Select Annual Listing of Books on Irish Literature & its Contexts: 1998

Biography: Literary & Artistic
Biography: Historical
Literary History & Criticism
Individual Authors
Cutural Commentary
Postcolonial Studies
Society, Politics & Religion
Newspapers & Media
Historical Studies: General
State & Revolution
1798 Rebellion
Historical Documents
Topography & Local History
Famine studies
Diaspora Studies
Northern Ireland
Reference Works & Bibliographies
Scholarly Editions
Reprint Editions
    Biography: Literary & Artistic
  • Arnold, Bruce, Jack Yeats (Yale UP 1998), 418pp.
  • Bayley, John, Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch (London: Duckworth 1998), 189pp.
  • Bleakley, David, C. S. Lewis: At Home in Ireland (Bangor: Strandtown Press 1998), 203pp.
  • Fleischmann, Ruth, Joan Denise Moriarty - Founder of Irish National Ballet: Material for a History of Dance in Ireland (Cork: Mercier 1998), 272pp, 16 pls.
  • Glendinning, Victoria, Jonathan Swift (London: Hutchinson 1998), 336pp. ill. [8 pls.].
  • Hughes, A. J., Robert Shipboy McAdam: His Life and Gaelic Proverb Collection (Belfast: QUB/IIS 1998). [var. MacAdam].
  • Keane, Maureen, Mrs S. C. Hall: A Literary Biography [Irish Literary Studies 50] (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1998), 272pp.
  • Levenson, Leah, The Fours Seasons of Mary Lavin (Dublin: Marino Books 1998), 368pp.
  • Lock, Frederick, Edmund Burke (Clarendon Press 1998), 610pp.
  • [1 of 2 vols.].
  • Lysaght, Sean, Robert Lloyd Praeger and the Culture of Science in Ireland, 1865-1953 (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 256pp.
  • McGrath, Thomas, Religious Renewal and Reform in the Pastoral Ministry of Bishop James Doyle of Kildare & Leighlin, 1786-1834 (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 330pp.
  • McKeon, Jim, Frank O’Connor: A Life (Edinburgh: Mainstream 1998), 192pp.
  • Pyle, Hilary, Red-Headed rebel: Susan L. Mitchell, Poet and Mystic of the Irish Cultural Renaissance (Dublin: Woodfield Press 1998), 248pp.
  • Sampson, Denis, Brian Moore: The Chameleon Novelist (Canada: Doubleday; Dublin: Marino 1998), 352pp. 16 ills.
  • Walshe, Eibhear, Elizabeth Bown Remembered [Annual Farrahy Lecture] (Dublin: Four Courts 1998), 96pp. [13 short contribs.].

[ top ]

    Biography: Historical
  • Bartlett, Thomas, Life of Theobald Wolfe Tone [1826; first complete reiss.] (Dublin: Lilliput Press 1998), 992pp.
  • Carroll, Denis, Unusual Suspects: Twelve Radical Clergy (Columba Press 1998), 287pp. [treats of James Coigly, James Porter, Robert Hilliard, Isaac Nelson, Fr. John Kenyon, et al.].
  • Crotty,  William, & David E. Schmitt, eds., Ireland and the Politics of Change (London: Longmans 1998), xiv, 250pp.[see contents].
  • Davis, Richard, Revolutionary Imperialist: William Smith O’Brien 1803-1864 (?dublin: Lilliput Press 1998), 420pp.
  • de Paor, Máire B., Patrick:The Pilgrim Apostle of Ireland (Dublin: Veritas 1998), 323pp.
  • Doherty, Gabriel, & Dermot Keogh, eds., Michael Collins and the Making of the Irish State (Cork: Mercier Press 1998), 224pp., il,
  • Dwyer, T. Ryle, Big Fellow, Long Fellow: A Joint Biography of Collins and de Valera (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1998), 376pp.
  • English, Richard, Ernie O’Malley: IRA Intellectual (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1998), 220pp. 4pl.
  • Harvey, Karen J., The Bellews of Mount Bellew: A Catholic Gentry Family in Eighteenth-Century Ireland (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 218pp. [home of celebrated book cache].
  • Kelly, James, Henry Flood: Parties and Politics in Eighteenth-Century Ireland (Dublin: Four Courts 1998), 480pp.
  • Larkin Emmett, & Herman Freudenberger, eds., Memoirs of Joseph Prost CSR: A Redemptorist Missionary in Ireland 1851-54 [Irish Narratives Ser.] (Cork UP 1998), 96pp.
  • McDowell, Vincent, Michael Collins and the Brotherhood (Dublin: Ashfield Press 1998), 204pp.
  • McGrath, Thomas, Politics, Interdenominational Relations and Education in the Public Ministry of Bishop James Doyle of Kildare and Leighlin (Dublin: Four courts Press 1998), 330pp.
  • Moran, Gerard, Radical Irish Priests 1660-1970 (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 224pp. [treats of Nicholas Sheehy, Canon Sheehan, Liam Inglis, Arthur O’Leary, Patrick Lavelle, John Fahy, et al.].
  • Moran, Sean Farrell, Patrick Pearse and the Politics of Redemption (Cath. UP of America 1998), 233pp.
  • Nevin, Donal, James Larkin: Lion of the Fold (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1998).
  • O’Leary, Olivia, & Helen Burke, Mary Robinson: The Authorised Biography (Lodnon: Hodder & Stoughton 1998), 304pp.
  • Routledge, Paul, John Hume: A Biography (London: HarperCollins 1997), 316pp.
  • Jim Smyth, The Men of No Property: Irish Radicals and Popular Politics in the Late Eighteenth Century [Studies in Modern History] (Basingstoke: Macmillan 1998), 266pp. [rev. of 1992 1st edn.]
    Stewart, A. T. Q., ed., Michael Collins: The Secret File [HM Public Records Office Dec. 1919-April 1920] (Blackstaff 1998), 192pp.
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    Literary History & Criticism
  • Agnew, Sr. Una [Order of St. Louis], The Mystical Imagination of Patrick Kavanagh: A Buttonhole in Heaven? (Dublin: Columba Press 1998), 285pp.
  • Baker, David J., Between Nations: Shakespeare, Spenser, Marvell, and the Question of Britain (CUP 1998), 221pp.
  • Briggs, Sarah, Paul Hyland & Neil Sammells, eds., Reviewing Ireland: Essays & Interviews form Irish Studies Review (Bath: Sulis Press 1998), 346pp.[see contents].
  • Caball, Marc, Poets and Politics: Reaction and Continuity in Irish Poetry 1558-1625 (Cork UP 1998), 280pp.
  • Carey, John, King of Mysteries: Early Irish Religious Writings (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 304pp.
  • Courtney, David, Celtic Illumination: The Irish School (London: Thames & Hudson 1998), 96pp.
  • Crane, Ralph E., ed., J. G. Farrell: The Critical Grip (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 208pp.
  • Crook, Keith, A Preface to Swift (London: Longman 1998), 256pp.
  • .
  • Curtayne, Alice, Francis Ledwidge: A Life, intro. by Jennifer Johnston (Dublin: New Island 1998).
  • de Paor, Liam, Landscape with Figures (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 254pp.
  • Devine, Kathleen, ed., Modern Irish Writers and the Wars [Ulster Editions and Monographs] (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1998), 320pp.
  • Eagleton, Terry, Crazy Jane and the Bishop and Other Essays on Irish Culture [Critical Conditions Ser.] (Cork UP 1998), 355pp.
  • Farr, Carol Ann, The Book of Kells: Its Function and Audience (BL/Toronto UP 1998), 196pp.
  • Flannery, James W., Dear Harp of My Country: The Irish Melodies of Thomas Moore (Dublin: Wolfhound; US: J. S. Sanders 1998), 176pp.
  • Gelpi, Albert, Living in Time: The Poetry of C. Day Lewis (Oxford: OUP 1998), 240pp.
  • Hopper, Keith , Modernism and Ireland (Dublin [Unit 6]: Oscail 1998) [q.pp.].
  • Hughes, William, & Andrew Smith, eds., Bram Stoker: History, Psychoanalysis and the Gothic (Basingstoke: Macmillan 1998), 229pp.
  • Jordan, Anthony J., Christy Brown’s Women (Westport Books 1998), 180pp. [taken from letters, aged 14 onwards].
  • Kreilkamp, Vera, Anglo-Irish Novel and the Big House (Syracuse UP 1998), 289pp.
  • Legg, Mary-Lou, Newspapers and Nationalism: the Irish Provincial Press 1850-1892 (Dublin: Four Courts 1998), 200pp.
  • Lennon, Seán, Irish Gothic Writers, Bram Stoker and the Irish Supernatural Tradition (Dublin Corp. Public Librariies 1998), 36pp.
  • Mahaffey, Vicki, States of Desire: Wilde, Yeats, Joyce, and the Irish Experiment (Oxford: OUP 1998), 288pp. [also noticed as Shattered Images, Playful Desires [... &c.]
  • Ó Doibhlín, Brendán, Aistí Critice agus Cultúir II (Belfast: Lagan Press 1998), 135pp.
  • Ó Héalaí, Pádraig, ed., Festschrift for Breandán Ó Madagáin (Cló Iar-Chonnachta 1998).
  • Ó Lúing, Seán, Celtic Studies in Europe and Other Essays (Geography Publications 1998) [essay topics incl. Hyde, Robin Flower, Griffith, Meyer, R. A. Macalister, et al.].
  • O’Brien, Sean, The Deregulated Muse: Essays on Contemporary British and Irish Poetry (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bloodaxe 1998) [chiefly reviews].
  • O’Brien, Eugene, The Question of Irish Identity in the Writings of William Butler Years and James Joyce (Lewiston: Mellen Press 1998), 283pp.
  • O’Connor, Pat, Emerging Voices: Women in Contemporary Irish Society (Institute of Public Admin. 1998), 317pp.
  • Peters, Sally, Bernard Shaw: The Ascent of the Superman (Yale UP 1996; pb. 1998), 335pp.
  • Real, Hermann, & Helgard Stöver-Leidig, eds., Reading Swift: Papers of from the Third Münster Symposium (Munich: Wilhelm fink 12998), 367pp.
  • Ryan, Philip B., The Lost Theatres of Dublin (Oxford: Badger Press 1998), 256pp.
  • Schirmer, George A., Out of What Began: A History of Irish Poetry in English (Cornell UP 1998), xvi, 426pp.
  • Smyth, Gerry, Decolonisation and Criticism: The Construction of Irish Literature (London; Pluto 1998), x, 262pp.
  • Sternlicht, Sanford, A Reader’s Guide to Modern Irish Drama (Syracuse UP 1998), 196pp.
  • Stewart, Bruce, ed., The Supernatural and the Fantastic in Irish Literature and Its Contexts [Proceedings of Conference] (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1998), 2 vols. [keynotes by Dáithí Ó hÓgáin, Chris Morash, Peter Kuch, Terence Brown; 45 others].
  • Tracy, Robert, The Unappeasable Host: Studies in Irish Identity (UCD Press 1998), 288pp.
  • Vendler, Helen, Seamus Heaney: Life and Work (London: HarperCollins 1998), 224pp.
  • [ top ]

    Individual Authors
    Oscar Wilde
  • Blanchard, Mary W., Oscar Wilde’s America: Counterculture in the Gilded Age (Yale UP 1998), 320pp.
  • 221 illus.
  • Hanson, Ellis Decadence and Catholicism (Harvard UP 1998), 403pp. [Baudelaire, J.-K. Huysmans; Pater; Wilde, et al.].
  • McCormack, Jerusha, ed., Wilde the Irishman (Yale UP 1998), 205pp. [essays by Declan Kiberd, Derek Mahon, Frank McGuinness, Alan Stanford, & Fintan O’Toole; also Seamus Heaney’s address at Westminster Abbey.].
  • Tanitch, Robert, Oscar Wilde on Stage and Screen (London: Methuen 1998), 192pp.
  • Varty, Anne, A Preface to Oscar Wilde (Addison-Wes. 1998), 320pp.

  • W. B.Yeats
  • Connor, Lester I., A Yeats Dictionary: Persons and Places in the Poetry of William Butler Yeats (Syracuse UP; Eurospan 1998), 224pp.
  • Meihuizen, Nicholas, Yeats and the Drama of Sacred Space (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1998), 190pp.
  • Eugene OBrien, The Question of National Identity in the Writings of W. B. Yeats (Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press 1998), xiii, 283pp.

  • James Joyce
  • Cheng, Vincent, ed., Joycean Cultures/Culturing Joyces (Delaware UP 1998), 294pp. [14 essays by Christine van Boheemen, Clara D. McLean, Harly Ramsey, Bonnie Scott Kime, Carol Loeb Shloss, R. B. Kershner, Catherine Whitley, Erika Anne Flesher, Irene A. Maryniuk, Cheryl Temple Herr, Benjamin Harder. Mark Osteen, et al. ].
  • Davison, Neil R., James Joyce, Ulysses, and the Construction of Jewish Identity: Culture, Biography, and ‘the Jew’ in Modernist Europe (Cambridge UP 1998), 316pp.
  • Eco, Umberto, & Liberato Santero-Brienza, Talking of Joyce (UCD Press 1998), 96pp.
  • Frehner, Ruth, & Ursula Zeller, eds., A Collideorscape of Joyce : Festschrift for Fritz Senn. (Dublin: Lilliput Press 1998), 496pp.
  • Hart, Clive, C. George Sandulescu, Bonnie K. Scott, & Fritz Senn, eds., Images of Joyce [Transactions of the 12th James Joyce International Symposium, 1990], 2 vols. (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1998), 860pp. [Vol. I: 1-438; Vol 2: 439-860].
  • Jaurretche, Colleen, The Sensual Philsophy: Joyce and the Aesthetics of Mysticism (Wisconsin UP 1998), 156pp.
  • Lawrence, Karen R., ed., Transcultural Joyce (Cambridge UP 1998), 259pp.
  • Legg, Marie-Louise, Newspapers and Nationalism: the Irish Provincial Press 1850-1892 (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 238pp.
  • Leonard, Garry, Advertising and Commodity Culture in Joyce (Florida UP 1998), 224pp.
  • Len Platt, Joyce and the Anglo-Irish: A Study of Joyce and the Literary Revival [Costerus n.s., vol. 119] (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1998), 249pp [partially available at Google Books - online; accessed 23.04.2021.
  • Norris, Margot, A Companion to James Joyce’s Ulysses (NY: Bedford Books 1998), 255pp.
  • Vanderham, Paul, James Joyce and Censorship: the Trials of Ulysses (London: Macmillan 1998), 242pp.
  • Williams, Trevor L., Reading Joyce Politically (Florida UP 1998), 247pp.
    Samuel Beckett
  • Baker, Phil, Beckett and the Mythology of Psychoanalysis (London: Macmillan 1998), 225pp.
  • Begam, Richard, Samuel, Beckett amd the End of Modernity (Stanford UP/Cambridge UP 1998), 237pp.
  • Bryden, Mary, Samuel Beckett and the Idea of God (London: Macmillan 1998), 204pp.
  • Gordon, Lois, The World of Samuel Beckett 1906-1946 (Yale UP 1998), 260pp.
  • O’Hara, J. D., Samuel Beckett’s Hidden Drives: Structural Uses of Deep Psychology (Florida UP 1998), 320pp.
  • Pilling, John, Beckett Before Godot (Cambridge UP 1998), 277pp.
  • Pountney, Rosemary, Theatre of Shadows: Samuel Beckett’s Drama 1956-76 [1988] (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1998), 310pp. [pb.]
  • Rathjen, Friedhelm, ed., In Principle, Beckett is Joyce (Edinburgh: Split Pea Press 1998), 189pp.

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    Cultural Commentary
  • Andrews, J. H., Interpreting the Irish Landscape: Explorations of Settlement History (Dublin: Four Courts 1998), 96pp.
  • Bowler, Peter J., & Nicholas Whyte, eds., Science and Society in Ireland (Belfast: IIS 1998), 180pp.
  • Claydon, Tony, & Ian McBride, Chosen Peoples? Protestantism and National Identity in Britain and Ireland c.1650-c.1850 (Cambridge UP 1998), 350pp.
  • Donnelly, J. S., Jr. & Kerby A. Miller, eds., Irish Popular Culture, 1650-1850 (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1998), 312pp. [contribs. incl. Sean Connolly, Raymond Gillespie, Kevin Whelan, Elizabeth Malcolm, Gary Owens, J. R. R. Adams, et al.].
  • Fallon, Brian, An Age of Innocence: Irish Culture 1930-1960 (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1998), 313pp.
  • Foley, Tadhg, & Seán Ryder, eds., Ideology in Ireland in the Nineteenth Century [Soc. for the Study of 19th c. Ireland; 19th-c. Ireland ser., 3] (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 222pp. [see contents].
  • Lloyd, David, & Paul Thomas, Culture and the State (London: Routledge 1998), 232pp.
  • Mishkin, Tracy, The Harlem and Irish Renaissances: Language, Identity, and Representation (Florida UP 1998).
  • Mulhern, Francis, The Present Lasts a Long Time: Essays in Cultural Politics [Critical Conditions Ser.] (Cork UP 1998), 213pp.
  • O’Toole, Fintan, The Lie of the Land: Irish Identities (Dublin: New Island 1998), 190pp.
  • Pine, Richard, Music in Ireland 1848-1998 [Thomas Davis Lecture ser.] (Cork: Mercier Press/IABC 1998), 158pp.
  • Viol, Claus-Ulrich, Eighteenth-Century (Sub)Versions of Stage Irishness (Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag 1998), 133pp.
  • Watters, John, An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Modern Ireland (London: Duckworth 1998), 187pp.
  • Westarp, Karl-Heinz, & Michael Böss, eds., Ireland: Towards New Identities? (Aarhus UP 1998), 179pp.
  • White, Harry, The Keeper’s Recital: Music and Cultural History in Ireland 1770-1970 [Critical Conditions] (Cork UP/ Field Day 1998), 260pp.
  • Witzoszek, Nina, & Patrick Sheeran, Talking to the Dead: A Study in Irish Funerary Traditions [Coterus new ser. 117] (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1998), 182pp.

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    Postcolonial studies
  • Cubitt, Geoffrey, Imagining Nations (Manchester UP 1998).
  • Davidson, Peter, ed,., Poetry and Revolution (Clarendon Press 1998), 620pp. [Ireland, Scotland, & Wales].
  • Graham, Colin, & Richard Kirkland, Ireland and Cultural Theory: The Mechanics of Authenticity (London: Macmillan 1998), 270pp.
  • Graham, Colin, Deconstructing Ireland: Identity, Theory, Culture (Edinburgh UP 1998), 192pp.
  • Graham, Colin, Ideologies of Epic: Nation, Empire and Victorian Poetry (Manchester UP 1998), 194pp.
  • Hadfield, Andrew, Between Nations: Shakespeare, Spenser, Marvell and the Question of Britain (Stanford UP 1998), 221pp.
  • Highley, Christopher, Shakespeare, Spenser, and the Crisis in Ireland (Cambrige UP 1998), 260pp.
  • Marshall, Alan, & Neil Sammells, eds., Irish Encounters: Poetry, Politics and Prose Since 1800 (Bath: Sulis Press 1998), 199pp.[see contents].
  • Ó Cerallaigh, Daltún, ed., New Perspectives on Ireland: Colonialism and Identity [Desmond Greaves Summer School, &c.] (Dublin: Léirmheas Publications 1998), 182pp.
  • Tymoczko, Maria, Translation in a Postcolonial Culture (St Jerome Publ. 1998), 240pp.
  • Walter, Dennis, Post-colonial literatures in English: History, Language, Theory (Oxford: Blackwell 1998), 232pp.
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    Society, Politics & Religion
  • Allen, Kieran, Fianna Fáil and Irish Labour: 1926 to the Present (London: Pluto Press 1998), 222pp.
  • Anderson, James, & James Goodman, Dis/agreeing Ireland: Contexts, Obstacles, Hopes (London: Pluto Press 1998), 288pp.
  • Boylan, Thomas A. [et al.], Irish Political Economy (London: Routledge 1998), 1500pp. [?vols.].
  • Cleary, Anne, & Margaret P. Treacy, The Sociology of Health and Illness in Ireland (UCD Press 1997; Dufour 1998), 232pp.
  • Collins, Eamon, & Mick McGovern, Killing Rage (London: Granta 1998), 416pp.
  • pb.
  • Conway, Eamonn, & Colm Kilcoyne, eds., Twin Pulpits: Church and Media in Modern Ireland (Dublin: Veritas 1998), 216pp.
  • Inglis, Tom, Lessons in Irish Sexuality (Dublin: UCD Press 1998), 192pp.
  • Inglis, Tom, Moral Monopoly: The Rise and Fall of the Catholic Church in Modern Ireland [2nd edn.] (Dublin: UCD Press 1998), vii, 312pp.
  • Gordon-Bowe, Nicola, & Elisabeth Cumming, Arts and Crafts Movement in Dublin and Edinburgh (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1998) [qpp.].
  • Inglis, Tom, Moral Monopoly: the Rise and Fall of the Catholic Church in Modern Ireland (Dublin: UCD Press 1998), 320pp.
  • Keogh, Dermot, Jews in Twentieth-Century Ireland: Refugees, Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust (Cork UP 1998), 351pp.
  • MacDermott, Eithne, Clann na Poblachta (Cork UP 1998), 242pp.
  • Magray, Mary Peckham, The Transforming Power of the Nuns: Women, Religion, and Cultural Change in Ireland, 1750-1900 (Oxford: OUP 1998), 224pp.
  • McKeon, Kieran, Changing Fathers?: Fatherhood and Family in Modern Ireland (Collins Press 1998), 200pp.
  • Ní Annracháin, Máire, & Bríona Nic Dhiarmada, eds., Téacs agus Comthéacs: Cnéithe de Chritic na Gaeilge (Cork UP 1998), 224pp. [contribs. incl. Liam Mac Cóil, Mícheál Ó Cróinín, Géaróid Ó Grualaoich, Louis de Paor, Máirín Nic Eoin, & the editors.].
  • Ó Ríordáin, John J., Irish Catholic Spirituality: Celtic and Roman (Dublin: Columba Press 1998), 155pp.
  • O’Donoghue, David, Hitler’s Irish Voices: German Radio’s Wartime Irish Service, foreword by J. J. Lee (Belfast: Beyond the Pale 1998), 256pp. 32 photos.
  • O’Hearn, Denis, Inside the Celtic Tiger: The Irish Economy and the Asian Model (London: Pluto 1998), 200pp.
  • Mary Twoomey, The Celtic Tiger: The Flip Side (Dublin: Blackhall 1998), 244pp.

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    Irish Language Studies
  • Mac Fhearghusa, Pádraig, Tóraíocht an Mhísdonais: príomchoincheapa Freud agus Jung (Cosicéim [1997]), 150pp.
  • Nic Eoin, Máirín, B’ait Leo Bean: Gnéithe den Idén-eolaíocht Inscnee i dTraidisún Liteartha na Gaeilge (Clóchomhar 1998), 366pp.
  • Ó Cathasiagh, Andrias, Karl Marx: Saothar a Shaoil (Coiscéim [1997]), 223pp.
  • Ó Fráinne, Andrias, Friedrich Nietzsche: saol agus smaoiteachas (Coiscéim [1997]), 70pp.
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    Newspapers & Media
  • Damien Kiberd, Media in Ireland: the Search for Diversity (Dublin: Four Courts 1998), 94pp.
  • Kelly, Mary J., & Barbara O’Connor, Media Audiences in Ireland: Power and Cultural Identity (UCD Press 1998), 286pp.
  • Phillips, James W[ilbur], Printing and Bookselling in Dublin, 1670-1800: A Bibliographical Enquiry, introduced by Mary Pollard (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1998), 338pp. ill. [TCD diss. of 1952; formerly available on microfilm].

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    Historical Studies: General
  • Brady, Ciaran, Interpreting Irish History: The Debate on Historical Revisionism (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1998), 358pp. [reiss.].
  • Canny, Nicholas, ed., The Oxford History of the British Empire, Vol. 1: The Origins of Empire: British Overseas Enterprises to the Close of the Seventeenth Century (Oxford: OUP 1998), 533pp.
  • Delanty, Gerard and Patrick O’Mahony, Rethinking Irish History (Macmillan 1998), 256pp.
  • Hennessey, Thomas, Dividing Ireland: World War One and Partition (London: Routledge 1998), 304pp.
  • O’Day, Alan, Irish Home Rule: 1867-1921 [New Frontiers in History] (Manchester UP 1998), 346pp.
  • O’Day, Alan, Irish Nationalism 1798-1922 (London: Routledge 1998).
  • [ top ]

    Historical Studies: Topical
  • Augusteijn, Joost, From Public Defiance to Guerrilla Warfare: The Experience of Ordinary Volunteers in the Irish War of Independence (Blackrock: Irish Academic Press 1998), 420pp., reiss.].
  • Bonsall, Penny, The Irish RMs : the Resident Magistrates in the British Administration of Ireland (Dublin: Four Courts 1998), 224pp.
  • Brown, Liam, et al., Ireland: Past and Present (Prion Books 1998), 224pp.
  • Clarke, Howard B., Máire Ní Mhoanaigh, & Rraghnall Ó Floinn, eds., Ireland and Scandanavia in the Early Viking Age (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 496pp.
  • Comerford, R. V., The Fenians in Context: Irish Politics and Society 1848-1882 [1985] (Dublin: Wolfhound 1998), 272pp.
  • Connolly, S. J., ed., Kingdoms United? Ireland and Great Britain from 1500: integration and diversity (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 256pp.
  • Curtis, Liz, Ireland and the Propaganda War: The British Media and the Battle for Hearts and Minds (Belfasts: Sásta 1998), 352pp. [prev. Pluto 1984].
  • Dickson, David, Arctic Ireland (Belfast: White Row Press 1998) [frost of 1739].
  • Doherty, Richard, The Williamite War in Ireland, 1688-1691 (Dublin: Four Courts 1998), 256pp. pb.
  • Dowling, Martin W., Tenant Right and Agrarian Society in Ulster, 1600-1850 (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1998), 488pp.
  • Dowling, Martin W., Tenant Rights and Agrarian Society in Ulster 1600-1850 (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1998), 488pp.
  • Dungan, Myles, They Shall Not Grow Old (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 218pp.
  • Fagan, Patrick, Catholics in a Protestant Land: The Papist Constituency in Eighteenth-century Dublin (Dublin: Four Courts 1998), 208pp.
  • Fanning, Ronan, Vikings in Ireland (Cambridge UP 1998).
  • Fitzpatrick, David, Politics and Irish Life 1913-1921: Provincial Experience of War and Revolution [1977] (Cork UP 1998), 344pp.
  • Fitzpatrick, David, The Two Irelands, 1912-1939 (Oxford: OUP 1998), 310pp.
  • pb.
  • Flanagan, Laurence, Ancient Ireland: Life Before the Celts (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1998), 266pp.
  • Forrestal, Alison, Catholic Synods in Ireland, 1600-1690 (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 208pp.
  • Foster, ed., Roy, The Oxford Illustrated History of Ireland [1989] (Oxford: OUP 1998), 382pp.
  • Griffith, Kenneth, & Timothy O’Grady, An Oral History of Ireland’s Unfinished Revolution (Cork: Mercier 1998), 415pp.
  • Hainsworth, Paul, Ethnic Issues and Minorities in Northern Ireland (London: Pluto 1998), 160pp.
  • Hart, Peter, The IRA and Its Enemies: Violence and Communty in Cork 1916-1923 (Oxford: Clarendon 1998), 350pp.
  • Hopkinson, Michael, ed., Frank Henderson’s Easter Rising: recollections of a Dublin Volunteer [Irish Narratives Ser.] (Cork UP 1998), 96pp.
  • Hurtley, Maurice F., et al., eds., Late Viking Age and Medieval Waterford: Excavations 1986-1992 (Waterword Corp. 1998), 935pp.
  • Kiberd, Declan, intro., 1916 Rebellion Handbook [facs. of Irish Times orig.] (Belfast: Mourne River Press 1998), 320pp. folding map.
  • Kinross, John, The Boyne and Aughrim: The War of the Two Kings (Windrush press 1998), 172pp.
  • Kipling, Rudyard, The Irish Guards in the Great War: The 2nd Battalion (Staplehurst: Spellmount 1998), 223pp.
  • Litton, Helen, Irish Rebellions 1798-1916: An Illustrated History (Dublin: Wolfhound 1998), 144pp. [pop.].
  • Lydon, James, Law and Disorder in Thirteenth Century Ireland: The Dublin Parliament of 1297 (Dublin: Four Courts 1998), 171pp.
  • Lydon, James, The Making of Ireland: from Ancient Times to the Present (London: Routledge 1998), 435pp.
  • McDowell, R. B. Crisis & Decline: The Fate of the Southern Unionists (Dublin: Lilliput Press 1998), 237pp. 8 ills.
  • Monk, Michael A., and John Sheehan, Early Medieval Munster: Archaeology, History and Society (Cork UP 1998), 230pp.
  • Murphy, Tim, & Patrick Twomey, eds., Ireland’s Evolving Constitution, 1937-1997: Collected Essays (Oxford: Hart 1998), 346pp.
  • Treadwell, Victor, Buckingham and Ireland, A Study of Anglo-Irish Politics (Dublin: Four Courts Press), 412pp.
  • Watt, John, The Church in Medieval Ireland [Gill History of Ireland 1972] (UCD Press 1998), 296pp.
  • Ward-Perkins, Sarah, Writing on Irish History 1991 and 1991 (Irish Comm. of Historical Sciences and Irish Historical Studies 1998), 251pp.

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    1798 Rebellion
  • Blackstock, Allan, An Ascendancy Army: The Irish Yeomanry 1794-1834 (Dublin: Four Courts 1998), 228pp.
  • Chambers, Liam, Rebellion in Kildare, 1790-1803 (Dublin: Four Courts 1998), 176pp.
  • Corrigan, Mario, All That Delirium of the Brave: Kildare in 1798 (Kildare County Council 1998), 143pp.
  • Curtin, Nancy J., The United Irishmen: Popular Politics in Ulster and Dublin 1791-1798 (Clarendon Press 1998), 328pp.
  • Dickson, Charles, The Wexford Rising in 1798: Its Causes and Course (London: Constable 1998), 291pp.
  • Durey, Michael, ed., Andrew Bryson’s Ordeal: An Epilogue to the 1798 Rebellion [Irish Narratives Ser.] (Cork UP 1998), 128pp.
  • Gahan, Daniel J., Rebellion! Ireland in 1798 [Comóradh] (Dublin: O’Brien Press 1998), 207pp.
  • Hayes, William J., Tipperary in the Year of the Rebellion 1798 (Lisheen Publications 1998), 120pp.
  • Herlihy, Kevin, Propagating the Word of Irish Dissent, 1650-1800 (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 144pp.
  • Hill, Myrtle, et al., eds., 1798: Rebellion in County Down (Colourpoint Bks. 1998), 284pp.
  • Kelly, Liam, A Flame Now Quenched: Rebels and Frenchmen in Leitrim 1793-1798 (Dublin: Lilliput 1998), 156pp.
  • Keogh, Dáire, & Nicholas Furlong, eds., The Women of 1798 (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 220pp. [see contents].
  • Killen, John, The Decade of the United Irishmen: Contemporary Accounts 1791-1801 (Belfast: Blackstaff 1998), 220pp.
  • MacAstasney, Gerard, Leitrim and the Croppies 1776-1804 (Charick on Shannon Hidstrict Hist. Soc. 1998), 95pp.
  • Ó Portéir, Cathal, ed., The Great Irish Rebellion of 1798 [Thomas Davis Lectures] (RTE Mercier 1998), 187pp.
  • O’Doherty, Malachi, The Trouble with Guns: Republican Strategy and the Provisional IRA (Belfast: Blackstaff 1998), 221pp.
  • O’Donnell, Ruán, The Rebellion in Wicklow 1798 (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1998), 451pp. 12 pls.
  • O’Farrell, Padraic, The ‘98 Reader: An Anthology of Song, Prose and Poetry (Dublin; Lilliput 1998), 220pp.
  • O’Shaughnessy, Peter, ed., Rebellion in Wicklow: General Joseph Holt’s Personal Account of 1798 [rep. of 1838 edn.] (Dublin: Four Courts 1998).
  • Pakenham, Thomas, The Year of Liberty: The Great Irish Rebellion of 1798 (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1997), 120pp. [rep.].
  • Thompson, F. Glenn, The Uniforms of 1793-1803 (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 63pp.
  • Whelan, Kevin, Fellowship of Freedom: The United Irishmen and 1798 (Cork UP 1998), 174pp.
  • Willsdon, Bill, The Sites of the 1798 Rising in Antrim and Down (Belfast: Blackstaff 1998), 192pp.
  • Wilson, David A., United Irishmen, United States: immigrant radicals the early Republic (Dublin: Four Court; Cornell UP 1998), 256pp.

[ top ]

    Historical Documents
  • Ireland 1905-25, Russell Rees, ed., Vol. 1: Text and Historiography (Colourpoint Books 1998), 250pp.
  • A. C. Hepburn, ed., Vol. 2: The Documents (Colourpoint Books 1998), 300pp.
  • Day, Angelique, & Patrick McWilliams, Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland. Vol. 40: Counties of S. Ulster 1834-38 (ISS/RIA 1998), 212pp.

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    Topography & Local History
  • Beranger, Gabriel, Drawings on the Principal Antique Buildings of Ireland, intro. Peter Harbison (Four Courts Press 1998), 228pp.
  • Brett, C. E. B., Five Big Houses of Cushendun and Some Literary Associations (Belfast: Lagan Press 1998), 81pp.
  • Cassell, Ronald D., Medical Charities, Medical Politics: The Irish Dispensary System and the Poor Law, 1836-1872 (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer 1998).
  • Cherry, Bridget, The Buildings of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales: A Short History and Bibliography [Penguin Collectors’ Soc.] (Penguin 1998), 67pp.
  • Clarke, Richard, The Royal Victoria Hospital: A History 1797-1976 (Blackstaff 1997; Dufour 1998), ill.
  • Gillespie, Raymond, & Myrtle Hill, eds., Doing Local History: Pursuit and Practice (Belfast Inst. of Irish History 1998), p.147.
  • Herbert Ympa, Irish Georgian (London; Thames & Hudson 11998), photos. By René Stoeltie.
  • Noal, William, & Anngret Simms, Irish Towns: A Guide to Sources (Geography Publications 1998), 249pp.
  • Prunty, Jacinta, Dublin Slums 1800-1925: a Study in Urban Geography (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1998), 364pp.

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    Famine Studies
  • Clarkson, L. A., et al., Mapping the Great Irish Famine: An Atlas of the Famine Years (Dublin: Four Courts 1998), 208pp.
  • Crawford, E. Margaret, ed., The Hungry Stream: Essays in Emigration and Famine (Belfast: The Centre for Emigration Studies, Ulster-American Folk Park/Institute of Irish Studies 1997) [ISBN 0 85389 674 1 hb.; 0 85389 674 7 pb.].
  • Gray, Peter, Famine, Land and Politics: British Government and Irish Society 1843-50 (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1998), 366pp.
  • Jordan, William Chester, The Great Famine (Princeton UP 1998), 328pp.
  • Kerr, Donal A., A Nation of Beggars: Priests, People and Politics in Famine Ireland 1846-1852 (Oxford: OUP 1998), 384pp.
  • Murphy, Maureen, ed., Asenath Nicholson, Annals of the Famine in Ireland (Dublin: Lilliput Press; Dufour Edns. 1998), 256pp.
  • Neal, Frank, Black ‘47: Britain and the Famine Irish (St. Martin’s Press 1998), 310pp.
  • Ó Cathaoir, Breandán, Famine Diary.(Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1998), 120pp.
  • Ó Gráda, Cormac, Black ’47 and Beyond: The Great Irish Famine in History, Economy and Memory (Princeton UP 1998), xii, 303pp.
  • [ top ]

    Diaspora Studies
  • Akenson, Donald Harman, If the Irish Ran the World: Montserrat, 1630-1730 (Liverpool UP; McGill-Queen’s UP 1998), 285pp.
  • Gribben, Arthur, The Great Famine and the Irish Diaspora in America (Massachusetts UP 1998), 288pp.
  • O’Connor, Thomas, The Boston Irish: a Political History ((NY: Little, Brown 1998), 363pp.
  • Keneally, Thomas, The Great Shame: A Story of the Irish in the Old World and the New (London: Chatto & Windus 1998), 730pp.
  • McRaild, Donald M., Culture, Conflict and Migration: The Irish in Cumbria (Liverpool UP 1998), 237pp.
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    Northern Ireland
  • Ballard, Linda, Forgetting Frolic: Mariage Customs in the North of Ireland (Belfast: IIS/QUB with Folklore Soc. 1998), 176pp.
  • Bloomfield, David, Political Dialogue in Northern Ireland: The Brooke Initiative 1982-1992 (London: Macmillan 1998), 209pp.
  • Dooley, Brian, The Black and the Green: The Fight for Civil Rights in Northern Ireland and Black America (Pluto 1998), 178pp.
  • Fleming, George, Magennis VC: The Story of Northern Ireland’s Only Winner of the Victoria Cross (Dublin: History Ireland 1998), 224pp.
  • Gerard Murray, John Hume and the SDLP: Impact and Survival in Northern Ireland (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1998).
  • Hennessey, Thomas, A History of Northern Ireland 1920-1996 (London: Macmillan 1998), 347pp.
  • pb.
  • McBride, Ian, Scripture Politics: Ulster Presbyterians and Radical Politics in the Late Eighteenth Century (Oxford: OUP 1998).
  • Geraghty, Tony, The Irish War: The Military History of a Domestic Conflict (London: HarperCollins 1998), 404pp. [Sunday Times journalist in 1969].
  • McCall, C., Identity in Northern Ireland (London: Macmillan Press 1998), 256pp.
  • Miller, David, ed., Rethinking Northern Ireland: Culture, Ideology and Colonialism (London: Addison Wesley 1998), 256pp.
  • Parkinson, Alan F., Ulster Loyalism and the British Media (London: Creative Umbrella 1998), 184pp.
  • Porter, Norman, Rethinking Unionism: An Alternative Vision for Northern Ireland (Belfast: Blackstaff 1998), 252pp.
  • Porter, Norman, The Republican Ideal: Current Perspectives (Belfast: Blackstaff 1998), 182pp.
  • Richardson, Norman, ed., Tapestry of Beliefs: Christian Traditions in Northern Ireland (Belfast: Blackstaff Press 1998), 360pp.
  • Shannon, Elizabeth, I am of Ireland: Women of the North Speak Out (Massachusetts UP 1998), 304pp.

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    Reference Works & Bibliographies
  • Barry, Kevin, Cambridge Companion to Modern Irish Literature (Cambridge UP 1998).
  • Boylan, Henry, Dictionary of Irish Biography [3rd Edn.] (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1998), 462pp.
  • Breathnach, Diarmuid, agus Máire Ní Mhurchú, Beathaisnéis a Cúig: 1882-1982 (An Clóchomhar 1998), 310pp.
  • Chuto, Jacques, ed., James Clarence Mangan: A Bibliography of His Works (Blackrock: Irish Academic Press 1998), 224pp.
  • Connolly, Sean, ed., The Oxford Companion to Irish History (Oxford: OUP 1998), 618pp.
  • Coyle, John, ed., James Joyce: Ulysses; A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: The Student Guide to Secondary Sources (Trumpington: Icon 1998), 186pp. [pb.].
  • Craig, Patricia, ed., The Oxford Book of Ireland (Oxford: OUP 1998), 528pp.
  • Deegan, Loughlin, ed. al, Irish Theare Handbook [The Theatre Shop] (Dublin: New Island Press 1998), 128pp.
  • Dolan, Terence Patrick, A Dictionary of Hiberno-English: The Irish Use of English (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1998), 311pp.
  • Fanning, Ronan, et al., eds., Documents on Irish Foreign Policy, Vol. 1: 1919-1922 (Dublin: RIA 1998), 576pp.
  • Grimes, Brendan, Irish Carnegies Libraries: A Catalogue and Architectural Study (IAP 1998), 290pp.
  • Ingamells, John, A Dictionary of British and Irish Travellers in Itlay 1701-1800 [Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art] (Yale UP [1997]), 1,200pp.
  • Innes, Christopher, The Cambridge Companion to George Bemard Shaw (Cambridge UP 1998), 376pp.
  • Killen, John, An Index to The Microscope (1799-1800) and to the Belfast Literary Journal (1816) (Belfast: Linen Hall Library 1998), 117pp. 11 microfiches
  • .
  • Law, Garry, The Cultural Traditions Dictionary (Belfast: Blackstaff 1998), 165pp.
  • McCormack, W. J., ed., The Blackwell Companion to Irish Culture (Oxford: Blackwell 1998), 450pp.
  • McKillop, James, Dictionary of Celtic Mythology (Oxford: OUP 1998), 402pp.
  • McMahon, Seán, & Jo O’Donoghue, The Mercier Companion to Irish Literature (Mercier Press 1998), 223pp.
  • McRedmond, Louis, ed., Modern Irish Lives: Dictionary of 20th-century Biography (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1998), pb. edn.
  • Thomas, Colin, & Avril Thomas, Historical Dictionary of Ireland (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press 1998), 307pp.

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    Collected & Scholarly Editions
  • Dancy, Jonathan, ed., George Berkeley, A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (1710) [Philosophical Texts] (Oxford: OUP 1998), 237pp.
  • English, Richard, & Joseph Morrison Skelly, Ideas Matter: Essays in Honour of Conor Cruise O’Brien (Dublin: Poolbeg 1998), 410pp. [contribs. incl. Owen Dudley Edwards, John A. Murphy, Daire Keogh].
  • Moody, T. W., et al., eds., The Writings of Theobald Wolfe Tone 1763-98 (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1998), 1100pp.
  • Mythen, Sean, ed., Thomas Furlong: The Forgotten Wexford Poet, the life and work of Thomas Furlong 1794-1827 (Ferns, Co Wexford: Clone Publications 1998), 247pp.
  • Pethica, James, & J. C. Roy, eds., To the Land of the Free from this Island of Slaves: Henry Stratford Persse’s Letters from Galway to America 1821-23 [Irish Narratives Ser.] (Cork UP 1998), 200pp.

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    Anthologies & Collections
  • Carpenter, Andrew, ed., Verse in English from 18th-Century Ireland (Cork UP 1998), 623[640]pp.
  • Cheyette, Bryan, ed., Contemporary Jewish Writing in Britain and Ireland: An Anthology ([London:] Halban 1998), 336pp.
  • Crawford, Robert, Penguin Book of Poetry from Britain and Ireland since 1945 (Penguin 1998).
  • Hurtley, Jacqueline, et al., Ireland in Writing: Interviews with Writers and Academics (Amsterdam: Rodopi 1998), 202pp.[see contents].
  • Lenox-Conyngham, Melosina, ed., Diaries of Ireland: An Anthology 1590-1987 (Dublin Lilliput 1998), 279pp.
  • Reid, Gerard, ed., Great Irish Voices: Over 400 Years of Irish Oratory (IAP 1998), 350pp.
  • Shields, Hugh, ed., Tunes of the Munster Pipers: Irish Traditional Music from the James Goodman Manuscripts, Vol 1 [Irish Trad. Music Arch] (Ossian Publ. 1998), 245pp.
  • Farleigh, John, ed., Far from the Land: New Irish Plays [Contemporary Irish Plays ser.; Methuen Drama] (London: Methuen 1998), xiv, 340pp.[see contents].

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    Reprint Editions
  • Gregory, [Lady] Augusta Irish Myths and Legends [1910] (Philadelphia: Running Press; London: Creative Umbrella 1998), 446pp.
  • MacDonald, Walter, Some Ethical Questions of Peace and War, with Special Reference to Ireland [1919; rep. in Classics of Irish History ser.], intro. by Tom Garvin (UCD Press 1998), 160pp.
  • O’Connor, Arthur, The State of Ireland (Dublin: Lilliput Press 1998), 124pp.
  • O’Hegarty, P. S. The Victory of Sinn Féin [1924; rep. in Classic Irish History Ser.], intro. by Tom Garvin (Dublin: UCD Press 1998), 192pp.

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Bibliographical details
Sarah Briggs, Paul Hyland & Neil Sammells, eds., Reviewing Ireland: Essays & Interviews form Irish Studies Review (Bath: Sulis Press 1998), 346pp. CONTENTS: Editors’ Preface [ix]. Part I - Early Modern: Andrew Murphy, ‘Gold Lace and a Frozen Snake: Donne, ‘Wotton and the Nine Years War’ [3]; Joseph McMinn, ‘A Likely Pair: Joyce and Swift’ [9]; Terry Eagleton, ‘Cork and the Carnivalesque: Francis Sylvester Mahony (Fr. Prout)’ [20]; Barbara White, ‘”The Refuse of their own Nation”: Criminal Confessions of Eighteenth-Century Irish Women’ [30]; Martyn J. Powell, ‘Managing the Dublin Populace: The Importance of Public Opinion in Anglo-Irish Politics 1750-1772’ [38]; Alan Booth, ‘”Liberty or Slavery”: Irish Radicalism in England in the 1790s’ [50].
Part II - Modern
: Brian Griffin, ‘”Such Varmint”: The Dublin Police and the Public, 1838-1913’ [57]; Niall Ó Cíosáin, ‘Was there “Silence” about the Famine?’ [66]; Mervyn Busteed, ‘”The Most Horrible Spot”? The Legend of Manchester’s Little Ireland’ [74]; Graham Davis and Eugenia Landes, ‘”Talking of Paradise”: Irish Pioneer Settlers in South Texas’ [90]; Patrick O’Farrell, ‘How Irish was New Zealand?’ [100]; Owen Dudley Edwards, ‘Oscar Wilde: The Soul of Man under Hibernicism’ [105]; William Hughes, ‘”For Ireland’s Good”: The Reconstruction of Rural Ireland in Bram Stoker’s The Snake’s Pass’ [115]; Henry Merritt, ‘”Willie Liar”: Yeats, A Novel, Love Poems and Three Women’ [123]; Ronan McDonald, ‘”A Gallous Story or a Dirty Deed”?: J. M. Synge and the Art of Guilt’ [133]; Margaret Ward, ‘Irish Women and Nationalism’ [143]; Oliver Rafferty, ‘The Catholic Church and Partition, 1918-22’ [154]; Paul Edwards, ‘Wyndam Lewis versus James Joyce: Shaun versus Shemp’ [164].
Part III - Contemporary
: Bridget O’Toole, ‘”Not a Crumb, Not a Wrinkle”: J. G. Farrell at Work’ [177]; Sarah Briggs, ‘Mary Lavin: Questions of Identity’ [184]; Liam Greenslade, ‘Caoineann an Ion dubh: Towards an Irish dimension in ‘ethnic’ health’ [194]; Mary Hickman, ‘The Irish in Britain: Racism, ‘Incorporation and Identity’ [201]; Maurice Goldring, ‘The Irish in Contemporary Europe’ [211].
Part IV - Nationalism and Post-Nationalism
: George J. Watson, ‘Celticism and the Annulment of History’ [223]; Colin Graham, ‘Post-Nationalism/Post-Colonialism: Reading Irish Culture’ [234]; Gerry Smyth, ‘The Past, ‘the Post and the Utterly Changed: Intellectual Responsibility and Irish Cultural Criticism’ [240]; Kevin Barry, ‘Critical Notes on Post-Colonial Aesthetics’ [250]; Willy Maley, ‘Varieties of Nationalism: Post-Revisionist Irish Studies’ [265]; Eugene O’Brien, ‘The Epistemology of Nationalism’ [273]. Part V, ‘Interviews: Realist or Fetishist? Dermot Bolger talks to Neil Sammells’ [287]; Meat is Murder: Patrick McCabe talks to Richard Kerridge’ [291]; An Underground Poet: Eavan Boland talks to Neil Sammells’ [295]; Bernard Tucker, ‘”What is the Colour of Pi?” Conversations with Brian Coffey’ [299]; Tracy Brain, ‘Nobody’s Muse: Pillow Talk with Paula Meehan’ [305]; Sarah Ferris, ‘”One who stayed”: an interview with Roy McFadden’ [314]; Sarah Fulford, ‘The Strangeness of the Script: Tom Paulin in Conversation’ [320]; Garret FitzGerald, Afterword: Ireland in the next Millennium: The Irish State on the Threshold of a New Century’ [327]. Index’ [339].
William Crotty & David E. Schmitt, eds., Ireland and the Politics of Change (London: Longmans 1998), xiv, 250pp. CONTENTS: 1: William Crotty, Democratisation and Political Development in Ireland; 2: Jonathan Haughton, The Dynamics of Economic Change; 3: Tony Fahey, Progress or Decline? Demographic Change in Political Context; 4: Niamh Hardiman and Christopher Whelan, Changing Values; 5: John Coakley, Religion, Ethnic Identity and the Protestant Minority in the Republic; 6: Yvonne Galligan, The Changing Role of Women; 7: Niamh Hardiman, Inequality and the Representation of Interests; 8: Tom Garvin, Patriots and Republicans: An Irish Evolution; 9: Brigid Laffan and Rory O'Donnell, Ireland and the Growth of International Governance; 10: Joseph Ruane & Jennifer Todd, Peace Processes and Communalism in Northern Ireland; 11: Adrian Guelke, Northern Ireland: International and North-South Issues; 12: David E. Schmitt, Conclusion: Continuity, Change and Challenge.
Tadhg Foley & Seán Ryder, eds., Ideology in Ireland in the Nineteenth Century [Soc. for the Study of 19th c. Ireland; 19th-c. Ireland ser., 3] (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 222pp. CONTENTS: Preface [5]; Introduction [7] I: Ideology, Art and Representation. 1. Terry Eagleton, ‘Prout and plagiarism’ [13]; Luke Gibbons, ‘Between Captain Rock and a hard place: art and agrarian insurgency’ [23]; Willa Murphy, ‘Maria Edgeworth and the aesthetics of secrecy’ [45]; Judith Hill, ‘Ideology and cultural production: nationalism and the public monument in mid nineteenth-century Ireland’ [55]; Sandra F. Siegel, ‘Oscar Wilde’s gift and Oxford’s “coarse impertinence”’ [69].cII: Ideology and Public Discourse. Angela Bourke, ‘Baby and the bathwater: cultural loss in nineteenth-century Ireland’ [79]; Niall Ó Ciosáin, ‘Boccoughs and God’s poor: deserving and undeserving poor in Irish popular culture’ [93]; Margaret Preston, ‘Discourse and hegemony: race and class in the language of charity in nineteenth-century Dublin’ [100]; Thomas A. Boylan & Terrence McDonough, ‘Dependency and modernization: perspectives from the Irish nineteenth century’ [113]; Peter Gray, ‘Nassau senior, the Edinburgh Review and Ireland 1843-49’ [130]; Thomas Duddy, ‘Peculiar opinions of an Irish Platonist: the life and thought of Thomas Maguire’ [143]. III: Ideologies and National Identity. Marjorie Howes, ‘Tears and blood: Lady Wilde and the emergence of Irish cultural nationalism’ [151]; Eva Stöter, ‘“Grimmige zeiten”: the influence of Lessing, Herder and the Grimm brothers on the nationalism of the young Irelanders’ [173]; Niamh O’Sullivan, ‘Iron cage of femininity: visual representation of women in the 1880s land agitation’ [181]; Edward A. Hagan, ‘Aryan myth: a nineteenth-century Anglo-Irish will to power’ [197]; Chris Morash, ‘Celticism: between race and nation’ [206].
Alan Marshall & Neil Sammells, eds., Irish Encounters: Poetry, Politics, And Prose (Bath: Sulis Press 1998), CONTENTS: 1: Neil Sammells, Introduction; 2: Colin Graham, ‘Samuel Ferguson and the Phoenix Park Murders’; 3: William Hughes, ‘Chivalry and Masculinity in Bram Stoker’s The Snake’s Pass’; 4: Stephen Regan, ‘The Celtic Spirit in Literature: Renan, Arnold, Wilde and Yeats’; 5: Richard Greaves, ‘W. B. Yeats: Poetry, Politics, Responsibilities’; 6: Eileen Reilly, ‘James Owen Hannay, George A. Birmingham, and the Gaelic League’; 7: Willy Maley, ‘Postcolonial Joyce’?; 8: Tessa Hadley, ‘Landscape and Land Ownership in Elizabeth Bowen’s The Last September’; 9: [q.a.,] ‘Beckett and the Big House: Watt and “Quin”’; 10: Sarah Briggs, ‘Mary Lavin and the Narrative of the Spinster’; 11: Barry Sloan, ‘Religion and Autobiographical Writing from Ulster’; 12: Siobhán Holland, ‘A Case for Matrifocality in John McGahern’s Amongst Women’; 13: Gerwin Strobl, ‘J. G. Farrell’s Troubles and the unravelling of the Union’; 14: Sarah Ferris, ‘John Hewitt’s Disciples and the “Kaleyard Provincials”’; 15: Gerry Smyth, ‘Insanity and Fantasy in the Contemporary Irish Novel’; 16: Michael Parker, ‘“Guns and Icons”: Encountering the Troubles’; 17. Tom Herron, ‘The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing as communicative space/act’. Index.
Dáire Keogh & Nicholas Furlong, ed., The Women of 1798 [A 1798 Bicentenary Book] (Dublin: Four Courts Press 1998), 208pp.; 24 cm. CONTENTS: Mary Helen Thuente, Liberty, Hibernia and Mary Le More: United Irish images of women; Nancy J. Curtin, Matilda Tone and virtuous republican femininity; John Gray, Mary Anne McCracken : Belfast revolutionary and pioneer of feminism; Thomas Bartlett, Bearing witness : female evidences in courts martial convened to suppress the 1798 rebellion; Ruan O'Donnell, Bridget 'Croppy Biddy' Dolan : Wicklow's anti-heroine of 1798; John D. Beatty, Protestant women of county Wexford and their narratives of the rebellion of 1798; Kevin O'Neill, Mary Shackleton Leadbeater : peaceful rebel; Eleanor Burgess, Lord Edward's aunt: how Louisa Conolly and her sisters faced the rebellion; Maureen Murphy, 'The noggin of milk' : an Old Testament legend and the Battle of Ballinamuck; Anna Kinsella, Nineteenth-century perspectives : the women of 1798 in folk memory and ballads . Incls. bibl. ref. & index.

Jacqueline Hurtley, et al., Ireland in Writing: Interviews with Writers and Academics [Costerus New Ser. 115] (Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodopi 1998), 202pp. CONTENTS: Interviews with Jennifer Johnston by Rosa González [5]; Bernard MacLaverty by González [7]; John McGahern by González [39]; Frank McGuinnes by Hurtley [51]; Paula Meehan by Inés Praga [71]; Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin by Praga [83]; Glenn Patterson by Esther Aliaga [93]; James Plunkett by González; Terence Brown by Hurtley [125]; Declan Kiberd by Hurtley [143]; Edna Longley by Hurtley [177]
John Farleigh, ed., Far from the Land: New Irish Plays [ Contemporary Irish Plays ser.; Methuen Drama] (London: Methuen 1998), xiv, 340pp. [with support of NI Arts Council & An Chomhairle Ealaíon and in co-operation with the Stewart Parker Trust] CONTENTS Vincent Woods, “At the Black Pig’s Dyke”; Daragh Carville, “Language Roulette”; Enda Walsh, “Disco Pigs”; Donal O'Kelly, “Bat the Father, Rabbit the Son”; Patrick McCabe, “Frank Pig says Hello”; Conall Morrison, “Hard to believe”.

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