Mrs. Rundle Charles
1828-1896; dg. of John Rundle, banker and MP; m. Andrew Paton Charles, a lawyer, 1851; musician, poet, painter and author; translated hymns; issued 16 stories, historical and religious (Sunday School writer, acc. S. Brown, S.J.), incl. Joan the Maid; a novel, Attila and His Conquerors (1894), based on the chronicle of St. Leo and telling of St. Patricks encounter with druids in Britain and other matters showing superior virtues inculcated by Christianity; bur. St. John's, Hampstead, London. IF
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Works The Voice of Christian Life in Song; or, Hymns and Hymn-writers of Many Lands and Ages (NY: Robert Carter & Brothers 1859); The Three Wakings and Other Poems (1859); The Chronicles of the Schönberg-Cotta Family (1863); Poems (1867); Songs Old and New (1882). Also Our Seven Homes; Autobiographical Reminiscences of Mrs. Rundle Charles (1897).
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References Website at Cyper Hymnal. (Information supplied by Grace E. Jacobs.)
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