John Corry - Memoirs of John Corry
Odes and Elegies (1797)

[ Available as .pdf at Lurgan Ancestry - online; ded. by the web creator Andrew McElroy to his mother Charlotte (Loretta) McElroy. It is reproduced here using the Print Scrn command in Windows using Paint Shop and Dreamweaver to re-frame it in RICORSO.

Note: The text reproduced here cannot be treated as word-processor-friendly and should be copied manually to Notepad, MS Word, or another such programme for use as text. The version given can be printed and scanned for OCR recognition in Omnipage or another such programme.

No copyright claim is made on behalf of Ricorso and full acknowledgements to Andrew McElroy for his work is intended by this homage. Links to his website have been provided.]

Available at Andrew McElroy’s Lurgan Ancestry web-site - online.