Irish Literature in English

Courses taught by Dr Bruce Stewart
at the University of Ulster in 2006-07


The courses made accessible here represent the final state of those listed as they stood at the end of the academic year 2006-07. All of the textual material derived from authors and commentators incorporated in these pages is also available under the authors concerned in RICORSO - the wider Irish-studies website of which the Classroom section forms a part adjacent to the Archives.

The latter is largely an A-Z browsable source of biography, bibliography, commentary, and notes on Irish writers of all periods with addition areas in the form of libraries of original and critical texts. In this character, it is a useful tool for both graduate and undergraduate researchers post-doctoral too!). The lecture materials given here, along with some of the texts quotes, are, however particular to these teaching pages and are best approached as the courses and lecture-series they were designed to serve.

BS Jan. 2025

Telling Stories: Narrative Genres of Irish Literature Post-colonial Fiction in English
Major Authors: Yeats, Joyce & Beckett 3rd Yr Dissertation: Independent Study
Dr. Bruce Stewart (MA, PhD., RDip Cam.)
Emeritus Reader at University of Ulster [UU];
Assoc. Prof. at Federal Univ. of Rio Grande do Norte [UFRN]

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