Ashis Nandy, The Intimate Enemy: Loss and Recovery of Self Under Colonialism (OUP 1983)

Quoted in Susan Bazargan',Mapping Gibraltar : Colonialism, Time, and Narrative in "Penelope"’, in Molly Blooms: A Polylogue on "Penelope" and Cultural Studies, ed., Richard Pearce (Wisconsin UP 1994), pp.119-38; p.123.

The homology between sexual and political dominance which Western colonialism invariably used … was not an accidental by-product of colonial history. … The homology, drawing support from the denial of psychological bisexuality in men in large areas of Western culture, beautifully legitimized Vtirope's post-medieval models of dominance, exploitation and cruelty as natural and valid. Colonialism, too, was congruent with the existing Western sexual stereotypes and the philosophy of life which they represented. It produced a cultural consensus in which political and socio-economic dominance symbolized the dominance of men and masculinity over women and femininity. ( p.4)

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