Thaddeus Connellan

?-1854; author of Irish philological works. ODNB


Máire Mac an tSaoi, Introduction to Hardiman’s Irish Minstrelsy (Shannon: IUP 1971), pp.v-xii: ‘He [Hardmian] is entirely silent on the existence in print before the appearance of Irish Minstrelsy of a series of song-books, Fonna Seanma and others, put together by Thaddeus Connellan, a Sligo Protestant and prosletyzer, which contains versions, often more attractive ones, of many of the pieces here.’ (p.vii; ftn: see Dr. Donal O’Sullivan's Thaddeus Connellan and his books of Irish poetry [n.d.])


Belfast Linen Hall Library holds The King’s Letter, trans into Irish.

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