Agnes Campbell
Life 1886-?1954; [early pseud. Una Ní Cathill, var Śna Ó Cathill]; b. Cookstown, Co. Tyrone; ed. Convent of Mercy; lived in Worthing, Sussex; New Tales for Old, pp.157, two types of story, ancient and modern, set around Lough Neagh, and orig. published as Tales My Father Told (1944) and More Tales my Father Told (1946). IF2
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Works Śna Ó Cathill (pseud.), More Tales my Father Told (London:
Faber & Faber 1944; 1946), ill. Richard Kennedy, 75pp., 8o.; New Tales for Old. Tales my Father told, More Tales my Father Told, and Some New
Stories (London: Faber & Faber 1956), ill. Richard Kennedy, 157pp., 8o.
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Notes Older namesakes incl. Countess of Argyll, author, with Alexander Julius,
of In illustrissimam Dominam Annam Duglasiam, Comitissam Argathelię, morbo diem supremum obeunti Sabbatho nostro 3. Maij 1607. circiter meridiem,
epicedium (1607); contemporary namesakes incl. Report on Public Baths and Wash-Houses in the United Kingdom 9(Edinburgh, 1918), and, with Annie Broomhall Cunning, The Healthy Girl (OUP; Hodder &
Stoughton 1916).
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