Claire Connolly, ed., Theorizing Ireland [Readers in Cultural Criticism] (London: Palgrave 2003), 215pp.

General Editor’s Preface vii; Acknowledgements ix; Claire Connolly , ‘Introduction: Ireland in Theory’ [11]; Seamus Deane , ‘Heroic Styles: The Tradition of an Idea’ [14]; Angela Bourke, ‘The Virtual Reality of Irish Fairy Legend’ [27]; Patricia Coughlan, ‘“Bog Queens”: Representation of Women in the Poetry of John Montague and Seamus Heaney’ [41]; Shaun Richards, ‘To Bind the Northern to the Southern Stars: Field Day in Derry and Dublin’ [61]; Luke Gibbons, ‘Narratives of the Nation: Fact, Fiction and Irish Cinema’ [69]; Terry Eagleton, ‘Changing the Question’ [76]; Joe Cleary, ‘Misplaced Ideas? Colonialism, Location and Dislocation in Irish Studies’ [91]; Siobhan Kilfeather, ‘Sex and Sensation in the Nineteenth-Century Novel’ [105]; Chrisopher Morash, ‘Tantalized by Progress’ [114]; Clair Wills, ‘The Politics of Poetic Form’ [125]; Richard Kirkland, “In the Midst of All this Dross”: Establishing the Grounds of Dissent’ [135]; Colin Graham, ‘Subalternity and Gender: Problems of Postcolonial Irishness’ [150]; David Lloyd, ‘The Spirit of the Nation’ [160]; Summaries and Notes [173]; Glossary [202]; Further Reading [205]; Notes on Contributors [210]; Index [212]

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