R. Dudley Edwards & T. Desmond Williams, eds., The Great Famine (1956)

Bibliographical details: R[obert] Dudley Edwards & T[homas] Desmond Williams, The Great Famine: Studies in Irish History 1845-52 (Dublin: Browne & Nolan 1956), 517pp.; Notes, pp.437-98; Select bibliography, pp.499-509; Do. [reiss.] (NY: Russell & Russell 1976), 517pp.;o  Do. [rep. edn.] (Dublin: Lilliput 1994),  xxvii, 523pp., ills., maps ; 22 cm; Bibl. Refs., p.499-516; Index.

Foreword; Introduction to the New Edition; Table of Contents; Illustrations
Chap. I: R.B. McDowell, ‘Ireland on the Eve of the Famine’: I. Population and Rural Life; II. Industries and Communications; III. Central and Local Government; IV. Sickness and Poverty; V. The State and Education; VI. The Churches; VII. The Political Scene.
Chap. II: by E.R.R. Green, ‘Agriculture’: I. Introduction; II. Tillage; III. Grazing and Dairy-Farming; IV. The Western Seaboard; V. Suggested Remedies; VI. The Famine and After.
Chap. III: Kevin B. Nowlan, ‘The Political Background’: I. Introduction; II. The Coming of the Blight~; III. The Season of Crisis; IV. the Irish Party; V. Tenant-Right and Repeal; VI. Kindness and Coercion; VII. the Months of Revolution; VIII. Conclusion.
Chap. IV: Thomas P. O’Neill, ‘The Organisation and Administration of Relief, 1845-1852’: I. Introduction; II. Sir Robert Peel's Relief Scheme, 1845-1846; III. Relief By Public Works, 1846-7; IV. the Soup-Kitchens, 1847; V. Poor Law Relief, 1847-52; VI. Conclusion.
Chap. V: Sir William P. MacArthur, ‘Medical History of the Famine: I. Introduction; II. General Description of the Diseases which Became Widely Epidemic in the Famine; III. Characters of the Epidemic Diseases. IV. Medical Organisation and Arrangements. V. Disease in Hospitals, Workhouses and Gaols; VI. Fever Acts, and Temporary Fever Hospitals; VII. Activities of the Board of Health and Local Authorities; VIII. Attempts to Limit the Spread of Infection; IX. Outbreak of Cholera; X. End of the Famine Epidemics; XI. The Census of 1851; XII. Conclusion.
Chap. VI: Oliver MacDonagh, ‘Irish Overseas Emigration during the Famine; I. Introduction; II. Landlord-Assisted Emigration; III. Government Policy and State Aid for Emigration; IV. Assisted Emigration to Australia; V. Shipping and the Voyage; VI. The Irish in British North America; VII. The Irish in the United States of America; Appendix I. the Volume of Overseas Emigration. [Note: This chapter named ‘Irish emigration to the United States of America and the British colonies during the famine, in 1956 edn.]
Chap. VII: Roger McHugh, ‘The Famine in Irish Oral Tradition’; I. Introduction; II. The Blight; III. Food During the Famine; IV. Relief: Food and Work; V. Disease; VI. Death and Burial; VII. Changes in the Irish Countryside; VIII. Conclusion.

Notes; Select Bibliography; Bibliography to the New Edition; Copyright.

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