A. |
Abbey Theatre The, 8.
Abraham, J. Johnson, 171, 187.
‘Adventurer, The,’ 161.
‘AE’,’ 20.
Alcock, Miss Deborah, 143, 150.
Anderson, Sir Robt. 108.
‘Andrews, Thos., Szipbuilder,’ 105
Ands Farmer. An’ 208.
Armagh Hymnal, The, 142.
Printing in, 83.
Volunteers, 92, 108, 145.
Ashbourne, Lord 212, 213.
Austin, Alfred, ’105.
Autographs, More about, 46.
‘Avoca,’ A History, 208. |
[ top
B. |
Back Lane Parliament, 38.
Ball, F. Elrington, 211.
Barker, I. F., 105.
Barron, Philip, 57, 77.
Bedell, Bishop, 100.
‘Belfast Boy, The,’ 12.
Belfast Printing, 15.
‘Story Of,’ 193.
Bell, John, 91.
Belmore, Earl of 176.
Berkeley, Hon. Grantley, 28.
Bernard, Dr., 103.
Bigger, F. J., 36, 54, 124.
Birmingham, G. A. (Canon Hannay), 10, 17, 32, 120, 127, 128,
Birr, htatute in, 36.
Blacker, Col., 163.
Blacker, Rev. B. H. 211.
‘Blarn Ballads, he ’ 197.
‘Bogg-Witticisms;,’ 311.
Book Catalogues, 214.
Book Sales 126, 177, 204. .
Bossuet’s Works, 212.
Bradshaw, Henry, 162.
Brady, Cheyne, 173, 197.
‘Brefny, Folk Tales,’ 122
Brewer’s ’ Beauties of Ireland,’ 212.
Brooke, Rev. R. S., 211.
Brooke, A. S., 158.
Brooks, Sydney, 20.
Bryce, James,, 87.
Brown, Stephen, J., 143.
Brown, J. G., 213.
Buckley, Jas. 56, 83.
‘Buile, Suibhne,’ 183.
Bull, Printer, 53.
Burke, Edmund, 209.
Burke, Genl. T. F., 107, 124.
Butler, Archer, 209.
Rat, Isaac, 208.
Butt, Isaac, 158, 190, 210, 211.
Byard, E. J., 63 151, 187.
‘By the Brown Bog,’ 208. |
[ top
C. |
C.J.S., 99, 113.
Cameron, Sir Charles, 142.
Cambell, A. A., 49, 92„ 109.
Carleton, Will (junr.), 145.
Carrick, Prining, 161.
Carte, 108.
Casaide, Seamus ua, 15, 53, 59, 80, 126, 145.
Catalogues, Chat on, 136.
‘Causidicus,’ 107.
Cavan Printing, 165.
Clarke, Marcus, 6.
Cn., J., 109, 160, 211.
‘Clonmel Advertiser, The,’ 72.
‘Printing in, 42.
‘Cluster of Shamrocks,’ 12.
Colgan John, 4, 21, 22, 23, 24.
Colhoun, David, 48.
Colum, Padriac, 20, 64, 194.
Conroy, Archbishop, 4.
Cooke-Taylor, Mr., 8.
Cork Printing, 12, 97, 125.
Costello, T. B., M.D., 149.
Cotton, Archdeacon, 24.
Craig, R. M., 213.
Craig, W. J., 134.
Cranley, Archbishop, 102.
Crichton, F. E., 69.
Croker, Crofton, 8.
‘John Wilson, 192.
Cromwell, Oliver, 51.
Crone, Dr. J. S., 27, 39.
Crosby Papers, The, 212.
‘Cross of Shamrock, The,’ 34.
Cullybackey congregation, History of, 207. |
[ top
D. |
’ D.N.B., 80, 116.
Dalton, John Paiul, 198’.
Dargan, William, 144.
D’Avaus M. le Count, 173.
Davis, Thomas, 210.
Dempsey, Rev. P., 69, 208.
Derry Printing, 9L .
De De Vere, Aubrev, 46.
Dictionary of National Biography, 80, 116.
Dilke, Sir Chas., 210.
D’Israeli, Benjamin, 28.
Dix E. R. Mc. C.,, 1, 12, 16, 25, 32, 51, 59, 62,’ 72,.83, 91,
98, 116, 135, 149, 188, 200.
Donovan, Rev. J., 58.
Dowden, Pfbfessor, 46, 167, 185.
‘Dreamer, The,’ 199.
Drogheda, Printing in 1.
Dublin, Books, etc., Printed in, 32.
‘Debating Society, 209.
‘Directories, 33, 72, 91.
‘Printing, 53, 71, 90, 93, 107, 108, 141.
‘University Magazine, 161, 173, 211.
‘Duffy’s Fireside Magazine,’ 41.
Duffy, Gavan, 26.
Dugan, Mr.. C. W., 32.
Dungannon Printing, 188.
Dunsany, Lord, 181. |
[ top
E. |
Eakin, J. H. 91.
Edgworth, Aiobe, 177.
Eaan; Father 131..
Elllis, Mrs. H’avelock, 85.
Ellis, Sir Whittaker, 177.
Emmet, Robt., 163,’ 164,209,. |
[ top
F. |
Fahey, Msgr., 131.
Falkiner, Caesar-Litton, 134.
‘Father Ralph,’ 188.
Fenianism, History of, 108.
Fenelly, Rev. Mr., 57.
Fermanagh, History of, 109, 12t.
‘Fidelis,’ 144.
Finnan, Jeremiah, J., 143, 172.
Fitzgerald, Percy, 195.
Fitzpatrick, Thos., 89.
‘Fitzstewart, Bannside,’ 165.
Fleming,, Thomas, 22.
Flood, . H. G., 14, 40, 53, 71, 93, 161.
Folds, John S., 77.
Forster, John. 211.
Franciscan’s Library, The, 3, 21.
Franckton, John, 82, 141.
Fraser, James, 28.
Fraser’s Magazine, 28.
Furlong, Rev. Johnathan, 57. |
[ top
G. |
’Gadelica,’ 143.
‘Galway, In,’ 118.
Galway Printing, 69.
Gamble, John, 7. .
Gaultier, Bfarony of,’ 208.
Gautimozin ’ 107..
‘General John Regan,’ 190.
Gibbons, Margaret, 105.
Giffard, Sir A. H., 38.
Gilbert, Sir John, 9.
Glynn, W. John, 147.
Gaggm, Stephen, 200.
Goldsmith, Oliver, 194.
Gowdie, Robt., 17, 53..
‘Grabbum, Downfall of,’ 158.
Graves, A. P., 10, 65, 198, 202,
Graves, 0. L., 205.
Grattan, 209.
Gray; G. J., 65.
Greacan, Nathaniel, 290.
‘Green-covered Monthly, The,’ 111.
Green, Mrs. J. R.,’ 137.
Gregory, Lady, 178; 190, 194.
Gregory, Padriac, 194.
Gwynn, Stephen, 111, 132. |
[ top
H. |
Haliburton, Judge, 173.
Hamilton, Win. Tighe, 16..
‘Hamper of Humour,’ 157,
Hanna, J. W., 92.
Harding, Edward, 176.
Hayes, Sir H. B., 73, 161.
Hayes, Dr. Thomas, 197.
Hayes, Mr. James, 32.
Hemans, Mrs., 99.
Hempton, Mossom, 91.
Henley, Thovdore, C., 196.
Hibernian Musical Review, 14
Hickey, Rev. W., 34.
Hickey, Miss E., 153, 214.
Hickie, 126.
Hogan, Rev. Edward, 8.
Holloway, Joseph, 92.
Hone, J. M.,, 8.
Hull, Eleanor, ’86, 185, 203
Hunt, B., 122. |
[ top
I. |
’I Will go Back,’ 21.
‘Image, The,’ 190.
‘Ireland in London,’ 11
‘Ireland’, Beginning of Modern,’ 70.
Ireland, MSS. Relating to, 64.
Irish Academy, Royal, 174.
‘Irish Book Lovers,’ 132.
Irish Books at Cambridge University, 17.
Irish College, The,, 77.
Irish Country Song, 63.
Irish Drama and Dramatists, 37.
Irish Fairy Tales, 108.
Irish Funeral Entries, 82.
Irish Literary Society, 8, 27, 49, 65, 85, 89, 118, 137, 153,
169, 171, 202.
Irish MSS. 174.
Irish Monthly, 42.
Irish Morgans, 191.
Irish Novelists, New, 187.
Irish Parliament, 125.
Irish Plays and Playwrights,’ 157.
Irish Texts Society, 4. |
[ top
J. |
James, Henry, 192.
Jebb, DrDr., 107.
Jones, Wm. Todd, 73, 92, 106. |
[ top
K. |
Kelly, R. J., 131.
‘Keltic Journal,’ 125, 147.
Kenealy, Dr., 209
Keogh Wm., 210.
Kernoian, J. W., 16 122, 145.
Kilkenny Printing 97.
‘Kilrea, Parish, of’ 122.
King, Archbishop.
Kirkpatrio’s History of Orangeism, 124.
Kirkpatrick, T. P., M.D., 13.
Knox’s Letters, 12t.
Kuttner’s ’Briefe uber Irland,’ 123. |
[ top
L. |
L.E.W., 71.
Larne Printing, 91.
Latimer, W. T., 7, 17, 54, 73, 173.
Lavery, John, 31.
Law, Arthur, 176.
Lawrence, W. J., 15 33, 82.
Lea’s ’Eclesiastical Registry,’ 211. .
Lecky, Mrs., 11.
Lecky, W.E.H.,49.
Ledestown Press, 98.
Lee, Sir Sidney, 117, 210.
Leech, John, 46.
Lefanu, Joseph, 210, 211
Leslie, Charles, 9.
Letts, Miss W. M., 120, 206.
Levinge, Godfrey, 112, 173.
‘Limavady, Records of,’ 121.
Limerick, Excursion to, 203.
Siege of, 9.
Linu, Capt. R., 146.
Liturgy, French Edition of, 93.
Lockhart J. G., 27. Loftus, 1kv. Mr., 57.
Louvain, College of St. Anthony at, 4.
Lover, Samuel, 37.
Lowry, Mary, 193.
Lynam, Col., 161.
Lynd, Robert, 68.
Lyons, Dean, 57, 78.
Lyons, J. C., 98,, 173. |
[ top
M. |
R.S., 54.
Macaulay, Lord, 9.
AMacAuliffe, M. A., 195.
MacCoy, Rev. Edward, 131.
MacDonagh, Frank 211.
Macdonnell, Randal, 199.
MacGill, P., 21, 106, 141.
MacHale, Archbishop, 57, 78, 132.
Maclise, Daniel, 28.
Madden, Dr. 27, 109.
Magee, Archbishop 209.
Maginn, William, 117, 52.
Mangan Clarence, 26, 168.
Marshall, J. J., 36.
Mayes; Wm., 73.
MoBri’de, Rev. John, 16.
McCalmont’s Press, 91.
‘McCanoe, Young,’ 34.
McCarthy, Justin, 47, 170.
McCurry, S. S., 123.
McGoverni J. ~., 209.
McLoughlm, Rev. Jas., 22.
McNevin T. 210.
Meehan, J. F., 50.
Meehan, Rev. O. P., 23, 25, 71.
‘Men of ’48,’ 31.
Monaghan Printing, 200.
Monypenny, Wm. Flavelle, 85, 146.
Moore, George, 13.
Moore, Thomas,, 28, 32, 47, 163.
Morgans, The Irish, 191.
Moriarty, E. A., 123.
Mulcahy, Denis Dowling, 55.
Mullingar Printing, 112.
Murphy, Bishop.
Murray, John, 19%%.
Murray, R. H., 104. |
[ top
N. |
Newstead 15.
‘Night Nurse, The,’ 187. |
[ top
O. |
O’B., 0., 5, 24.
O’Brien, William., 17.
O’Byrne, Owen, 132.
O’Cbllaghan, E. B., 101.
O’Callaghan, J. C., 8.
O’Clery, Keyes, 213.
O’Clery, Michael, 4, 21.
O’Donoghue, D. J., 11, 33, 34, 35.
55, 168, 190, 197, 211.
O’Donovan, Dr., 184.
O’Durry, Eugene, 22, ’23, 58, 78, 174
O’Durry, Gerald, 188.
O’Hanion, Canon, 25.
O’Harney, Thomas, 78.
O’Hegarty, P. S., 93.
O’Hickey, Thomas, 78.
O’Keefe, Mr. J. G.,, 183.
O’Leary, Patrick, 160.
O’Molloy, Rev. Francis, 59.
O’RahilI,v, T. F., 175.
Orange Minstrel, The, 163.
Orange Society, 164.
O’Reilly, Andrew, 73.
O’Reilly, Father, 3 22.
O’Reilly, Michael.
Orrery, Lord 47.
O’Sullivan, Father Daniel, 78. |
[ top
P. |
Papers, First Irish, 61, 97.
Farhament, Back Lane, 3tS
Peddle, Mr. R. A., 32.
‘Peep-o-Day Boys,’ 123.
Perry, Jennie, 152.
Petty, Sir Wm., 103.
Pilkingbons, The, 50.
‘Playboy, The,’ 7.
Plunkett, Count, 8.
Plunkett, Sir, H., 154.
‘Poets of Ireland,’ 11, 35.
Porter, Rev. Jas., 17.
Power, Dr. D’A., 5.
Powell, Humphrey, 108, 107.
Printing in Armagh, 83.
Printing in Printing in Belfast, 15.
Printing in Carrick, 161.
Printing in Cavan, 165.
Printing in Clonmel, 42, 72.
Printing in Cork, 12 9ll, 125.
Printing in Derry, 91.
Printing in Droghda, 1.
Printing in Dublin, 32, 53, 71, 90, 93, 107. 108, 141.
Printing in Dungannon, 188.
Printing in Galway, 59.
Printing in Kilkenny, 97.
Printing in Larne, 91.
Printing in Ledestown, 98.
Printing in Monaghan„ 200.
Printing in Mullingar (Ouilean), 112.
Printing in Rossana, 16, 54.
Printing in Roundwood, 53.
Printing in Strabane, 48, 114, 134.
Printing in Tralee, 147.
Printing in Waterford 53 ’, 97.
Printing in Youghal, 4.
Private Press, A Hitherto Unknown, 112. |
[ top
Q. |
Quigley, Rev. Hugh, 34. |
[ top
R. |
Rathmore, Lord, 209.
‘Rambles in Ireland,’ 68,
Rea, John, 13, 37. ..
rebellion of 1798, 17.
Red Hand of Ulster,’ 32.
Reid, Forrest 68.
Reid, Capt. M?ayne, 47.
Reid, Dr. Thos., 5.
Reviews, 11, 32, 51, 68, 88, 112, 141, 157, 172, 193; 206.
Revolution, Tracts and Broadsides, 190.
Robinson, Joseph, 200.
Roe, Peter, 77.
Rolleston;, T. W., 153, 202.
Rolt-Wheeler Ethel, 118, 168.
Ronan, Mr. Jas., 125, 147.
Ronayne, Rev. Mr., 57
‘Rose and De Rupe,’ 14.
Rossana, Press, 16, 54.
Russell, Father M., 41, 62, 88.
Russell, George, 20.
Russell, Hon. G. W. E., 209.
Russell, Lord John, 48.
Rutherford Mark, 157.
Ryan, Fred 196. 198.
Ryan, W. P., 20. |
[ top
S. |
’Sailm Daibid,’ 51.
Saunders, George, M.D., 175.
Scott, D. M., 35.
Scrap Book, Our, 126, 178.
Seaoome, John, 106.
Shanks, Jas., 208.
Shaw, Wm., 207.
Sigersoxn, Dr. Geo., 31.
Sirr, Harry, 108.
‘Songs from Leinster,’ 206.
‘Spring Days,’ 13.
Stephens, James, 68, 95.
St. Fechin, MS., Life of, 124.
Stevens’, John, Journal, 104.
Stokes, Whitley, 163.
Storey, George, 9.
Strabane Printing, 48, 114, 134.
Strickland, Mr. W. G., 16.
‘Siuibhne Geilt, Adventures of,’ 183.
Sweeney, Myles, 160.
Swift, Dean, 47, 49, 50.
Synge, Archbishop, 172.
Synge, J. M., 7, 70, 127, 128, 155, 170, 198. |
[ top
T. |
Taylor, Fanny,, 39.
T.C.D., Bicentenary Celebrations, 10.
T.C.D., Medical Teaching at, 13.
Terny-Athlone Herald, 179.
Thackeray, W. M., 28, 29.
Thomson., Hugh, 193.
‘Times’ An Irish 151.
‘Tinker’s Hollow,’ 69.
Tone, Wolfe, 209.
Tralee Printing,,149.
Tulloch, Miss Jessie, 195.
Tynan, Katherine, 66., 128, 198. |
[ top
U. |
Ulster Rural Rhymsters, 91. |
[ top
V. |
Ventry Harbour, Battle of, 212. |
[ top
W. |
Wadding, Luke, 22, 24.
Wallace, Vincent,, 40, 52.
Ward, Hugh, 4, 21.
Wardell,’Professor, 191.
Warwick, Archibald, 17.
Waterford Printing 53, 97.
Waterford during Civil War, 89.
Waterford Parochial History, 121.
Watson Wm., 170.
‘Wee buld Wean, The,’ 152.
Wellington, Duke of, 48.
West, Sir Algernon, 210.
West, William, 36.
‘Wexford Insurgent, The,’ 160.
Weygandt, Cornelius, 157.
Whelan, J. A., 14.
Wilde, Oscar, 7, 85.
Wilkinson, James, _36.
Williamite Wars, The, 8, 56, 72.
Williams, Barney, 92.
Wilson, C. H., 55.
Wilson, Philip, 70.
Wodow MS., The, 16.
Wolseley, Lord, 160, 174.
Woods, Edward, 14.
Wright, `Rev. W. B., 196. |
[ top
Y. |
Yeats, W. B., 7, 202.
Youghal Printing in, 24.
Young, Filson, 51. |