To celebrate the centenary of Ulysses - published on February 2nd, 1922, RICORSO has created a series of tools and resources for student readers the nove in this index page to the Joyce related contents of the wider website and some teaching-specific texts developed at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland and now introduced at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte [UFRN] in Brazil.
The main contents of this index include a Rapid Read edition of Ulysses consisting of short extracts from each chapter; a summary of the characters and events of each, and a copy of the Gilbert/Linati Schema for Ulysses which Joyce provided (with notable variations) to his friend Stuart Gilbert and his Italian translator Carlo Linati. The Table of Contents of this Index is available lower on this page - infra.
Beside the teaching material in that table, the Index supplies links to a full-text copy of Ulysses in the 1960 Bodley Head reset edition. This may be read in conjunction with the annotations to the Odyssey Press edition of 1939 which forms the copy-text for Sam Slotes annotated edition of Ulysses (2017; enl. 2022 - of which the former is available in Kindle).
There are numerous resources online for the study of Ulysses and for Joyce Studies more generally - including classic works of annotation and criticism (i.e., exegesis and analysis) and numerous blogs. A listing of these and other resources such as library collections - often with albums of holographs and photos - supplied on RICORSO Reference page James Joyce.
You can that page by navigating through RICORSO > Authors > James Joyce away from this page - or else view them within the Classroom frame (just like the page you are reading now). Select References in the function bar at the top of every screen, or browse the other categories of information and record.