Eamonn Andrews
Life 1922-1987; b. 19 Dec., ed. Holy Faith Convent, in Liberties, and Synge St. CBS; insurance clerk; took Irish middleweight boxing title, 1944; full-time sports broadcaster, 1946; moved to London 1950; BBC presenter;Whats My Line and This is Your Life; News Chronicle Award for top TV personality, 1956, 1957; estab. Broadcasting Theatrical Productions, later Eamonn Andrews Studios; advised Irish government on television, 1959; part-time chairman of Broadcasting Authority (RTÉ), 1960-66; RTÉ launch, 31 Dec. 1961; Irish business connections including Gaiety Theatre, recording studios, dance hall; Knight of St Gregory, 1964; commander of Order of British Empire, 1970; d. London hospital, 5 Nov. 1987.
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Commentary Cardinal DAlton, addressing the public on RTÉ on the first night of TV broadcasting (31 Dec. 1961): [Andrews] made it clear that he would be a very unhappy man if he sponsored anythign that would be either corrupting or might be a cause of scandal ... I am sure that he and the director-general, Mr. Roth, can be depended upon to provide programmes that will be enlightening, entertaining, reflecting high ideas, and not presenting us with the caricature of irish life such as we have had from some of our writes in recent years. (Quoted in R. F. Foster, Luck and the Irish: A Brief History of Change 1970-2000, London: Allen Lane: 2007, p.39.)
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