C. C. Barfoot & Theo D’haen, eds., The Clash of Ireland: Literary Contrasts and Connections [DQR Studies in Literature 4] (Amsterdam & Atlanta GA: Rodopi 1989), pp.281.

CONTENTS, C. C. Barfoot & Theo D’haen, Introduction [1]; Bart Westerweel, ‘Astrophel and Ulster: Sidney’s Ireland’ [5]; Juan E. Tazón Salces, ‘Politics, Literature and Colonization: A View of Ireland in the Sixteenth Century’ [23]; Peter J. de Voogd, ‘Uncle Toby, Laurence Sterne, and the Siege of Limerick’ [37]; C. C. Barfoot, ‘Deserting the Village’ [52]; J. Th. Leerssen, ‘How The Wild Irish Girl Made Ireland Romantic’ [98]; Marek van der Kamp, ‘J. M. Synge’s Tir-Na-Nog’ [118]; Peter van de Kamp, ‘Yeats’s Magic and Manipulation’ [125]; P. Th. M. G. Liebregts, ‘Yeats and Homer’ [153]; E. J. van Hulst, ‘Tradition and Transformation in Rilke and Yeats’ [172]; Wim Tigges, ‘Ireland in Wonderland: Flann O’Brien’s The Third Policeman as a Nonsense Novel’ [195]; José Lanters, ‘Jennifer Johnston’s Divided Ireland’ [209]; Tjebbe A. Westendorp, ‘Songs of Battle: Some Contemporary Irish Poems and the Troubles’ [223]; August J. Fry, ‘Confronting Seamus Heaney: A Personal Reading of His Early Poetry’ [234]; Geert Lernout, ‘The Dantean Paradigm: Thomas Kinsella and Seamus Heaney’ [248]; Ruud Hisgen & Adrian van der Weel [265], ‘On Translating Kinsella into Dutch. Contributors [&c.]

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