Viscount Samuel, Book of Quotations (2nd edn] (London: James Barrie 1954) Preface records that the author he began when he was eighteen the practice of noting down passages fro whatever books I happened to be reading. No, at over eighty, the collection runs to several thousands. I did this in order to have at hand a record of ideas and phrases which seemed to me noteworthy and to which I might want some day to recur, and not with any thought of publicatin. But it occurred to me a few years ago that other people might be interested in a Book of Quotations made out of this material; so I condensed it by about half, and arranged the entries under suitable headings, with full indexes of subjects and authors.
Bernard Wasserstein (1992) Herbert Samuel: A Political Life (Oxford: OUP): He liked to think of himself as a modern version of Francis Bacon: But Samuel was not really a polymath: his analytic intelligence was constrained by a middlebrow aesthetic and by an imagination that [...] seldom rose beyond the pedestrian. (Wasserstein 1992: 402). quoted in Finn Fordham [Royal Holloway], Utopia, Palestine, and Partition: Herbert Samuels An Unknown Land (1942) [draft essay, 2016].)