Bibliography of Irish Theatre studies since the Literary Revival.


    Bald, R. C., ‘Shakespeare on the Stage in Restoration Dublin’, PMLA, lvi (1941). Barrow, Bernard, ‘Macklin’s Costume and Property Notes for the Character of Lovegold’, in Theatre Notebook 13 (Winter 1958/9), 66-67. Bartley, J. O., ‘The Gaelic Language in English Plays’, in Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 80 (1950), pp.29-35. Bartley, J. O., Teague, Shenkin and Sawney: Being an Historical Study of the Earliest Irish, Welsh and Scottish Characters in English Plays (Cork UP 1954). Barton, Sir D. Plunket, Links between Ireland and Shakespeare (Dublin n.d.). Bateson, F. W., ‘Notes on the Text of Two Thomas Sheridan Plays’, Review of English Studies 16 (1940), 315-7 Belfast Shakespeare Festival 1905 (1905) Bell, Sam Hanna, The Theatre in Ulster (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1972). Bentley, Eric, In Search of Theatre (London 1954). Beerbohm, Max, ‘Irish Players after a Performance at the Court Theatre’, The Saturday Review, 12 June 1909. Bergquist, William, Checklist of English and American Plays (1963), in conjunction with the Wells full text photocopy Microcards). Bickley, Francis, J. M. Synge and the Irish Dramatic Movement (London 1912). Blythe, Ernest, The Abbey Theatre (Dublin q.d.). Boas, Frederick Samuel, An Introduction to Eighteenth Century Drama, 1700-1780 (OUP 1953).
  • Boucicault, Dion, ‘The Future of American Drama’, in The Arena, 12 (Nov. 1890), pp.647-78.
  • Boucicault, Dion, Arrah-na-Pogue, or the Wicklow Wedding, Prompt Book, Theatre Royal, Dublin (June 1864), in Harvard Theatre Collection, Houghton Library [TS 3055.45].
  • Boucicault, Dion, The Colleen Bawn: Prompt Book, in Harvard Theatre Collection, Houghton Library [TS 3121.25; provenance unknown]. Bourgeois, M., John Millington Synge and the Irish Theatre (1913). Boyd, Ernest A., The Contemporary Drama in Ireland (1918 [1917]). Boyd, Ernest A., Ireland’s Literary Renaissance (Dublin & London 1916). Burton, E. J. The British Theatre: Its Repertory and Practice, 1100-1900 (London: Jenkins 1960).
  • Butcher, Peggy, ‘Drama Publishing’, in Irish Review, 22 (Summer 1998), pp.9-15. Byrne, D[awson], The Story of Ireland’s National Theatre (1929); includes chp. on "St John Ervine Episode"; "Quest for a Home (Abbey)", and "Theatre Royal Opera House".
  • Byrne, Ophelia, The Stage in U1ster from the Eighteenth Century (Belfast 1997).

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    Calcraft, J. W., articles in Dublin University Magazine.
  • Chetwood, William R., A General History of the Stage (London 1974).
  • Clark, Gladys L. H., & John C. Greene, The Dublin Stage 1720-1745: A Calendar of Plays, Entertainments and Afterpieces (Bethlehem, London & Toronto: Assoc. UP 1993).
  • Clark, William Smith, The Early Irish Stage: The Beginnings to 1720 (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1955; Connecticut 1973) [incls. ‘Plays Acted in Dublin Theatres 1637-1720’, an alphabetical list of plays performed at the Werburgh Street and Smock Alley Theatre Royals for that period, Appendix C.]
  • Clark, William Smith, The Irish Stage in Country Towns 1720-1860 (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1965). Clarke, Brenna Katz, & Ferrar, Harold, The Dublin Drama League (Gerrards Cross 1979). Clarke, Brenna Katz, The Emergence of the Irish Peasant Play at the Abbey Theatre (Epping:Bowker 1982).
  • Cohn, Ruby, Just Play: Beckett’s Theatre (Princeton, NJ 1980). Colum, Padraic, ‘An Irish Drama’, The Irish Independent (Dublin), 8 December 1906 Corkery, Daniel, The Hidden Ireland ... Gaelic Literature in the Eighteenth Century (Dublin 1925). Corkery, Daniel, Synge and Anglo-Irish Literature (Cork 1931).
  • Coughlan, Patricia, ‘"Enter Revenge", Henry Burkhead and Cola’s Furie’, in Theatre Research International, Vol. 15, No. 1 (Spring 1990), pp.1-17. Courtney, M. T., Edward Martyn and the Irish Theatre (1956) Cowasjee, Saros, Sean O’Casey: The Man Behind the Plays (Edinburgh 1963). Coxhead, Elizabeth: Lady Gregory (London 1961).

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    de Búrca, Séamus, The Queen’s Royal Theatre Dublin 1829-1969) (1983).
  • Deegan, Loughlin, ed., The Irish Theatre Handbook (Dublin 1998 & edns.) [online database of new work from 1951 due in 2002].
  • Duggan, G. C., The Stage Irishman: A History of the Irish Play and Stage Characters from the Earliest Times (Dublin: Talbot Press 1937; NY: Benjamin Blom; London: Longmans 1937; reiss. 1969) [frontispiece by Jack B Yeats].

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    Edwards, Hilton, The Mantle of Harlequin (Dublin 1958). Edwards, Philip, Threshold of a Nation: A Study in English and Irish Drama (Cambridge UP 1979). Eglinton, John, Anglo-Irish Essays (Dublin 1917). Ellis-Fermor, Una, The Irish Dramatic Movement (London: Methuen, 1939; rev. edn. 1954). Ervine, St. J.G., The Theatre in My Time (London 1933) Ervine, St. J. G., Some Impressions of My Elders (London 1922).

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    Fallon, Gabriel, The Abbey and the Actor (Dublin 1969). Fallon, Gabriel, Sean O’Casey, The Man I Knew (London 1965).
  • Fawkes, Richard, Dion Boucicault (London, NY & Melbourne 1979). Fay, Gerard, The Abbey Theatre (Dublin 1958). Fay, W.G. [with Caroline Carswell], The Fays of the Abbey (1935) Feeney, William, ed., Lost Plays of the Irish Renaissance, Vol. II: Edward Martyn’s Irish Theatre (Dixon, California: Proscenium 1980). Feeney, William J., Drama in Hardwicke Street: A History of the Irish Theatre Company (Rutherford, Madison & Teaneck: Fairleigh Dickinson UP 1984). Flood, W. H. Grattan, ‘Early Shakespearean Representations in Dublin’, in Review of English Studies, January 1926. Fitz-simon, Christopher, The Irish Theatre (1983) Fitz-simon, Christopher, ed., New Plays from the Abbey Theatre: 1993-1995 (Syracuse UP 1996), 300pp.
  • Fitz-Simon, Christopher, The Boys (London 1994) [double life of Edwards and Mac Liammóir]. Flannery, James W., Miss Annie Horniman and the Abbey Theatre (Dublin 1970).
  • Frazier, Adrian [Woods], Behind the Scenes: Yeats, Horniman and the Struggle for the Abbey Theatre [The New Historicism: Studies in Cultural Poetics, 11 ] (California UP 1990), xxi, 258pp., ill.
    French, Mary-Jane, The Abbey Theatre Series of Plays: A Bibliography (Gerrards Cross/Dolmen [1985]).
  • Friel, Brian, Essays, Diaries, Interviews: 1964-1999, ed. Christopher Murray (London & NY 1999).

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    Gaiety Theatre, Dublin: 70th Anniversary 1941 (1941), 32pp., by Harry O’Donovan, H. R. White, et al.; incl. prologue specially spoken by Anew McMaster (17.11.41). Gailey, Alan, Irish Folk Drama (Cork UP 1969).
  • James Fullarton Arnott and John William Robinson, English Theatrical Literature, 1559-1900: A Bibliography: Incorporating Robert W. Lowe's ‘A Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature’ [1888] (London: Society for Theatre Research, 1970), xxii, 486pp. Gilbert, Sir John, Fishamble Street’, in A History of The City of Dublin (1861), Vol I, Ch. 2, pp. 54-91. Gilbert, Sir John, ‘Smock Alley’, in A History of The City of Dublin (1861), Vol II, Ch. 2 (pp. 66-113). Gilbert, Sir John, ‘Werburgh Street’, in A History of The City of Dublin (1861), Vol I, Ch. 1, pp. 37-43. Gilbert, Sir John, Crow Street’, in A History of The City of Dublin (1861), Vol II, Ch. 4, pp. 181-255.
  • Gorman, Declan, ed., Dialogues 1996: Proceedings of the Arts Council Theatre Review Consultations (Dublin 1996). Grand Opera House Souvenir (Belfast 1895-1945) Gregory, Lady Augusta, Our Irish Theatre (London 1914) ; (NY 1965). Gregory, Lady Augusta, Lady Gregory’s Journals, ed. Lennox Robinson (London 1946).
  • Grene, Nicholas, The Politics of Irish Drama (Cambridge UP 2000). Griffiths, Trevor B., and Margaret Llewellyn-Jones, British and Irish Dramatists since 1958: a Critical Handbook (Open UP 1993), 191pp. Gwynn, Aubrey, ‘The Origins of the Anglo-Irish Theatre’, Studies, xxxviii (Dublin 1939). Gwynn, Denis, Edward Martyn and the Irish Revival (London 1930). Gwynn, Denis, Irish Literature and Drama (Dublin 1927).

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    Hall, John B., Souvenir of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the opening of the Gaiety Theatre, [Dublin], 27th. November 1896 (Dublin 1896). Harvard University Lib.
  • Harrington, John P., ‘"Rude Involvement": Boucicault, Dramatic Tradition and Contemporary Politics’, in Éire-Ireland, 30, 2 (Summer 1995), pp.89-103.
  • Harrington, John P., The Irish Play and the New York Stage 1874-1966 (Lexington 1997) Herr, Cheryl [Temple], ed., For the Land They Loved: Irish Political Melodramas, 1890-1925 (Syracuse UP 1991) [plays of J. W. Whitbread and P. J. Bourke] Higgins, Geo[d]frey, The Celtic Druids [...] [1829]
  • History of the Theatre Royal, Dublin, From its Foundation in 1821 to the Present Time, The (Dublin 1870).
  • Hobson, Bulmer, ed., The Gate Theatre - Dublin (Dublin 1934).
  • Hitchcock, Robert, Historical View of the Irish Stage, 2 vols. (Dublin 1788-94). Hogan, Charles Beecher, ‘Eighteenth Century Actors in the D.N.B. Additions and Corrections’, in Theatre Notebook, VI (1952). Hogan, Robert, Dion Boucicault (NY 1969). Hogan, Robert and James Kilroy, eds., The Modern Irish Drama, A Documentary History, Vol I: ‘The Irish Literary Theatre 1899-1901’ (Dublin: Dolmen 1975). Hogan, Robert and James Kilroy, eds., The Modern Irish Drama, A Documentary History, Vol II: ‘Laying the Foundations 1903-1904’ (Dublin: Dolmen 1976). Hogan, Robert and James Kilroy, eds., The Modern Irish Drama, A Documentary History, Vol III:The Abbey Theatre, The Years of Synge’ (Dolmen 1978). Hogan, Robert and Richard Burnham, eds., The Years of O’Casey, 1921-26: A Documentary History, Vol VI and last of Modern Irish Drama ser. (Delaware UP; Colin Smythe 1992) [this book said to have been designed by Liam Miller]. Hogan, Robert, After the Renaissance: A Critical History of the Irish Drama since ‘The Plough and the Stars’ (Minneapolis: Minnesota UP 1967) [var. 1968]. Hogan, Robert and James Kilroy, eds., Lost Plays of the Irish Renaissance, Vol. I: The Abbey Theatre (NY: Proscenium 1970) [also cited as California: Dixon]. Hogan, Robert, and Richard Burnham, eds., Lost Plays of the Irish Renaissance, Vol III: ‘The Cork Dramatic Society (NY: Proscenium 1984). Hogan, Robert, and Michael J. O’Neill, eds., Holloway, Joseph, Joseph Holloway’s Abbey Theatre, (Carbondale 1967).
  • Holloway, Joseph, [His] Abbey Theatre: Impressions of a Dublin Playgoer, sel. from his unpubl. journals, ed. Robert Hogan and M. J. O’Neill (Carb. 1967).
  • Holloway, Joseph, Diaries in NLI [25,000,000 words from the late 1890s until his death in 1944].
  • Holloway, Joseph, Souvenirs of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Opening of the Gaiety Theatre, 27th November 1871 (Dublin 1896). Hone, Joseph, The Life of George Moore (London 1936). Hone, Joseph, W. B. Yeats: A Biography (London 1942). Howe, P. P., J. M. Synge (London 1912). Hughes, Rev. S[amuel]. C., The Pre-Victorian Drama in Dublin (Dublin 1904; NY: Franklin 1970), 179pp. Hunt, Hugh, The Abbey: Ireland’s National Theatre 1904-1979 (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1979).

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    Irish Drama Selections, 1-5 (Cath.Univ. of America Press; Gerrards Cross:Colin Smythe 1982-1991) [Lennox Robinon, sel. Chris Murray [1982] ; Denis Johnston, chosen by Jos. Ronsley [?]; Lady Gregory, chosen by Mary Fitzgerald, foreword Sean O’Casey [?]; Brien Friel, Ervine, chosen by Seamus Deane [N. America only]; Douglas Hyde, Ervine, chosen by Janet Egleston and Gareth Dunleavy; George Moore and Edward Martyn, chosen by David B Eaken and Michael Case; [ISSN 0260-7962]
  • Jordan, Eamonn, ed., Theatre Stuff: Critical Essays on Contemporary Irish Drama (Dublin, 2000).

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    Kavanagh, Peter, The Irish Theatre: Being a History of the Drama in Ireland from the Earliest Period up to the Present Day (Tralee: The Kerryman 1946). Kavanagh, Peter, The Story of the Abbey (1950) Keane, John B., Self Portrait (Cork 1964).
  • Kenny, Shirley Strum, ed., The Works of George Farquhar, 2 vols. (Oxford 1988).
  • Kirkham, James Thomas, Memoirs of the Life of Charles Macklin, 2 vols. (London 1799). Kirkpatrick, D. L., Modern Dramatists (Lon:St. James Press 1988).
  • Klein, Nancy, ‘Regicide and Reparation: The Autobiographical Drama of Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery’, in English Literary Review [ELR], 21, 2 (Spring 1991), pp.257-82. Koslow, Jules, Sean O’Casey, the man and his plays (NY 1950). Krause, David, ed., The Dolmen Press Boucicault (Dublin 1964). Krause, David, Sean O’Casey: The Man and His Work (London 1960). Krause, David, The Profane Book of Irish Comedy (Ithaca: Cornell UP 1982).

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    Lawrence, William, J., The Elizabethan Playhouse, 2nd series (Stratford 1913). Lawrence, William J., ‘Early English Stage and Theatre Lighting’, Stage Year Book, 1927 Lawrence, William J., ‘Irish Players at Oxford and Edinburgh’, in the Dublin Magazine, vii (1932). Lawrence, William J., ‘New Light on the Old Dublin Stage’ in the New Ireland Review, November 1906 Lawrence, William J., ‘Notebooks for a history of the Irish stage’, University of Cincinnati Library, Ohio; [contains notes from Irish State Papers relating to theatre managements, destroyed by fire in 1922; used extensively by William Smith Clark, supra.] Lawrence, William J., ‘The Drama and the Theatre’, in Johnson’s England, ed. Arthur S. Turberville, II, (1933). Lawrence, William J., ‘The Early Belfast Stage’, in Irish Life, April 13 1913 Lawrence, William J., ‘The Londonderry Theatre’, in Irish Life, April 17 1914 Lawrence, William J., ‘The Old Cork Stage’, in Saturday Herald (Dublin) April 18, 1908 Lawrence, William J., ‘Trinity and the Theatre’, Irish Times, September 2, 1922 [newspaper cuttings, N.L.I.] Le Braz, Anatole, Essai sur l’histoire du theatre Celtique (Paris 1904). Leerssen, Joseph Th., Mere Irish & Fíor Gael: Studies in the Idea of Irish Nationality, its development and literary expression prior to the nineteenth century (Utrecht: John Benjamins 1986; rep.Cork UP 1996) [incls. copious remarks on Irish dramatists & theatre].
    History of the Theatre Royal, Dublin, from its foundation in 1821 to the present time, reprinted from Saunders’ News-letter (1870).
  • Luke, Peter, ed., Enter Certain Players (Dublin 1978) [Gate productions up to 1978].

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    McCann, Seán, ed., The World of Sean O’Casey (1966). McHenry, Margaret, Ulster Theatre in Ireland (Phil. 1931) MacIntosh, Fiona, Dying Acts; Death in Ancient Greek and Modern Irish Tragedy, with intro. pref. by George Huxley (Cork UP 1994). MacLiammóir, Micheál, All for Hecuba (London 1946). MacLiammóir, Micheál, Theatre in Ireland (1950).
  • McMullan, Anna, Theatre on Trial: Samuel Beckett’s Later Drama (London & NY 1993). McNamara, B., Abbey Plays 1899-1948 (n.d.) Malone, Edmond, Historical Account on the Rise and Progress of the English Stage .. (1790). Malone, Andrew E., The Irish Drama 1896-1928 [London 1914] (London: Constable, 1929). Malone, Andrew E., ‘The Late Development of the Irish Drama’, in the Dublin Magazine, July-September 1928.
  • Mambretti, Catherine Cole, ‘Orinda on the Restoration Stage’, inComparative Literature, 37, 3 (Summer 1985), pp.233-51. Molloy, J[oseph] Fitzgerald, The Romance of the Irish Stage, 2 vols (2nd edn., 1897). Margulies, Martin B., The Early Life of Sean O’Casey (Dublin 1970). Maxwell, D. E. S., Modern Irish Drama 1891-1980 (Cambridge UP 1984).
  • Meisel, Martin, Shaw and the Nineteenth-Century Theatre (NY: Limelight 1963). Mikhail, E.J., A Research Guide to Modern Irish Dramatists [Whitston Publi’g Co. NY 1979] Mikhail, E.J., An Annotated Bibliography of Modern Anglo-Irish Drama 1899-1970 [Whitston NY, 1981] Moore, George, Hail and Farewell (1911-14).
  • Murphy, P. J., Critique of Beckett Criticism (Columbia, SC 1994)
  • Murray , Christopher & Martin Drury, ‘The Theatre System of Ireland’ in Theatre Worlds in Motion: Structures, Politics and Developments in the Countries of Western Europe, ed. H. Van Maarien & S. E. Wilmer (Amsterdam & Atlanta 1998). Murray, Christopher, Twentieth-Century Irish Drama: Mirror up to a Nation (Manchester UP 1997), 288pp.

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    Ni Shiubhlaigh, Máire, The Splendid Years: Recollections of M. Nic. Shiubhlaigh, as told to Edward Kenny (Dublin: James Duffy 1955).

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    O’Connor, Frank, The Art of the Theatre (Dublin 1947). O’Connor, Ulick, Brendan Behan ((London 1970). O hAodha, Michéal, Theatre in Ireland (Dublin 1974). O’Mahoney [var. O’Mahony], Matthew, Progress Guide to Anglo-Irish Plays (Dublin 1960).
  • O’Malley, Conor, A Poet’s Theatre (Dublin 1988) [history of the Lyric Th., Belfast]. O’Neill, J. J., Irish Theatrical History. A Bibliographical Essay, in Bibliographical Society of Ireland Publications, Vol I, No. 6 (Dublin 1907; Three Candles Press, 1920).
  • O’Neill, Michael J., The Abbey at the Queen’s [Theatre, Dublin] (Nepean, Ontario 1999) [full cast lists 1951-66].
  • O’Neill Stephen, Staging Ireland: Representations in Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama. (Dublin: Four Courts Press 2006), 256pp.
  • Pilkington, Lionel, Theatre and the State in Twentieth Century Ireland: Cultivating the People (London: Routledge 2001).
  • Price, Cecil, ‘The Dublin players’, [chap.] in The English Theatre in Wales (Wales UP 1946).

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    Roche, Anthony, Contemporary Irish Drama: From Beckett to McGuinness (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1995), 333pp. [0 7171 1734 0] Robinson, Lennox, ed., Ireland’s Abbey Theatre, A History 1899-1951 (1951). Robinson, Lennox, ed., Irish Theatre (1939). Robinson, Lennox, Curtain Up (London 1942). Richards, Shaun, Irish Drama (Manchester UP 1995)
  • Richards, Shaun, The Drama of Ireland: An Infinite Rehearsal (London 2001)
  • Richtarik, Marilyn, Acting Between the Lines: Field Day Theatre Company and Irish Cultural Politics 1980-84 (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1995). Roche, Anthony, Contemporary Irish Drama: From Beckett to McGuinness (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1995), 333pp. Royal Hippodrome Belfast Souvenir Brochure 1907-1928).
  • Ryan, Philip B., The Last Theatres of Dublin (Westbury 1998).

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    Saddlemyer, Ann, Theatre Business: The Correspondence of the First Abbey Directors (Oxford: Blackwell; [Gerrards Cross] 1982). Sahal, N., Sixty Years of Realistic Irish Drama 1900-1960 (Bombay 1971). Schrank, Bernice, & William W. Demastes, eds., Irish Playwrights 1880-1995: A Resource and Production Sourcebook (Conn: Greenwood Press 1997), 454pp. Sekine, Masaru, Irish Writers and the Theatre (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986). Sheldon, Esther, Thomas Sheridan of Smock Alley (Princeton UP 1967). [Contains the ‘Smock Alley Calendar 1745-1754; 1756-1758’, chronological and alphabetical lists of plays performed at the Theatre Royal, Smock Alley, Dublin, during the Management of Thomas Sheridan, compiled from contemporary records (pp. 311-475).] Simpson, Alan, Beckett and Behan and a Theatre in Dublin (London 1962) [var. 1978].
  • Simpson, Linzi, Smock Alley Theatre: The Evolution of a Building (Dublin 1996).
  • Des Hickey and Gus Smith, Flight from the Celtic Twilight / (Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill [1973]), 253pp. [ports.] Souvenir of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Gaiety Theatre 1871 (1896) Stephenson, P. J., ‘James Shirley and the Actors of the First Irish Theater’, Modern Philology, xl (1942). Stephenson, P. J., ‘Shirley’s Publishers’, The Library, xxv (1944-5). Stephenson, P. J., ‘Shirley’s Years in Ireland, Review of English Studies, xx (1944). Stephenson, P. J., Dublin Theatre Notes (MS read before Old Dublin Society, 1949). Pearse St. Lib. Sternlicht, Sanford, A Reader’s Guide to Modern Irish Drama (Syracuse UP 1998), 196pp. Stockwell, La Tourette, ‘Lirenda’s Miserie’, in the Dublin Magazine, new series, v (July-September 1930). Stockwell, La Tourette, Dublin Theatres and Theatre Customs 1637-1820 (Kingsport, Tennessee: Kingsport Press; New York: Benjamin Blom, 1968). Stockwell, La Tourette, ‘New Light on the Werburgh-street theatre’, in the Dublin Magazine (October-December 1933). Stockwell, La Tourette, ‘Shakespeare and the Dublin Pirates’, in the Dublin Magazine (July-September 1929). Stockwell, La Tourette, ‘The Dublin Pirates and the English Law of Copyright’, in the Dublin Magazine (October-December 1937). Stockwell, La Tourette, Dublin Theatre and Theatre Customs 1637-1820, (Tennessee 1938; reprinted NY & London 1968) [Includes the following appendices: I] Theatrical Manuscripts of the Seventeen Century, Public Records Office, London; Theatrical Manuscript Records of the Eighteenth Century, Office of the Registry of Deeds, Dublin; Manuscripts of the Eighteenth Century Pertaining to the Personal Affairs of Actors and Actresses, Office of the Registry of Deeds, Dublin; Miscellaneous Manuscripts. II] Newspapers. III] Pamphlets IV] Periodicals. V] Plays. VI] Printed Works. Stockwell, La Tourette, Hand List of the Dublin Editions of Shakespeare’s Plays, in Dublin Magazine (July 1928). Strong, L. A. G., John Millington Synge (London 1941).
    Theatre Ireland (? -). Stubbs, W. C., ‘The Weavers Guild’, in the Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, 6th series, vol 9 (1919) [includes information of early theatrical representations]

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    Thaler, Alwin, ‘Strolling Players and Provincial Drama after Shakespeare’, in PMLA, XXXVII (1922). Thaler, Alwin, Shakespeare to Sheridan: A Book about the Theatre (Cambridge Mass. 1922). Trotter, Mary, Ireland’s National Theaters: Political Performance and the Origins of the Irish Dramatic Movement (Syracuse UP 2001), 232pp. Truninger, A., Paddy and the Paycock: A Study of the Stage Irishman from Shakespeare to O’Casey (Berne: Francke, 1976).

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    Ure, Peter, Yeats the Playwright (London 1963).

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    Van Lennep, William, ‘The Smock Alley Players of Dublin, in A Journal of English Literary History, xiii (1946).
  • Victor, Benjamin, The History of the Theatres of London and Dublin, 2 vols. (London 1761).

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    Walsh, T. J., Opera in Dublin 1705-1797: The Social Scene (Dublin 1973).
  • Walsh, T. J., Opera in Dublin 1798-1820: Frederick Jones and the Crow Street Theatre (Oxford 1993). Watt, Stephen, Joyce O’Casey, and the Irish Popular Theater (1991).
  • Welch, Robert, The Abbey Theatre 1899-1999: Form and Pressure (Oxford 1999) [draws on the unpub. plays in NLI and Abbey Archive]. Wearing, J. P., The London Stage, 3 vols 1890-1899, 1900-1907; 1910-1919 [q.d.] Weygandt, Cornelius, Irish Plays and Playwrights ([Constable] London 1913). Wheatley, Christopher, Beneath Ierne’s Banners: Irish Protestant Drama of the Restoration and Eighteenth-Century (Notre Dame UP 2001), 176pp.   White, H.R., "Merely Players", Gaiety Theatre Dublin, 70th Anniv., (1941) Wolfe, Francis R. Theatres in Ireland (Dublin Amateur Defence Assoc., 1898; 2nd ed.). NLI. Worth, K[atherine], The Irish Drama of Europe from Yeats to Beckett (London: Athlone Press; Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1978).

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    Yeats, W. B., Autobiographies (London 1955). Yeats, W. B., Dramatis Personae (London 1956). Yeats, W. B., Explorations (London 1962). Yeats, W. B., Plays and Controversies (London 1923). Yeats, W. B., ed., Beltaine, 1-2 Yeats, W. B., ed., Samhain, 1-2



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