Kate Trumpener, ‘The National Tale and the Historical Novel in the Age of Waverley’ (1993)

Bibliographical details: Kate Trumpener, ‘National Character, Nationalistic Plots: The National Tale and the Historical Novel in the Age of Waverley, 1806-1930’, in English Literary History, 60, 3 (Fall 1993).

‘Still affected by the desperate unrest of the 1790s, Ireland […] proved inauspicious for the birth of realism, but sufficiently shattered, tortured and self-defeating for the birth of a novelistic proto-modernism instead.’ (p.690; quoted in Luke Gibbons, ‘Some Hysterical Hatred”: History, Hysteria and the Literary Revival’, in Irish University Review, Spring/Summer 1997, pp.9; cited in Gaïd Girard, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu: Une écriture fantastique, Honoré Champion 2005, p.21, n.4)

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