Torrent of Versatile Verses. Paddy Lysacht. O’Brien Book Publications, O’Brien’s Bookshop, Little Catherine Street, Limerick. 54pp. £6 €7.62 pb 18 cm 0-9531-0535-0. 343.01.
  • Touher, Patrick. Fear of the Collar. Patrick. Fear of the Collar. 14.92, 207.93, 302.01.
  • Tour of the Darkling Plain: the Finnegans Wake letters of Thornton Wilder and Adaline Glasheen. ed. Edward M. Burns and Joshua A. Gaylord. UCD Press. 736pp. Stg£28.99 IR£28.99 €36.81 pb 24 cm 1-900621-55-X; Stg£69.99 IR£69.99 €88.87 hb -54-1. 185.01.
  • Tourist’s Gaze: travellers to Ireland 1800-2000. ed. Glenn Hooper. Cork University Press. 320pp. £18.07 pb 23 cm 1-85918-323-9; £45.09 hb -277-1. 346.01.
  • Towards a Culture of Human Rights in Ireland. Stephen Livingstone and Ivana Bacik. Cork UP. 104pp. £8.95 €11.36 $9.95 pb14 cm square 1-85918-313-1. 185.01.
  • Tragic History of Esoteric Christianity: the church’s war against the spirit of Sophia. Sean Byrne. Age-Old Books, 37 Cultra Avenue, Holywood, Co Down BT18 0AY. 238.01.
  • Travellers’ Trails: Ireland. Hugh Oram. Appletree. 176pp. £9.99 pb 21 cm0-86281-802-8. 229.01.
  • Travelling Light: your journey to wholeness. Daniel J. O’Leary. Columba. 216pp. £10.99 / Stg£9.99 pb 22 cm 1-85607-319-X. 150.01.
  • Tree Bent. Mary Caprani. Inkwell Writers Group. 332pp. £10 €12.70 pb 21 cm 0-95294-624-6. 273.01.
  • Trinity College Dublin: a beautiful place. Lynn Mitchell and Elizabeth Mayes. Trinity College Dublin Press. 112pp. £9.99 pb 30 cm 1-871408-14-8; hb -15-6. 148.01.
  • True Story of the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. Liam Farrell. Children’s Press. 64pp. £3.99 20 cm 1-901737-35-7. 310.01.
  • Trustworthy and True: the gospels beyond 2000. Adrian Graffy. Columba. 256pp. IR£9.99 Stg£7.99 pb 21 cm 1-85607-332-7. 238.01.
  • Truth Seeker. Deborah Lisson. O’Brien. 224pp. £5.47 €6.95 Stg£4.99 $7.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-701-7. 347.01.
  • Tulip in the Light. Patrick Conyngham. Tuba Press, Turnley Cottage, Nr. Cirencester, Glos. GL7 6LW. 96pp. Stg£9 €13.50 pb 21 cm 0-907155-48-0. 343.01.
  • Tunes of the Munster Pipers: Irish traditional music from the James Goodman manuscripts, volume 1. ed. Hugh Shields. Irish Traditional Music Archive; distrib. Ossian Publications. 245pp. £30 hb 30 x 21 cm 0-9532704-0-8; pb £15 -1-6. Sept. ‘98. 238.98, 293.01.
  • Turlough. Brian Keenan. Vintage. 344pp. Stg£6.99 pb 20 cm 0-09-947431-X. 235.01.
  • Turning Point: my Sweden year and after. Desmond Fennell. Sanas Press. 224pp. £15.74 €19.99 hb 22 cm 0-9522582-3-4; pb £10.23 €12.99 –5-0. 337.01.
  • Two Acres of Irish History: a study through time of Friar’s Bush and Belfast 1570-1918. Eamon Phoenix. Ulster Historical Foundation. 52pp. Stg£6.95 pb 30 cm 0-901905-97-6. 232.01.
  • Uaimheolaíocht. Breandán S. Mac Aodha. Coiscéim. 56pp. £4 pb 21 cm. 113.01.
  • Uaimheolaíocht. Breandán S. Mac Aodha. 113.01.
  • Ulster-American Religion: episodes in the history of a cultural connection. David N. Livingstone and Ronald A. White. Notre Dame (distrib. Eurospan). 212pp. Stg£12.95 pb 21 cm 0-268-04304-3. 34.01, 96.01.
  • Under the Duvet. Marian Keyes. Michael Joseph. 284pp. Stg£10 hb 21 cm 0-718-14530-5. 341.01, 330.01.
  • Under the Eye of the Moon. Carmen Cullen. Mercier. 96pp. NPG pb 21 cm 1-85635-378-8. 347.01.
  • Under the Hawthorn Tree. Marita Conlon-McKenna. O’Brien. 192pp. £11.77 €14.95 Stg£9.99 $14.95 hb 21 cm 0-86278-743-2. 347.01.
  • Under the Shadow: letters of love and war 1911-1917. Bríd Hetherington. Cualann Press, 6 Corpach Drive, Dunfermline, Fife KY12 7XG. 200pp. Stg£12.99 pb 0-9535036-0-7. April ‘99, 115.99, 24.01.
  • Understanding Corruption in Irish Politics. Neil Collins and Mary O’Shea. Cork University Press. 104pp. £6.95 8.82 pb 21 cm 1-85918-273-9 (Undercurrents 17). March 01. 80.01.
  • Unearthing Your Own. Geraldine Mills. Bradshaw. 50pp. NPG pb 20 cm 0-949010-73-1. 113.01.
  • Unexplained Encounters: exploring the paranormal in Ulster. Sheila St Clair. The White Row Press. 126pp. Stg5.95 pb 21 cm 1-870132-01-7. 342.01.
  • Union: essays on Ireland and the British connection. ed. Ronnie Hanna. Colourpoint. 188pp. Stg£9.99 pb 23 cm 1-898392-76-5. 236.01.
  • United Irishman: the autobiography of James Hope. ed. John Newsinger. Merlin Press. 112pp. Stg£14.95 $21.50 pb 22 cm 0-85036-496-5. 227.01.
  • Valparaiso Voyage. Dermot Bolger. Flamingo. 394pp. Stg£9.99 pb 24 cm 0-00-226179-0. 342.01.
  • Vampire of St Michan’s. Don Conroy. Poolbeg. 126pp. £4.99 €6.34 pb 20 cm1-84223-085-9. 347.01.
  • Venus and the Rain. Medbh McGuckian. Gallery. 56pp. £7.95 pb 22 cm 1-85235-143-8. 190.01, 215.01.
  • Vera of Las Vegas. Paul Muldoon. Gallery. 54pp. £6.95 pb 21 cm 1-85235-283-3. 235.01.
  • Videoconferencing in Teaching and Learning: case studies and guidelines. Marie Martin. Western Education and Library Board, NI. 124pp. Stg£5.95 pb 20 cm 1-869919-05-X. March 01. 78.01.
  • Village of Longing. George O’Brien. Lilliput. 160pp. £7.87 €9.99 pb 21 cm 1-901866-78-5. 270.01.
  • Visitor, The. Maeve Brennan. New Island (Britain: Atlantic). 94pp. £9.99 €12.68 hb 19 cm 1-903809-76-2. 342.01.
  • Visitors’ Book. Mary Rose Callaghan. Brandon. 288pp. £7.99 pb 20 cm 0-86322-287-0. 307.01.
  • Voice for Those Bereaved by Suicide. Sarah McCarthy. Veritas. 102pp. £7.99 €10.15 pb 21 cm 1-85390-593-3. 344.01.
  • Voices Silenced: has Irish a future? / Guthanna in Éag: an mairfidh an Ghaeilge beo. James McCloskey. Cois Life. 104pp. £5.99 €7.61 pb 17 cm 1-901176-24-X. 187.01.
  • W & R Jacob celebrating 150 years of Irish biscuit making. Séamas Ó Maitiú. Woodfield Press. 131pp. £14.50 pb 0-9534293-1-8. 340.01.
  • W. B. Yeats: critical assessments. ed. David Pierce. Helm. 4 volumes, resp. 708, 598, 562, 864pp. £350 / $595 hb 24 cm 1-873403-73-9. 33.01.
  • Waiting for Time. Bernice Morgan. Mentor. 336pp. £7.99 pb 20 cm 1-84210-082-3. 188.01.
  • Walk in Ireland. Michael Fewer. Atrium. 248pp. £12.99 hb 22 cm 0-953535-32-0. 346.01.
  • Walled Garden. Catherine Dunne. Picador. 318pp. Stg£6.99 pb 20 cm 0-330-39607-2. 188.01, 222.01.
  • Wandering Celt. Desmond O’Grady. Dedalus. 160pp. £7.95 pb 21 cm 1-901233-58-8; £13.95 hb -59-6. 190.01, 215.01.
  • Watch and Clockmakers in Ireland 1611-1900. William Galland Stuart. June Stuart, Kildrought House, Celbridge, Co Kildare. 144pp. + 10 pages of illustrations £18 €22.85 pb 24 cm 0-9539688-0-4. 231.01.
  • Way It Was. ed. Paul Gannon. Author at Cloonluane, Renvyle, Co. Galway. 382pp. £9.95 pb 23 cm 0-9536214-0-5. 187.01.
  • Weather and Warfare: a climatic history of the 1789 rebellion. John Tyrrell. Collins Press. 216pp. £9.99 23 cm 1-898256-04-7. 230.01.
  • Well-remembered Days: memoir of a twentieth-century Catholic life. Arthur Mathews. Macmillan. 224pp. + 8 of illustrations IR£9.99 hb 22 cm 0-333-90162-2. 112.01.
  • What She Wants. Cathy Kelly. HarperCollins. 678pp. Stg£9.99 pb 24 cm 0-00-226175-8. 309.01.
  • When the Bells go Down: a portrait of Cork City Fire Brigade. Judy Kravis and Peter Morgan. Road Books, Garravagh, Inniscarra, Co Cork. 96pp. £15 pb 23 cm square 0-9519358-2-8. 232.01.
  • When the Lights Go Up. Cherry Smyth. Lagan. 54pp. £6.95 pb 21 cm 1-873687-48-6. 236.01.
  • Who Wants to be a Millionaire: the quiz book. Gill & Macmillan. 288pp. £7.99 22 cm 0-7171-3261-7. 310.01.
  • 68.01.
  • Whole Hog. Aidan Higgins. Secker & Warburg. 414pp. 22 cm £16.99 hb 0-436-20993-4. 32.01, 134.01.
  • Why are we deaf to the cry of the earth? Sean McDonagh. Veritas. 62pp. £5.99 €7.60 pb 22 cm 1-85390-544-5. 344.01.
  • Wild about Harry. Colin Bateman. HarperCollins. 270pp. Stg£5.99 pb 18 cm 0-00-710597-5. 342.01.
  • Wild Gardens: the lost demesnes of Bantry Bay. Nigel Everett. Hafod Press, Currakeal, Borlin, Bantry, Co Cork. 176pp. £12.95 pb 26 cm. 272.01, 295.01.
  • Wild Irish Women: extraordinary lives from history. Marian Broderick. O’Brien Press. 316pp. + 16 of illustrations. £18.90 €24 Stg£15.99 hb 24 cm 0-86278-703-3. 303.01.
  • Wild People. Hugh Leonard. Methuen. 284pp. Stg£15.99 hb 22 cm 0-413-75960-1. 188.01, 165.01.
  • Wild Summer. Jack Wilson. Lagan Press. 246pp. Stg£6.95 pb 19 cm 1-873687-82-6. 235.01.
  • Wimple Towers. C. C. Chessell. Poolbeg. 192pp. £4.99 €6.34 pb 20 cm 1-84223-034-4. 347.01.
  • Wine Guide 2002: the best of wine in Ireland. ed. Barbara Boyle and Pat Carroll. Farmar. 318pp. inc. advertisements. £9.84 €12.50 pb 22 cm 1-899047-76-X. 339.01.
  • Wisdom and the Grail: the image of the vessel in the Queste del Saint Graal and Malory’s Tale of the Sankgreal. Anne Marie D’Arcy. Four Courts. 412pp. £45 hb 24 cm 1-85182-496-0. 35.01.
  • Wisdom and Wasteland: Jeremy Taylor in his prose and preaching today. Thomas K. Carroll. Four Courts. 288pp. £35.44 hb 24 cm 1-85182-581-9. 238.01.
  • Witches Colouring and Activity Book. Don Conroy. Mentor. 64pp. £4.99 pb 30 x 21 cm 1-902586-53-0. .Sept. ‘99. 259.99, 103.01.
  • With the first dream of fire they hunt the cold: a body of work 1966-2000. Trevor Joyce. New Writers’ Press (UK: Shearsman Books; US: Small Press Distribution). 244pp. £12.95 €16.45 pb 19 cm 0-907562-29-9. 275.01.
  • Wittgenstein in Ireland. Richard Wall. Reaktion Books, 79 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3JU . 160pp. Stg£14.95/£27 pb 21 cm 1-86189-077-X. 32.01, 135.01.
  • Wolfgran. Finbar O’Connor. O’Brien. 80pp. £5.12 €6.50 Stg£4.99 $5.95 pb 20 cm 0-86278-730-0. 347.01.
  • Women’s Voices: Irish women on love, men, sex and relationships. Ben Lander. Winklecraft Press, Marshallstown, Kilmessan, Co Meath. 152pp. £6.99 pb 21 cm 0-9540436-0-X. 239.01, 292.01.
  • Wonderful Thursday Club: animal poems. Gordon Snell. Orion/Dolphin. 96pp. Stg£3.99 pb 20 cm 1-84255-030-6. 239.01.
  • Workhouse and the Famine in Derry. Patrick Durnin. Guildhall Press, Unit 4, Community Service Units, Bligh’s Lane, Creggan, Derry BT48 0LZ. 186pp. Stg£7.95 pb 21 cm0-946451-65-6. 305.01.
  • World of Fine Difference: the social architecture of a modern Irish village. Adrian Peace. UCD Press. 170pp. £15.95 €20.25 pb 23 cm 1-900621-60-6; £35.95 €45.65 hb -59-2. 115.01.
  • World War II: Rescue at Drumshee. Cora Harrison. Wolfhound. 144pp. £4.99 pb 20 cm 0-86327-849-3. 150.01, 257.01.
  • World War II Years: the Irish emergency. Helen Litton. Wolfhound. 144pp. NPG pb 20 cm 0-86327-859-0. 230.01.
  • Writer’s Life. Criostoir O’Flynn. Obelisk Books, 47 Páirc Arnold, Dún Laoghaire. 334pp. £10 €12.70 pb 20 cm 0-9520717-4-6. 303.01.
  • Yalta Game. Brian Friel. Gallery. 36pp. £5.95 pb 22 cm 1-85235-301-5; £12.95 hb 1-85235-302-3. 309.01.
  • Years of Bloom: James Joyce in Trieste, 1904-1920. John McCourt. Lilliput. 320pp. + 8 of photos £14.47 €18.99 pb 23 cm 1-901866-71-8. 227.01.
  • Yeats and Artistic Power. Phillip L. Marcus. Syracuse University Press. 296pp. $19.95 pb 22 cm 0-8156-2916-8. 338.01.
  • Yeats is Dead! ed. Joseph O’Connor. Jonathan Cape. 304pp. Stg£8.99 pb 22 cm 0-224-06175-5. 235.01.
  • Yeats: the Irish literary revival and the politics of print. Yug Mohit Chaudhry. Cork UP. 304pp. £17.13 €21.75 pb 24 cm 1-85918-261-5; hb £45.09 €57.25 -260-7. 271.01.
  • You Can’t Eat Flags for Breakfast. ed. Joseph Sheehy and Joshua Schultz. New Belfast Community Arts’ Initiative, 15 Church Street, Belfast BT1 1PG. 162pp. Stg£6.99 pb 21 cm 0-9540662-0-0. 233.01.
  • You Say Potato! Elgy Gillespie. Wolfhound. 176pp. £5.99 pb 22 cm 0-86327-853-1. 186.01, 300.01.
  • Young Wives. Elaine Crowley. Orion. 368pp. Stg£16.99 hb 22 cm 07528-4-622-X. 342.01.

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Created in 2001