Bibliography of Irish Theatre
studies since the Literary Revival.
- Bald, R. C., Shakespeare
on the Stage in Restoration Dublin, PMLA, lvi (1941).
- Barrow, Bernard, Macklins Costume
and Property Notes for the Character of Lovegold, in Theatre
Notebook 13 (Winter 1958/9), 66-67.
- Bartley, J. O., The Gaelic Language in
English Plays, in Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries
of Ireland, 80 (1950), pp.29-35.
- Bartley, J. O., Teague, Shenkin and Sawney:
Being an Historical Study of the Earliest Irish, Welsh and Scottish
Characters in English Plays (Cork UP 1954).
- Barton, Sir D. Plunket, Links between Ireland
and Shakespeare (Dublin n.d.).
- Bateson, F. W., Notes on the Text of
Two Thomas Sheridan Plays, Review of English Studies
16 (1940), 315-7
- Belfast Shakespeare Festival 1905 (1905)
- Bell, Sam Hanna, The Theatre in Ulster
(Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1972).
- Bentley, Eric, In Search of Theatre
(London 1954).
- Beerbohm, Max, Irish Players after a
Performance at the Court Theatre, The Saturday Review,
12 June 1909.
- Bergquist, William, Checklist of
English and American Plays (1963), in conjunction with the
Wells full text photocopy Microcards).
- Bickley, Francis, J. M. Synge and the Irish
Dramatic Movement (London 1912).
- Blythe, Ernest, The Abbey Theatre (Dublin
- Boas, Frederick Samuel, An Introduction
to Eighteenth Century Drama, 1700-1780 (OUP 1953).
- Boucicault, Dion, The Future of American Drama,
in The Arena, 12 (Nov. 1890), pp.647-78.
- Boucicault, Dion, Arrah-na-Pogue, or the Wicklow Wedding,
Prompt Book, Theatre Royal, Dublin (June 1864), in Harvard Theatre
Collection, Houghton Library [TS 3055.45].
- Boucicault, Dion, The Colleen Bawn: Prompt Book, in Harvard
Theatre Collection, Houghton Library [TS 3121.25; provenance unknown].
- Bourgeois, M., John Millington Synge and
the Irish Theatre (1913).
- Boyd, Ernest A., The Contemporary Drama
in Ireland (1918 [1917]).
- Boyd, Ernest A., Irelands Literary
Renaissance (Dublin & London 1916).
- Burton, E. J. The British Theatre: Its Repertory
and Practice, 1100-1900 (London: Jenkins 1960).
- Butcher, Peggy, Drama Publishing, in Irish Review,
22 (Summer 1998), pp.9-15.
- Byrne, D[awson], The Story of Irelands
National Theatre (1929); includes chp. on "St John Ervine
Episode"; "Quest for a Home (Abbey)", and "Theatre Royal Opera
- Byrne, Ophelia, The Stage in U1ster from the Eighteenth Century
(Belfast 1997).
[ top
- Calcraft, J. W., articles in
Dublin University Magazine.
- Chetwood, William R., A General History of the Stage (London
- Clark, Gladys L. H., & John C. Greene, The Dublin Stage
1720-1745: A Calendar of Plays, Entertainments and Afterpieces
(Bethlehem, London & Toronto: Assoc. UP 1993).
- Clark, William Smith, The Early Irish Stage: The Beginnings to 1720 (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1955; Connecticut 1973) [incls. Plays Acted
in Dublin Theatres 1637-1720, an alphabetical list of plays
performed at the Werburgh Street and Smock Alley Theatre Royals
for that period, Appendix C.]
- Clark, William Smith, The Irish Stage in Country Towns 1720-1860 (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1965).
- Clarke, Brenna Katz, & Ferrar, Harold,
The Dublin Drama League (Gerrards Cross 1979).
- Clarke, Brenna Katz, The Emergence of the
Irish Peasant Play at the Abbey Theatre (Epping:Bowker 1982).
- Cohn, Ruby, Just Play: Becketts Theatre (Princeton,
NJ 1980).
- Colum, Padraic, An Irish Drama,
The Irish Independent (Dublin), 8 December 1906
- Corkery, Daniel, The Hidden Ireland ...
Gaelic Literature in the Eighteenth Century (Dublin 1925).
- Corkery, Daniel, Synge and Anglo-Irish Literature
(Cork 1931).
- Coughlan, Patricia, "Enter Revenge", Henry Burkhead and
Colas Furie, in Theatre Research International,
Vol. 15, No. 1 (Spring 1990), pp.1-17.
- Courtney, M. T., Edward Martyn and the Irish
Theatre (1956)
- Cowasjee, Saros, Sean OCasey: The
Man Behind the Plays (Edinburgh 1963).
- Coxhead, Elizabeth: Lady Gregory (London
[ top
- de Búrca, Séamus,
The Queens Royal Theatre Dublin 1829-1969) (1983).
- Deegan, Loughlin, ed., The Irish Theatre Handbook (Dublin
1998 & edns.) [online database of new work from 1951 due in
- Duggan, G. C., The Stage Irishman: A History of the Irish
Play and Stage Characters from the Earliest Times (Dublin:
Talbot Press 1937; NY: Benjamin Blom; London: Longmans 1937; reiss.
1969) [frontispiece by Jack B Yeats].
[ top
- Edwards, Hilton, The Mantle
of Harlequin (Dublin 1958).
- Edwards, Philip, Threshold of a Nation:
A Study in English and Irish Drama (Cambridge UP 1979).
- Eglinton, John, Anglo-Irish Essays (Dublin
- Ellis-Fermor, Una, The Irish Dramatic Movement
(London: Methuen, 1939; rev. edn. 1954).
- Ervine, St. J.G., The Theatre in My Time
(London 1933)
- Ervine, St. J. G., Some Impressions of My
Elders (London 1922).
[ top
- Fallon, Gabriel, The Abbey
and the Actor (Dublin 1969).
- Fallon, Gabriel, Sean OCasey, The
Man I Knew (London 1965).
- Fawkes, Richard, Dion Boucicault (London, NY & Melbourne
- Fay, Gerard, The Abbey Theatre (Dublin
- Fay, W.G. [with Caroline Carswell], The
Fays of the Abbey (1935)
- Feeney, William, ed., Lost Plays of the
Irish Renaissance, Vol. II: Edward Martyns Irish
Theatre (Dixon, California: Proscenium 1980).
- Feeney, William J., Drama in Hardwicke Street:
A History of the Irish Theatre Company (Rutherford, Madison
& Teaneck: Fairleigh Dickinson UP 1984).
- Flood, W. H. Grattan, Early Shakespearean
Representations in Dublin, in Review of English Studies,
January 1926.
- Fitz-simon, Christopher, The Irish
Theatre (1983)
- Fitz-simon, Christopher, ed., New Plays
from the Abbey Theatre: 1993-1995 (Syracuse UP 1996), 300pp.
- Fitz-Simon, Christopher, The Boys (London 1994) [double
life of Edwards and Mac Liammóir].
- Flannery, James W., Miss Annie Horniman
and the Abbey Theatre (Dublin 1970).
- Frazier, Adrian [Woods], Behind the Scenes: Yeats, Horniman and the
Struggle for the Abbey Theatre [The New Historicism: Studies in Cultural Poetics, 11 ] (California UP 1990), xxi, 258pp., ill.
French, Mary-Jane, The Abbey Theatre Series of Plays: A
Bibliography (Gerrards Cross/Dolmen [1985]).
- Friel, Brian, Essays, Diaries, Interviews: 1964-1999,
ed. Christopher Murray (London & NY 1999).
[ top
- Gaiety Theatre, Dublin:
70th Anniversary 1941 (1941), 32pp., by Harry ODonovan,
H. R. White, et al.; incl. prologue specially spoken by Anew McMaster
- Gailey, Alan, Irish Folk Drama (Cork
UP 1969).
- James Fullarton Arnott and John William Robinson, English
Theatrical Literature, 1559-1900: A Bibliography: Incorporating
Robert W. Lowe's A Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical
Literature [1888] (London: Society for Theatre Research,
1970), xxii, 486pp.
- Gilbert, Sir John, Fishamble Street,
in A History of The City of Dublin (1861), Vol I,
Ch. 2, pp. 54-91.
- Gilbert, Sir John, Smock Alley,
in A History of The City of Dublin (1861), Vol II,
Ch. 2 (pp. 66-113).
- Gilbert, Sir John, Werburgh Street,
in A History of The City of Dublin (1861), Vol I,
Ch. 1, pp. 37-43.
- Gilbert, Sir John, Crow Street, in A
History of The City of Dublin (1861), Vol II, Ch. 4, pp. 181-255.
- Gorman, Declan, ed., Dialogues 1996: Proceedings of the Arts
Council Theatre Review Consultations (Dublin 1996).
- Grand Opera House Souvenir (Belfast
- Gregory, Lady Augusta, Our Irish Theatre
(London 1914) ; (NY 1965).
- Gregory, Lady Augusta, Lady Gregorys
Journals, ed. Lennox Robinson (London 1946).
- Grene, Nicholas, The Politics of Irish Drama (Cambridge
UP 2000).
- Griffiths, Trevor B., and Margaret Llewellyn-Jones,
British and Irish Dramatists since 1958: a Critical Handbook
(Open UP 1993), 191pp.
- Gwynn, Aubrey, The Origins of the Anglo-Irish
Theatre, Studies, xxxviii (Dublin 1939).
- Gwynn, Denis, Edward Martyn and the Irish
Revival (London 1930).
- Gwynn, Denis, Irish Literature and Drama
(Dublin 1927).
[ top
- Hall, John B., Souvenir
of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the opening of the Gaiety Theatre,
[Dublin], 27th. November 1896 (Dublin 1896). Harvard University
- Harrington, John P., "Rude Involvement": Boucicault, Dramatic
Tradition and Contemporary Politics, in Éire-Ireland,
30, 2 (Summer 1995), pp.89-103.
- Harrington, John P., The Irish Play and the New York Stage
1874-1966 (Lexington 1997)
- Herr, Cheryl [Temple], ed., For the Land
They Loved: Irish Political Melodramas, 1890-1925 (Syracuse
UP 1991) [plays of J. W. Whitbread and P. J. Bourke]
- Higgins, Geo[d]frey, The Celtic Druids [...]
- History of the Theatre Royal, Dublin, From its Foundation
in 1821 to the Present Time, The (Dublin 1870).
- Hobson, Bulmer, ed., The Gate Theatre - Dublin (Dublin
- Hitchcock, Robert, Historical View of the Irish Stage,
2 vols. (Dublin 1788-94).
- Hogan, Charles Beecher, Eighteenth Century
Actors in the D.N.B. Additions and Corrections, in Theatre
Notebook, VI (1952).
- Hogan, Robert, Dion Boucicault (NY 1969).
- Hogan, Robert and James Kilroy, eds., The
Modern Irish Drama, A Documentary History, Vol I: The
Irish Literary Theatre 1899-1901 (Dublin: Dolmen 1975).
- Hogan, Robert and James Kilroy, eds., The
Modern Irish Drama, A Documentary History, Vol II: Laying
the Foundations 1903-1904 (Dublin: Dolmen 1976).
- Hogan, Robert and James Kilroy, eds., The
Modern Irish Drama, A Documentary History, Vol III: The
Abbey Theatre, The Years of Synge (Dolmen 1978).
- Hogan, Robert and Richard Burnham, eds., The
Years of OCasey, 1921-26: A Documentary History, Vol
VI and last of Modern Irish Drama ser. (Delaware UP; Colin Smythe
1992) [this book said to have been designed by Liam Miller].
- Hogan, Robert, After the Renaissance: A
Critical History of the Irish Drama since The Plough and
the Stars (Minneapolis: Minnesota UP 1967) [var. 1968].
- Hogan, Robert and James Kilroy, eds., Lost
Plays of the Irish Renaissance, Vol. I: The Abbey Theatre
(NY: Proscenium 1970) [also cited as California: Dixon].
- Hogan, Robert, and Richard Burnham, eds., Lost
Plays of the Irish Renaissance, Vol III: The Cork Dramatic
Society (NY: Proscenium 1984).
- Hogan, Robert, and Michael J. ONeill,
eds., Holloway, Joseph, Joseph Holloways Abbey Theatre,
(Carbondale 1967).
- Holloway, Joseph, [His] Abbey Theatre: Impressions
of a Dublin Playgoer, sel. from his unpubl. journals, ed.
Robert Hogan and M. J. ONeill (Carb. 1967).
- Holloway, Joseph, Diaries in NLI [25,000,000 words from the
late 1890s until his death in 1944].
- Holloway, Joseph, Souvenirs of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary
of the Opening of the Gaiety Theatre, 27th November 1871 (Dublin
- Hone, Joseph, The Life of George Moore
(London 1936).
- Hone, Joseph, W. B. Yeats: A Biography
(London 1942).
- Howe, P. P., J. M. Synge (London 1912).
- Hughes, Rev. S[amuel]. C., The Pre-Victorian
Drama in Dublin (Dublin 1904; NY: Franklin 1970), 179pp.
- Hunt, Hugh, The Abbey: Irelands National
Theatre 1904-1979 (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1979).
[ top
- Irish Drama Selections,
1-5 (Cath.Univ. of America Press; Gerrards Cross:Colin Smythe
1982-1991) [Lennox Robinon, sel. Chris Murray [1982] ; Denis Johnston,
chosen by Jos. Ronsley [?]; Lady Gregory, chosen by Mary Fitzgerald,
foreword Sean OCasey [?]; Brien Friel, Ervine, chosen by
Seamus Deane [N. America only]; Douglas Hyde, Ervine, chosen by
Janet Egleston and Gareth Dunleavy; George Moore and Edward Martyn,
chosen by David B Eaken and Michael Case; [ISSN 0260-7962]
- Jordan, Eamonn, ed., Theatre Stuff: Critical Essays on Contemporary
Irish Drama (Dublin, 2000).
[ top
- Kavanagh, Peter, The Irish
Theatre: Being a History of the Drama in Ireland from the Earliest
Period up to the Present Day (Tralee: The Kerryman 1946).
- Kavanagh, Peter, The Story of the Abbey
- Keane, John B., Self Portrait (Cork
- Kenny, Shirley Strum, ed., The Works of George Farquhar,
2 vols. (Oxford 1988).
- Kirkham, James Thomas, Memoirs of the Life of Charles Macklin,
2 vols. (London 1799).
- Kirkpatrick, D. L., Modern Dramatists
(Lon:St. James Press 1988).
- Klein, Nancy, Regicide and Reparation: The Autobiographical
Drama of Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery, in English Literary
Review [ELR], 21, 2 (Spring 1991), pp.257-82.
- Koslow, Jules, Sean OCasey, the man
and his plays (NY 1950).
- Krause, David, ed., The Dolmen Press Boucicault
(Dublin 1964).
- Krause, David, Sean OCasey: The Man
and His Work (London 1960).
- Krause, David, The Profane Book of Irish
Comedy (Ithaca: Cornell UP 1982).
[ top
- Lawrence, William, J., The
Elizabethan Playhouse, 2nd series (Stratford 1913).
- Lawrence, William J., Early English Stage
and Theatre Lighting, Stage Year Book, 1927
- Lawrence, William J., Irish Players at
Oxford and Edinburgh, in the Dublin Magazine, vii
- Lawrence, William J., New Light on the
Old Dublin Stage in the New Ireland Review, November
- Lawrence, William J., Notebooks for a
history of the Irish stage, University of Cincinnati Library,
Ohio; [contains notes from Irish State Papers relating to theatre
managements, destroyed by fire in 1922; used extensively by William
Smith Clark, supra.]
- Lawrence, William J., The Drama and the
Theatre, in Johnsons England, ed. Arthur S.
Turberville, II, (1933).
- Lawrence, William J., The Early Belfast
Stage, in Irish Life, April 13 1913
- Lawrence, William J., The Londonderry
Theatre, in Irish Life, April 17 1914
- Lawrence, William J., The Old Cork Stage,
in Saturday Herald (Dublin) April 18, 1908
- Lawrence, William J., Trinity and the
Theatre, Irish Times, September 2, 1922 [newspaper
cuttings, N.L.I.]
- Le Braz, Anatole, Essai sur lhistoire
du theatre Celtique (Paris 1904).
- Leerssen, Joseph Th., Mere Irish & Fíor
Gael: Studies in the Idea of Irish Nationality, its development
and literary expression prior to the nineteenth century (Utrecht:
John Benjamins 1986; rep.Cork UP 1996) [incls. copious remarks
on Irish dramatists & theatre].
History of the Theatre Royal, Dublin, from its foundation in
1821 to the present time, reprinted from Saunders
News-letter (1870).
- Luke, Peter, ed., Enter Certain Players (Dublin 1978)
[Gate productions up to 1978].
[ top
- McCann, Seán, ed., The
World of Sean OCasey (1966).
- McHenry, Margaret, Ulster Theatre in Ireland
(Phil. 1931)
- MacIntosh, Fiona, Dying Acts; Death in Ancient
Greek and Modern Irish Tragedy, with intro. pref. by George
Huxley (Cork UP 1994).
- MacLiammóir, Micheál, All
for Hecuba (London 1946).
- MacLiammóir, Micheál, Theatre
in Ireland (1950).
- McMullan, Anna, Theatre on Trial: Samuel Becketts Later
Drama (London & NY 1993).
- McNamara, B., Abbey Plays 1899-1948
- Malone, Edmond, Historical Account on the
Rise and Progress of the English Stage .. (1790).
- Malone, Andrew E., The Irish Drama 1896-1928
[London 1914] (London: Constable, 1929).
- Malone, Andrew E., The Late Development
of the Irish Drama, in the Dublin Magazine, July-September
- Mambretti, Catherine Cole, Orinda on the Restoration Stage,
inComparative Literature, 37, 3 (Summer 1985), pp.233-51.
- Molloy, J[oseph] Fitzgerald, The Romance
of the Irish Stage, 2 vols (2nd edn., 1897).
- Margulies, Martin B., The Early Life of
Sean OCasey (Dublin 1970).
- Maxwell, D. E. S., Modern Irish Drama 1891-1980
(Cambridge UP 1984).
- Meisel, Martin, Shaw and the Nineteenth-Century Theatre (NY:
Limelight 1963).
- Mikhail, E.J., A Research Guide to Modern
Irish Dramatists [Whitston Publig Co. NY 1979]
- Mikhail, E.J., An Annotated Bibliography
of Modern Anglo-Irish Drama 1899-1970 [Whitston NY, 1981]
- Moore, George, Hail and Farewell (1911-14).
- Murphy, P. J., Critique of Beckett Criticism (Columbia,
SC 1994)
- Murray , Christopher & Martin Drury, The Theatre System
of Ireland in Theatre Worlds in Motion: Structures, Politics
and Developments in the Countries of Western Europe, ed. H.
Van Maarien & S. E. Wilmer (Amsterdam & Atlanta 1998).
- Murray, Christopher, Twentieth-Century Irish
Drama: Mirror up to a Nation (Manchester UP 1997), 288pp.
[ top
- Ni Shiubhlaigh, Máire,
The Splendid Years: Recollections of M. Nic. Shiubhlaigh, as
told to Edward Kenny (Dublin: James Duffy 1955).
[ top
- OConnor, Frank, The
Art of the Theatre (Dublin 1947).
- OConnor, Ulick, Brendan Behan
((London 1970).
- O hAodha, Michéal, Theatre in Ireland
(Dublin 1974).
- OMahoney [var. OMahony], Matthew,
Progress Guide to Anglo-Irish Plays (Dublin 1960).
- OMalley, Conor, A Poets Theatre (Dublin 1988)
[history of the Lyric Th., Belfast].
- ONeill, J. J., Irish Theatrical History.
A Bibliographical Essay, in Bibliographical Society of
Ireland Publications, Vol I, No. 6 (Dublin 1907; Three Candles
Press, 1920).
- ONeill, Michael J., The Abbey at the Queens [Theatre,
Dublin] (Nepean, Ontario 1999) [full cast lists 1951-66].
- ONeill Stephen, Staging Ireland: Representations in Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama. (Dublin: Four Courts Press 2006), 256pp.
- Pilkington, Lionel, Theatre and the State in Twentieth Century
Ireland: Cultivating the People (London: Routledge 2001).
- Price, Cecil, The Dublin players, [chap.] in The English Theatre in Wales (Wales UP 1946).
[ top
- Roche, Anthony, Contemporary
Irish Drama: From Beckett to McGuinness (Dublin: Gill &
Macmillan 1995), 333pp. [0 7171 1734 0]
- Robinson, Lennox, ed., Irelands Abbey
Theatre, A History 1899-1951 (1951).
- Robinson, Lennox, ed., Irish Theatre
- Robinson, Lennox, Curtain Up (London
- Richards, Shaun, Irish Drama (Manchester
UP 1995)
- Richards, Shaun, The Drama of Ireland: An Infinite Rehearsal
(London 2001)
- Richtarik, Marilyn, Acting Between the Lines: Field Day Theatre
Company and Irish Cultural Politics 1980-84 (Oxford: Clarendon
Press 1995).
- Roche, Anthony, Contemporary Irish Drama:
From Beckett to McGuinness (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan 1995),
- Royal Hippodrome Belfast Souvenir Brochure
- Ryan, Philip B., The Last Theatres of Dublin (Westbury
[ top
- Saddlemyer, Ann, Theatre
Business: The Correspondence of the First Abbey Directors
(Oxford: Blackwell; [Gerrards Cross] 1982).
- Sahal, N., Sixty Years of Realistic Irish
Drama 1900-1960 (Bombay 1971).
- Schrank, Bernice, & William W. Demastes,
eds., Irish Playwrights 1880-1995: A Resource and Production
Sourcebook (Conn: Greenwood Press 1997), 454pp.
- Sekine, Masaru, Irish Writers and the Theatre
(Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe 1986).
- Sheldon, Esther, Thomas Sheridan of Smock
Alley (Princeton UP 1967). [Contains the Smock Alley
Calendar 1745-1754; 1756-1758, chronological and alphabetical
lists of plays performed at the Theatre Royal, Smock Alley, Dublin,
during the Management of Thomas Sheridan, compiled from contemporary
records (pp. 311-475).]
- Simpson, Alan, Beckett and Behan and a Theatre
in Dublin (London 1962) [var. 1978].
- Simpson, Linzi, Smock Alley Theatre: The Evolution of a Building
(Dublin 1996).
- Des Hickey and Gus Smith, Flight from the Celtic Twilight / (Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill [1973]), 253pp. [ports.]
- Souvenir of the twenty-fifth anniversary
of the Gaiety Theatre 1871 (1896)
- Stephenson, P. J., James Shirley and
the Actors of the First Irish Theater, Modern Philology,
xl (1942).
- Stephenson, P. J., Shirleys Publishers,
The Library, xxv (1944-5).
- Stephenson, P. J., Shirleys Years
in Ireland, Review of English Studies, xx (1944).
- Stephenson, P. J., Dublin Theatre Notes
(MS read before Old Dublin Society, 1949). Pearse St. Lib.
- Sternlicht, Sanford, A Readers Guide
to Modern Irish Drama (Syracuse UP 1998), 196pp.
- Stockwell, La Tourette, Lirendas
Miserie, in the Dublin Magazine, new series, v (July-September
- Stockwell, La Tourette, Dublin Theatres
and Theatre Customs 1637-1820 (Kingsport, Tennessee: Kingsport
Press; New York: Benjamin Blom, 1968).
- Stockwell, La Tourette, New Light
on the Werburgh-street theatre, in the Dublin Magazine (October-December
- Stockwell, La Tourette, Shakespeare
and the Dublin Pirates, in the Dublin Magazine (July-September
- Stockwell, La Tourette, The Dublin
Pirates and the English Law of Copyright, in the Dublin
Magazine (October-December 1937).
- Stockwell, La Tourette, Dublin Theatre and
Theatre Customs 1637-1820, (Tennessee 1938; reprinted NY &
London 1968) [Includes the following appendices: I] Theatrical
Manuscripts of the Seventeen Century, Public Records Office, London;
Theatrical Manuscript Records of the Eighteenth Century, Office
of the Registry of Deeds, Dublin; Manuscripts of the Eighteenth
Century Pertaining to the Personal Affairs of Actors and Actresses,
Office of the Registry of Deeds, Dublin; Miscellaneous Manuscripts.
II] Newspapers. III] Pamphlets IV] Periodicals.
V] Plays. VI] Printed Works.
- Stockwell, La Tourette, Hand List of the
Dublin Editions of Shakespeares Plays, in Dublin
Magazine (July 1928).
- Strong, L. A. G., John Millington Synge
(London 1941).
Theatre Ireland (? -).
- Stubbs, W. C., The Weavers Guild,
in the Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, 6th
series, vol 9 (1919) [includes information of early theatrical
[ top
- Thaler, Alwin, Strolling
Players and Provincial Drama after Shakespeare, in PMLA,
XXXVII (1922).
- Thaler, Alwin, Shakespeare to Sheridan:
A Book about the Theatre (Cambridge Mass. 1922).
- Trotter, Mary, Irelands National Theaters:
Political Performance and the Origins of the Irish Dramatic Movement
(Syracuse UP 2001), 232pp.
- Truninger, A., Paddy and the Paycock: A
Study of the Stage Irishman from Shakespeare to OCasey
(Berne: Francke, 1976).
[ top
- Ure, Peter, Yeats the Playwright
(London 1963).
[ top
- Van Lennep, William, The
Smock Alley Players of Dublin, in A Journal of English
Literary History, xiii (1946).
- Victor, Benjamin, The History of the Theatres of London and
Dublin, 2 vols. (London 1761).
[ top
- Walsh, T. J., Opera in Dublin
1705-1797: The Social Scene (Dublin 1973).
- Walsh, T. J., Opera in Dublin 1798-1820: Frederick Jones
and the Crow Street Theatre (Oxford 1993).
- Watt, Stephen, Joyce OCasey, and the
Irish Popular Theater (1991).
- Welch, Robert, The Abbey Theatre 1899-1999: Form and Pressure
(Oxford 1999) [draws on the unpub. plays in NLI and Abbey
- Wearing, J. P., The London Stage, 3 vols
1890-1899, 1900-1907; 1910-1919 [q.d.]
- Weygandt, Cornelius, Irish Plays and Playwrights
([Constable] London 1913).
- Wheatley, Christopher, Beneath Iernes
Banners: Irish Protestant Drama of the Restoration and Eighteenth-Century
(Notre Dame UP 2001), 176pp.
- White, H.R., "Merely Players", Gaiety Theatre
Dublin, 70th Anniv., (1941)
- Wolfe, Francis R. Theatres in Ireland
(Dublin Amateur Defence Assoc., 1898; 2nd ed.). NLI.
- Worth, K[atherine], The Irish Drama of Europe
from Yeats to Beckett (London: Athlone Press; Atlantic Highlands,
New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1978).
[ top
- Yeats, W. B., Autobiographies
(London 1955).
- Yeats, W. B., Dramatis Personae (London
- Yeats, W. B., Explorations (London 1962).
- Yeats, W. B., Plays and Controversies
(London 1923).
- Yeats, W. B., ed., Beltaine, 1-2
- Yeats, W. B., ed., Samhain, 1-2
[ top
] [ top ]