Updates Logbook

These pages were initially created to demonstrate to funders the scale of editorial work single-handedly conducted by the compiler of this website at a time when support was sought to re-establish the PGIL-EIRData project. Listings in the Current Session have been comparatively intermittent up to the time when the website was transferred to a portable USB in circa March 2008. From late 2009, the logging of file updates has been routine and comprehensive.
Although strictly extraneous to the scholarly contents of the website, the Updates Logbook has been kept in place if only because, at some future time, it may be necessary to show evidence of the editorial contribution to the website before and after the cessation of work on PGIl-EIRData and the construction of the RICORSO website from the same materials. It is also, of course, a matter of pride on the part of the editor to display the scale of labour involved in maintenance this website.

Current Session (Ricorso) Old Session (EIRData)

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