G. V. Brooke

1818-1866 [var. 1867; Gustava Vaughan Brooke]; tragedian, first appeared at Dublin, 1833; with Macready at Drury Lane, 1849; played Othello, Shylock, Richard III, Virginius, Hamlet, and Brutus in the plays of Shakespeare; toured United States and Australia; suffered misfortunes as manager of Astor Place Opera House, New York; drowned at sea; there are cuttings relating to him in the Belfast Linenhall Library (Marshall/Bigger Collection). ODNB


University of Ulster Library
holds Life of Gustava Vaughan Brooke by W. J. Lawrence [PN 2601 9]; number 332 of 500 printed copies. The volume gives his death-date as 1867; it includes a reference to the Old Belfast theatre.


Kith & Kin : his first name suggests kinship with Henry Brooke (1705-1783; q.v.), author of the celebrated tragedy Gustava Vasa: Defender of His Country (1739).

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