Ronald Schleifer, ed., The Genres of Irish Literary Revival (OK [Oklahoma UP]: Pilgrim; Dublin: Wolfhound 1980), 193pp., with index

>CONTENTS: Introduction: Schleifer, ‘Reviving Genres’ [3]; Edward Hirsch, ‘”Contention Is Better Than Loneliness”: The Poet as Folklorist’ [11]; Anthony Roche, ‘The Two Worlds of Synge’s The Well of Saints’, [27]; Declan Kiberd, ‘The Fall of the Stage Irishman’[39]; Schleifer, ‘George Moore’s Turning Mind: Digression and Autobiographical Art in Hail and Farewell’ [61]; Jackson I. Cope, ‘Joyce’s Waste Land’[93]; Thomas F. Staley, ‘A Beginning: Signification, Story, and Discourse in Joyce s “The Sisters”’ [121]; Bernard Benstock, ‘Chronology and Narratology in Sean O’Casey’s Beginnings’ [139]; Terence Brown, ‘After the Revival: The Problem of Adequacy and Genre’ [153]; Hugh Kenner, ‘Thomas Kinsella: An Anecdote and Some Reflections’ [179]; Contributors [189]; Index [191].

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